Hendershot Capacitor Build:
Here are some pics of my build process.
This was the choice of caps I had.
The one with the plastic cover was out of a Blaupumkt colour TV and knew it was damaged as the aluminium container had split but used this as an example of what was inside.

Chose this one as it appeared to suit the bill nicely as it was 4" in length - note the ruler at right hand side.
Removed the top with a small hacksaw and immediately saw that it was centralised in the big can by tar and so had to heat to remove but was much easier then expected.
The tar simply came away once cut off with the first paper wind.
Note the different sizes and the voltage ratings and my choice was the higher voltage but the difference was the huge gap inside.

This is the aluminium foil after cleaning which was also simply done under a running tap using a kitchen scourer but gently.
The cap as Hendershot made had two ends 1" apart at the centre and this is showing how I joined contacts to the cap foil by using pie dish 0.1mm aluminium and used it bent over with the cap foil inside the bend and simply poked a sharp scriber through many times to make contact and this appears to have worked well and is similar to what the manufacturer actually does.
Capacitor value was close to the 7,800pF that Hendershot achieved but note here the length just happened to be just over 182" and all I had to do was cut in half to get the 91" required.

Final shot of the finished product and you can see the two cap leadouts at rhs unit.
The two transformers used here are also from the Blaupunkt and are horizontal driver types (had two) which would be directly equivalent to what Lester was using.
My 'resonator' here is a 4 volt Multivibrator and was the setup that accidentally gave an 11kv spark due to a loose and sparking joint.
However was not able to make the unit resonate.
300 to 500 Watt output and 43khz gets a mention.

Hope this helps in some way and was fun to build and mess with but had to go on to better possibilities which I am currently working on.
The 'resonator' is my only problem here and have not come up with one that can actually induce a voltage into the twin coils.
A great learning experience.
Good luck with your builds.
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