fender amp?
Very interesting,
Isn't he using a Fender amplifier to produce an audio signal in the inductor coil?
Can we use any amplifier to produce this effect. I have a older one in my shop but not with as many controls as he shows.
Will need more info,
No announcement yet.
44% Overunity and Scalable
here I think
Hi Dave not sure if this worked?
The more coils I hook up the better the charge.
Bi-filars draw less.
If you don't hook up the negative of the pulse motor ,the super caps charge ,as well as the #2 position good battery.
When the negative of the motor is attached , the dead battery charges ,but the primaries and the super caps drop.
I'm using my motor ,but did a short test with Matts'....plan on doing more.
Matts' works ,but charges faster , but draws more off primaries.
If you stiil have Matts motor you should give this a try.
Just wish I had more time ,this working for a living sucks!
artvLast edited by shylo; 01-25-2014, 11:44 AM.
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Can you post a drawing or schematic of what your setup looks like?
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Try to edit
I suck at computers!
Forgot to mention ,I wound 4 bifiliar coils out of 2 of the heavier wire MOT coils, the more coils you add , the better the output.
Also got sick of unwinding and winding , that I connected 4 more coils as is ,also increased output.
All coils were hooked in series.
The bifiliar coils draw the batteries down less though.
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My apoligies
Hi folks , Well I was wrong ,the collector brushes do nadda.
Its the pulse motor ,I used my motor ,Matt Jones' ,and a stock.
With the pulse motor ,you can charge cap banks for free.
You need to connect a bi-filiar coil to the negative lead of the supply ,and the other lead to the casing of the motor.
The magnetic field of the coil fluxuates with the pulse motor, but I couldn't get the ring magnet to rotate.
Also you can just put One Lead of an LED ,to the casing connection , And it lights???? The other lead of the LED isn't connected to anything????
Very strange....artv
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Cook use's some kind of supply.
My supply still use's , but it is strictly a by-product , of what were using anyway.
The collector brushes that power the pancake coils ,that create the magnetic field ,that effect the permanent magnet is free.
Actually the coil creates less of a draw than just the motor.
Still more things to try, but this with the 3BGS, And the added collector brushes, Is where I'm headed.
I tried a regular coil (out of a MOT) and it drew the battery down, the Bifiliar still draws it down ,but the field is stronger ,and draws less.
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Thanks tak22,
That's why I was concerned about his input power measurements.... it's not pure DC and he only used a meter - only an oscilloscope would have revealed the truth about the supposed input power.
Still think it's something worth looking into though.
Originally posted by tak22 View PostFound this after a bit of digging ...
While the apparatus design was successful, an important input measurement error was discovered, thus the experimental results will need to be retested and the paper appended...
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From Over Unity, about a year ago.
Jeff Cook Paper
thought it was of use, but they digress to his toy car catapult.
still good , but I'm interested only in the energy production parts.Last edited by BobBrown; 09-05-2013, 04:51 PM.
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Found this after a bit of digging ...
In the paper, “Experiment on the Linear Increase in Efficiency with Multiple Moving Magnets over Pulsed Inductors” I, the author, described and measured an experimental apparatus in attempt to discover whether or not the efficiency of such a system would increase linearly with an increase in the number of generator-turning magnets and an increase in frequency, as previous experiments had suggested the hypothesis could very well be valid. The result was that it increased exponentially, and that aspect of the paper remains intact despite the measurement error. By filtering the input power (but not the output power) to the system, such that at each increase in frequency the input power would in turn reduce with an output power increase, such a successful experiment would surely be telling of an over-efficient system, perhaps even self-sustaining systems could be a practical technological reality. While the apparatus design was successful, an important input measurement error was discovered, thus the experimental results will need to be retested and the paper appended...
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Hi David I just tried altering an old thread of mine which I managed eventuallyso here's the MO
click to edit as you would do normally however at this stage you then need to click “go advanced” wait for the page to reload .. you can then alter and change anything … including most importantly “the header” .I hope this helps you out.
@ Shylo yeah Its a huge COP isn't it. I did give it a quick try with a toroid I had in the garage .. the forces seem to act just as Jeffrey shows. However its obvious he's spent years testing and developing so there's obviously lots of ground to cover, glad your having a go at it , I'm up to my eyes with some HF stuff related to the 3BGS system, but I'll certainly join you with this prospect as soon as I can. Please keep posting your observations I'm very interested in this effect.
Best wishes Duncan
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The coil
Hi All, This thread is incredible!
I currently have my bifiliar coil , a pancake fluxuating polarity with the running of my motor . When connected it actually makes the motor draw less , than without.
I tried placing a big neo-ring magnet over it to see if it would spin.
But I think the mass of the magnet is too much for the strength of the little coil I have. My coil is only a single layer, not sure of the guage, I have 3 different ones ,tried em all.
His coil is ~ 6.5 outside dia. 1.75 thick , I don't have 30awg but will try to wind with the heavier wire from MOT , close to that size and see what happens.
Or should I use the thinner wire?
Just the thicker stuff is easier to unwind.
I'll probably end up trying both....artv
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If I understand correctly, it is the strength of the magnets which determine the torque they produce. The rotation speed I believe he says remains the same regardless of the strength of the magnets.
In his experiment, he says he put in 0.003 Watts and got out 0.13 Watts. Not much power but it could scale up.
If it actually works, you could make a bigger coil and place much more powerful magnets around it. With large enough torque, you may be able to produce significant amounts of energy. But to power a house, that would probably take one really big coil.
There must be a better way to extract the energy more efficiently than with a motor/generator setup.
Originally posted by ewizard View PostI haven't dug into this much so far (but did save the video) but does anyone think this could be scaled up to usable power? i.e. run a house or at least your 120 volt devices. I would just need something that can charge a battery bank --> Inverter --> house power.
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Yes that's always the absolute proof with any claim like this is whether it can be looped. Generally from what I've read anything that is roughly 200% or more OU can be looped so 4400% should be easy to loop. You might need a DC-DC regulator but even if that loses 20% or so you'd still have lots of energy to spare.
I haven't dug into this much so far (but did save the video) but does anyone think this could be scaled up to usable power? i.e. run a house or at least your 120 volt devices. I would just need something that can charge a battery bank --> Inverter --> house power.
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Hi Duncan,
My mistake, I thought he calculated that from extrapolating the two motor test but looking back at it, he got 4400% with just 2 motors! How much larger would it have been with all five?
I would have liked to have seen a scope shot of the input voltage and current. Just to make sure his meter was reading it correctly.
So from my understanding:
1) The more magnets, the higher the efficiency of each individual motor.
2) The more magnets, the efficiency increases EXPONENTIALLY.
3) The more magnets, the less power the input coil uses.
3) Connecting the motors in series without a capacitor causes strange behaviors to occur in the motors.
The motors he were using are also have pretty poor efficiency. I wonder if this system could be looped to run itself?
Originally posted by Duncan View Postsilver to gold.... I am not at all sure if "estimated" is the right term here as it seems to me that the results are actually measured by Jeffery with instrumentation and a load resistance, It seems to me from what Jeffery says that any number of motors could be added making the "estimated" energy from the machine ... at least in theory unlimited. (size permitting).Last edited by SilverToGold; 09-04-2013, 03:55 PM.
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