Originally posted by Ufopolitics
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In my previous past posts, I stated that there must be a capacitor at each gate to produce max performance and efficiency.
As UFO stated,
For "Reality" testing with simple available means...if we add more Supercaps to our Battery Banks without Switching On-Off Like I did on video...Caps will become a Load to be charged, decreasing Motor performance..and...once Caps are charged...Batteries will become a Load, a Resistance for Caps to disburse Energy...You observed that on my video right?
In my Third Video I show Batteries and Caps within same Gates, same circuit...plus I show at end of Series discharge run test...how batteries offer resistance to the Performance.
In my Third Video I show Batteries and Caps within same Gates, same circuit...plus I show at end of Series discharge run test...how batteries offer resistance to the Performance.
This is the premises of my whole reasoning: The voltage from the battery dictates the RPMs of the motor through the capacitor circuit. The problem lies within the battery receiving a charge from the generator action. The battery cannot receive a charge like super capacitors can. This negates some the efficiency of the system, causing a much more rapid decay.
I know that the hybrid capacitors banks are on Orthodox but everything that we have been doing has not been main stream!

Kogs wrote in his last post
The Super caps charge very fast they still get their energy from the Battery unless you have blocking diodes stopping them from feeding off the batteries so they get their energy from the Gen portion of the Motor.
Even if the batteries and super Caps are parallel with each other they still can not last longer than the total of the battery capacity plus the energy that is produced by the gen action of the motor less what it takes to run the motor
Even if the batteries and super Caps are parallel with each other they still can not last longer than the total of the battery capacity plus the energy that is produced by the gen action of the motor less what it takes to run the motor
We have two options for the hybrid for testing; 1.) lipos with an extremely high C-rating. Or 2.) diodes to block the charge into the battery.
I think we are omitting a valuable piece of this puzzle without trying it first.
Keep it Clean and Green

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