Hello everyone
I have recently found and joined this wonderful forum, and after about 2 to 3 months of research I want to express here my gratitude towards ALL of the people which gave me insight into this wonderful Tesla Technology especially Peter Lindemann and John Bedini.
I wanted to post this stuff in the Radiant Energy thread but I thought that it might be better to open a new thread to discuss how this Radiant energy flows and comes in the circuit.
Well I was a bit confused about this Radiant Energy or ZPE of whatever you call it. I am quite convinced that we are living in a sea of energy which also acts like a liquid or like a gas, but I don't understand where it flows or how it flows. Some like Bearden for example calls it negative energy, but how does it flow, does it flow backwards? from the load to the source? or does this mean that only it behaves differently. Or maybe this means that this energy is the primary cause for everything and other matter and positive energies are a product of it. Does the term Negative Energy Equal the Aether?
Lack of consistent terminology made me progress slowly into understanding these zero point principles. I think that we must make clear where this energy comes from and how it flows. Does it flow beside the the normal amperes in every circuit or does it burst ONLY in the switch closure. So if it is in the switch closure does it flow through the circuit or fire away like sparks or lightening? Or can we make it run along the circuit?
The last questions regarding this radiant energy is related to the Bedini stuff.
I have been convinced that Bedini's Systems behave differently but after very much investigation and reading it seems that there is little consistency in explaining the place of the Radiant Effect. I mean in what part of the circuit is this produced? I have done experiments that verify just switching a coil in a system increases the amount of charge in it thus I know that the energy of the collapsed field is from the aether. But Bedini talks about the importance of the magnets. Do the magnets deliver any aetheric energy to the system? There is another explanation which talks about the effect happening inside the battery.
You see that there are at least three explanations of where the radiant is triggered.
1- From the wheel magnets.
2- From the Magnetic collapse of the coil.
3- Happens inside the battery (cold boiling).
I have concluded myself that maybe the all three are happening at the same time when the device is working. Because if it is happening inside the battery then IMPEDANCE MATCHING does not make sense. So we must match the impedance of the coil with the battery to maximize the Radiant transfer or Radiant Trigger? I have experimented with coils with high impedances and they do not charge batteries although creatingg impulses about 400-500v.
So if we charge a capacitor and blow it to the battery we do not need impedance matching do we? Because the battery is fed with the capacitor and does not get the energy from the coil directly. A confusion also arises. Are these particles aetheric, which can be stored in a capacitor?!
I mean is this charge sitting on the capacitor different from conventional charges or is that normal charge being blown to the battery to make the radiant effect happen in the battery? Some talk about the total separation of the radiant circuit and the conventional circuit to trigger the event a necessity. Is this correct? I mean does a normal DC/DC converter produce radiant energy? (Charge Pump)
Sorry about so many questions I presented but I did not find CONSISTENT explanation about where the radiant effect happens? Where is it brought to the circuit? some say that there is a skin effect and the aetheric particles flow over the skin of the wire but I didn't quite understand what they meant by this because I already knew that electrons flow along the skin of a wire.
I think that the answer to these questions should be made clear if we want better expansions of these inventions.
I have recently found and joined this wonderful forum, and after about 2 to 3 months of research I want to express here my gratitude towards ALL of the people which gave me insight into this wonderful Tesla Technology especially Peter Lindemann and John Bedini.

I wanted to post this stuff in the Radiant Energy thread but I thought that it might be better to open a new thread to discuss how this Radiant energy flows and comes in the circuit.
Well I was a bit confused about this Radiant Energy or ZPE of whatever you call it. I am quite convinced that we are living in a sea of energy which also acts like a liquid or like a gas, but I don't understand where it flows or how it flows. Some like Bearden for example calls it negative energy, but how does it flow, does it flow backwards? from the load to the source? or does this mean that only it behaves differently. Or maybe this means that this energy is the primary cause for everything and other matter and positive energies are a product of it. Does the term Negative Energy Equal the Aether?
Lack of consistent terminology made me progress slowly into understanding these zero point principles. I think that we must make clear where this energy comes from and how it flows. Does it flow beside the the normal amperes in every circuit or does it burst ONLY in the switch closure. So if it is in the switch closure does it flow through the circuit or fire away like sparks or lightening? Or can we make it run along the circuit?
The last questions regarding this radiant energy is related to the Bedini stuff.
I have been convinced that Bedini's Systems behave differently but after very much investigation and reading it seems that there is little consistency in explaining the place of the Radiant Effect. I mean in what part of the circuit is this produced? I have done experiments that verify just switching a coil in a system increases the amount of charge in it thus I know that the energy of the collapsed field is from the aether. But Bedini talks about the importance of the magnets. Do the magnets deliver any aetheric energy to the system? There is another explanation which talks about the effect happening inside the battery.
You see that there are at least three explanations of where the radiant is triggered.
1- From the wheel magnets.
2- From the Magnetic collapse of the coil.
3- Happens inside the battery (cold boiling).
I have concluded myself that maybe the all three are happening at the same time when the device is working. Because if it is happening inside the battery then IMPEDANCE MATCHING does not make sense. So we must match the impedance of the coil with the battery to maximize the Radiant transfer or Radiant Trigger? I have experimented with coils with high impedances and they do not charge batteries although creatingg impulses about 400-500v.
So if we charge a capacitor and blow it to the battery we do not need impedance matching do we? Because the battery is fed with the capacitor and does not get the energy from the coil directly. A confusion also arises. Are these particles aetheric, which can be stored in a capacitor?!

Sorry about so many questions I presented but I did not find CONSISTENT explanation about where the radiant effect happens? Where is it brought to the circuit? some say that there is a skin effect and the aetheric particles flow over the skin of the wire but I didn't quite understand what they meant by this because I already knew that electrons flow along the skin of a wire.
I think that the answer to these questions should be made clear if we want better expansions of these inventions.
