Originally posted by Ufopolitics
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My Asymmetric Electrodynamic Machines
Originally posted by prochiro View Postlaserjo
If you are speaking of a four stator motor I believe that as the 20 pole diagram shows 5 pole coils, the 16 pole should be 4 poles per winding as 16 is divisible by 4. I would initially plan that number but wait to confirm by UFO which should be coming along shortly.
You are right on 20 poles having Five Pole per Coil option that I did a CAD previously...however, just because I did not feel right about the G2 last Coil Bisector, falling almost at South Bisector...I went ahead and did a CAD for Four Pole Coils, where it looks more "relaxed" ...and that is the BOSCH you guys have seen on video.
Kind Regards Friend
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Originally posted by laserjo View Postthanks Dana it is four stator i see their is a 14 pole diagram now if i understand
what ufo is saying i think it will be 3 poles and 3 coils but not sure.
You've got it right...
It is also a 3 and 3
So basically same explanation as for previous 14 Poles apply...same exact thing, different number of poles.
This 16 Poles is pretty popular, and I still did not had it complete...but I finished for You...please keep Us updated, that is all we want in return.
Thank You and Enjoy
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Originally posted by prochiro View Postlaserjo
If you are speaking of a four stator motor I believe that as the 20 pole diagram shows 5 pole coils, the 16 pole should be 4 poles per winding as 16 is divisible by 4. I would initially plan that number but wait to confirm by UFO which should be coming along shortly.
what ufo is saying i think it will be 3 poles and 3 coils but not sure.
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A great development...
Originally posted by Lightworker1 View PostHello UFO I liked video about this 750W Asymm-Motor for one so much because it will even make layman (say traditional electrician working say on the airconditioning systems) not beleive what is front of him he watching.
I have also watched All North Aymm-Motor Concept. I think, I will want to wind my Imperial Motor Kit All North too.
Lately I had fair number of mishaps, but I also learned from you, "No sweat! not end of the world. Will redo again."
About one month back I setup torque unit to go with my Massive Goldmine Motor, using 5 POLE DUAL PENTAGON ASYMMETRIC MOTOR WITH CAPACITORS
Post #3964 (permalink) Old 02-10-2013, 02:36 PM
Just as I thought atlast will be able represent comprehensive experimental data about this motor, my power supply died. Earlier my Tek2430A stopped working. As for Tek, I might look into atleast all the Power supply voltages are ok. I have ordered a neat little 2-125vdc power supply unit to act as controller and use multiple power transistors to boost the current and will be Arduino controlable.
Torque Unit
Will get all this up and running.
Good Luck to All who are putting all that R&D on this thread. we will reach our destination soon.
Hello Lightworker!
Wow!, that is great!
To be able to make such small Dyno for our testing would be a great step for our Machine development my Dear Friend!!
And it looks awesome, very professional and pretty looking too!
Kind Regards
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Originally posted by Ufopolitics View PostHello to All,
Below is the Video I just finished uploading to YT:
And here is my Video Description in YT:
The Video above is a simple proof of wrong concepts We all have learned in our Electric Engineer Universities, or even in lower level technical Schools...if We are based on that "rigid", locked in time Model, adopted and considered "the one and only" for over One Hundred and Thirty Years by our Dogmatic Sciences, bought out/Financed, by Families which Institutions are based mainly, on Oil Investments Capitals...Cartels.
Then, the Model above brakes all rules established by those twisted and closed systems concepts acquired for too long by now...
Based on those old, dark, locked concepts, this Video then tends to become "unbelievable"...or merely be classified within the "Impossible to be"...A rated Category within the "Science Fiction" ...or could even be accused of being a Hoax, a Fraud...made under some special effect software, or some kind of tricks.
But it is not any of the above...it is completely real.
The Machine was modified, re-wounded and constructed based on a "Disregarded", by actual Science, Method of "Open, Asymmetrical Systems" conceived all the way back in the 1800's...and fully developed by Nikola Tesla.
Therefore, it is impossible, based on a Closed System, that activates simultaneously, all the looped, closed coils within its rotor/armature, to believe those two tiny batteries could even move that 4.39 lbs Machine rotor/shaft, plus all magnetic drag generated between Rotor Core and Stators, adding all mechanical friction involved (Bearings,Brushes, etc)...Then it will be much less conceivable to run it for over Twenty Five (exactly 25:27) Minutes at steady over 350 Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) without suffering any decay through whole track, just because it is an achievement, an operation, those two little batteries could never fulfill based on that system.
Those Two -small capacity- AA Batteries are "Engineered"-according to our "Dogmatic Science chosen Model"- to run, a much, but much smaller little motor...and only for "around" Fifteen (15) Minutes Maximum.
However, If I would be to engineer an Open System, where Only the actuating/interacting Coils that create motoring propulsion, would be turned on, one at a time, and just for a few nano seconds, and so on, a succession of other independent coils in a sequence, everyone at specific timings...each with low resistance values...then it would be possible within the same exact machine to obtain the results seen on this video.
It is not Science Fiction, it is not a hoax...We all have been blinded following one single possibility for too many years, and from generation to generation.
It is about time to become Divergent from those obsolete Models, and open our eyes and minds to develop this other hidden side of knowledge.
I have also watched All North Aymm-Motor Concept. I think, I will want to wind my Imperial Motor Kit All North too.
Lately I had fair number of mishaps, but I also learned from you, "No sweat! not end of the world. Will redo again."
About one month back I setup torque unit to go with my Massive Goldmine Motor, using 5 POLE DUAL PENTAGON ASYMMETRIC MOTOR WITH CAPACITORS
Post #3964 (permalink) Old 02-10-2013, 02:36 PM
Just as I thought atlast will be able represent comprehensive experimental data about this motor, my power supply died. Earlier my Tek2430A stopped working. As for Tek, I might look into atleast all the Power supply voltages are ok. I have ordered a neat little 2-125vdc power supply unit to act as controller and use multiple power transistors to boost the current and will be Arduino controlable.
Torque Unit
Will get all this up and running.
Good Luck to All who are putting all that R&D on this thread. we will reach our destination soon.
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Wow thanks Ufopolitics you are the best.You posted that faster than my last post. About five words a minute.
Big thanks,
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son of a biscuit eater!!
Originally posted by Ufopolitics View PostHello Wantomake,
Try to align magnets or brushes (RS Motor has pretty good alignment movement on brushes, After You cut with a blade the plastic sticking out notches on the Brush Caps)...Magnets are harder to align, unless you are using two clips/springs spreaders.
The Alignment you are gonna make is setting further away the North Magnet from the first coil being fired bisector(center), this way Motor will work Higher Percentage on Attract Mode, rather than Repulse.
If You could, please try with 12 Turns per coil, instead of eight(8).
We all know that resistance (R) is directly related to Amperage (I)...and Relation between both parameters is "Inversely Proportional", meaning, the more resistance, the Less Amp draw....as the Less Resistance the more Amps drawn.
This Machines do NOT brake, nor alter, any of this Laws as Ohm or Kirchhoff's...
On my first video where I compare N-S Pairs Versus All North, I used same exact spec's on both motors, and it was 30 awg, and 25 Turns per Coil, meaning, 50 per Pair, that rendered 1.3 Ohms at Pair ...(go to minute 1:43 on video link above, where is written)...so according to this winding look at amp draw...then compare with the All North.
We will have to play with this values according to our applications, till we find the perfect gauge-turns ratio...realizing that heavier gauge and smaller turns will deliver higher torque and faster speeds...but also higher amp draw.
I will be uploading soon your 1950 Delco Dynamo 14 poles Drawing...
And, son of a biscuit eater, (shouting at myself) as we say here in S.Carolina. My second winding was 12 turns. I rewound it last night with 8 turns to test for the heating problem. But I'll rewind back to the 12 turns. Sorry to question you but is the 12 turn more efficient than the 8 turn?
With all of the realignment and setup of coils, brushes, etc on the delco generators that I would have noticed that. Oh thanks for the cad for the old generator. I ordered a new set of coils(4) for it.
Will need to order a few supercaps for the testing. I have two 80wv 1800 uf and one will charge up (3.5 vdc)to twice that of the (1.8vdc)input. The other connected to opposite end only charges to (0.5vdc) don't know why but it's very exciting to see that!!
Thanks again,
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Wantomake 14 Poles...
Hello Wantomake,
Ok, here is the Winding Diagram, procedure, on the 14 Poles 4 Stator 1950 Delco Dynamo, beauty you are building:
First, the way this winding spreads around rotor is:
Each Coil in Group will wrap around Three (3) Poles, and Three (3) Coils forms a Group.
Like in all this type of winding, the proper way to time Machine, is to display Two Coil being fired simultaneously, to compare Bisectors of both Groups.
1-Group "entering" in contact according to Rotation (R), we will align its First Coil (1) Bisector as close as possible to North Stator Bisector (center)
In this case, G1 and G8 would be the Groups entering in contact with Motor Brush.
2- Then We Must check on "Leaving" Groups end Coils (in your design, #3), making sure they are NOT Aligning its Bisectors with the South Bisectors.
This leaving Groups on this design are G2 and G9.
3- You must wind this as I explain on video, doing G1-G2 then G8-G9 and so on, in order to balance copper weight as also to have equal magnetic fields-coils sizes, on both 180º apart firing coils.
So You will complete one Full side when you reach and complete G7...and the final winding would be G14.
I marked both of this final starting slots for both ending Groups at each side, G7 & G14 in green.
Any questions, let me know.
Thanks and Regards
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If you are speaking of a four stator motor I believe that as the 20 pole diagram shows 5 pole coils, the 16 pole should be 4 poles per winding as 16 is divisible by 4. I would initially plan that number but wait to confirm by UFO which should be coming along shortly.
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hi all just watched your video ufo great now i know how to wind
this new machine the problem is all my old motors i wound are 16 pole
and as yet i have not seen a diagram for one .not sure how many groups
etc can any one help thanks
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Hello Wantomake
Originally posted by wantomake View PostGood morning to All,
The RS 5 pole is a great learning and to experience. I set the magnet alignment to the factory setting as advised. But the motor heated up to 96° and the batteries up to 100! I know this is due to quick amp drainage. Trying different magnet alignment should slow the heat build-up, correct?? No I didn't use amp setting on meter to see amp draw. But will today.
I rewound armature with 8 turns and 26 awg RS wire. No bindings inside the motor, it turns freely. Using two double A new batteries. Also rewired battery holders with copper plate ends and thicker awg wire.
Any advice sure would help,
Hello Wantomake,
Try to align magnets or brushes (RS Motor has pretty good alignment movement on brushes, After You cut with a blade the plastic sticking out notches on the Brush Caps)...Magnets are harder to align, unless you are using two clips/springs spreaders.
The Alignment you are gonna make is setting further away the North Magnet from the first coil being fired bisector(center), this way Motor will work Higher Percentage on Attract Mode, rather than Repulse.
If You could, please try with 12 Turns per coil, instead of eight(8).
We all know that resistance (R) is directly related to Amperage (I)...and Relation between both parameters is "Inversely Proportional", meaning, the more resistance, the Less Amp draw....as the Less Resistance the more Amps drawn.
This Machines do NOT brake, nor alter, any of this Laws as Ohm or Kirchhoff's...
On my first video where I compare N-S Pairs Versus All North, I used same exact spec's on both motors, and it was 30 awg, and 25 Turns per Coil, meaning, 50 per Pair, that rendered 1.3 Ohms at Pair ...(go to minute 1:43 on video link above, where is written)...so according to this winding look at amp draw...then compare with the All North.
We will have to play with this values according to our applications, till we find the perfect gauge-turns ratio...realizing that heavier gauge and smaller turns will deliver higher torque and faster speeds...but also higher amp draw.
I will be uploading soon your 1950 Delco Dynamo 14 poles Drawing...
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Heat build-up
Good morning to All,
The RS 5 pole is a great learning and to experience. I set the magnet alignment to the factory setting as advised. But the motor heated up to 96° and the batteries up to 100! I know this is due to quick amp drainage. Trying different magnet alignment should slow the heat build-up, correct?? No I didn't use amp setting on meter to see amp draw. But will today.
I rewound armature with 8 turns and 26 awg RS wire. No bindings inside the motor, it turns freely. Using two double A new batteries. Also rewired battery holders with copper plate ends and thicker awg wire.
Any advice sure would help,
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The last video
I just caught your last video UFO that says it was loaded 11 hours ago. Well it works for me!
I could really give a damn what the neysayers have to say. I am moving forward. I am sure that the imperial will be twice as impressive.
Good on ya.
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Originally posted by DadHav View PostHello Richie. I have some Goldmine motors and liked the looks of a new one that looks like it has bearings and a large shaft,
but after finishing the RS motor and doing some testing, I don't think I want to work on another motor for a while. I was able to duplicate UFO's tests in the videos pretty closely but as you know I always have completely different interpretations of what's going on and I'm not willing to spend pages arguing with anyone over a five dollar motor and this concept anymore. I'll just tag along for a while and see how things go.
Your here, almost 4 months late, but I'm glad you finally showed up! Be cool!
By the way Richie you mentioned a hybrid Goldmine motor with NN and Neo, has anyone ever done this or is it something that you think would be a good venture?
John, no one has done it and I would really like to see you make the Neo 52 Goldmine! After that, you are free to go or stay without any "CHEERLEADING" from me
Keep it Clean and Green
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