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  • #31

    It has been a while since I thought of all that energy/trv group, etc... stuff Kevin mentioned.

    I had bought a whole library of the mindtek cd's and listened to them obsessively. I had been looking for some missing friends for about 7-8 years at that time with no luck. It was in about 2001 I believe. I was working at a health food store (few years before I bought my own store) and I knew the girl I was looking for was from somewhere in FL. I called one friend in Florida and asked him to call all the xxxx's and xxxxxx's in his area code to see if anyone happened to be related. Both her married and maiden name. I couldn't remember where her husband was from. Anyway, he asked me, "What are some numbers that come to you?" I repeated a 4 digit number and he told me. Write those down, something tells me they will mean something...something like that. I wrote them down.

    After getting home that day, I typed in her name into yahoo people search and the first page that came up... I think it was the 7th listing on that page both her name and city and the last 4 of the phone number were the same 4 numbers that came to me earlier that day. Nobody answered but I was so pumped that I found my mom so I could tell her about this. I was staying at my parents house at this time right after I moved out of my house on the other side of town. As I was telling her this, she said I had some mail and I checked and it was a brochure from psitech about the trv kit but I couldn't afford it at the time but I thought that was the way I would find my friends with TRV. It sounded very fascinating and I guess I was on the mailing list since I was a mindtek customer.

    I wound up reaching the woman listed and it wasn't the one I was looking for but after years of searching and talking to many people, she was the only one that gave me some info on who I was looking for. That blew my mind.

    Anyway, I kept searching off and on for the next few years and around august 2003 or so, I was in my store on the computer and it suddenly pops in my head to search for a trv kit on ebay. One was placed on there within minutes of me searching. I couldn't beleive it! I won the bid, nobody else bid and got it for $330 so that was $170 cheaper than buying it from the psitech company. I was jacked out of my mind. Anyway, I got it and obsessively trained daily and was nailing targets left and right. I knew it was for real and I made it through all 100 or so training targets in the workbook in about a month and a half or so.

    Off and on for a long time I would visit the TRV yahoo group and learned a lot of tips and tricks there and there were a few people commenting on impossibilities with energy technologies and water gas production, etc... I felt it was my duty to make sure they knew that what they thought was impossible was not only possible but I had done it and their interpretation of thermodynamics would never cover open systems. Anyway, it got pretty heated and so I thought I would simply put everyone on the spot by offering a challenge that anyone who will follow some directions can build what they thought was impossible. A few people responded but the only person who followed through and actually took me up on it was Kevin. Over all that time working with Kevin over the net and phone on the battery charger, he never knew that I had purchased my trv kit from him! LOL I don't think I even told him after PATHS until last fall or so and he had to have me repeat that a few times for him to realize more of the synchronicities between us.

    I wound up getting the advanced kit from the company and learning that and did pretty good but mostly did practice targets. Anyway, I never used it to find my friends.

    I bought a domain name of my friend's name and thought it was only a matter of time until someone searches their own name to see what comes up.

    In the summer of 2004, I was in Sedro Wooley, Washington for a weekend get together on private land with bands, exhibitors, camping, etc... The day I got there, my girlfriend at the time and I went driving waiting for my other friend to show up. We were running a mobile oxygen bar that we own.

    Concrete, Washington was nearby and I always wanted to visit it because about 7-8 year before that, I had a dream I was sitting next to a gravel pile next to a big dump truck car port thing. I was in the car and asked some woman walking by where I was, she said Cement City. I woke up and grabbed a map and opened right to Washington state and my left finger was on Concrete Washington. Close name but not the same until I searched the internet and found it used to be called Cement City until it merged with a neighboring town and became Concrete. I wrote the chamber of commerce to send me info from there wondering why I dreamed of this place.

    Anyway, from Sedrow Wooley, we drove to Concrete, went to a trading post, looked around, took pics and drove back. We stopped at a grocery store to get some snacks. I went towards the back to use the bathroom and a guy was pushing out a pallet of stuff to put on the shelves. I moved aside and he looked at me and said, "Didn't we play pool together in spokane last week?" We sure did! He told me his name was Chris and I happened to play pool with him downtown last week 325 miles on the other side of the state. Anyway, driving back to the camp I thought it was a trip that I was running into Chris again and kept repeating that in my mind. RUNNING INTO CHRIS AGAIN. And I thought it wouldn't have happened unless we went to Concrete to make the timing work out perfectly and we wouldn't have gone there if I didn't have that dream to pique my curiosity.

    After we got back to the camp sight, I get a phone call. This day happened to on the DAY OUT OF TIME according to some Mayan Calendars and only happens once a year and that night incredible beautiful northern lights. What a magical day!

    The phone call was from some guy. Is this Aaron? Yes. This is Chris. Chris XXXX. WWWWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooWWWWWWW
    I was so jacked out of my mind I couldn't believe it!!!! He searched his name and my website came up first saying I was looking for him and his wife. Both of them planted seeds in my mind around Dec 94 to Feb 95 that forever changed my life and it has to do with consciousness itself and other things. She could see thru walls, etc... I'll tell this story another time but I have wondered for years if they even existed or was all that time in Japan a figment of my imagination. Every so often I would keep asking my friends in Japan if they remember me visiting these people or was I imagining it. They reassured me I really knew them.

    Anyway, some things happened to him and wasn't able to remember a lot from that time frame. He wasn't married to Melody anymore but they live in the same town.

    He said he runs into her now and then. All he knows is she lives on xxx xxxxx Road. He said he would tell her we talked. I got his phone number and called him when I got back home. What an incredible day! AND RUNNING INTO CHRIS AGAIN!!

    I wrote a letter to Melody. There were things that happened back then and kept unfolding within me and I needed answers as to what it was all about. In Dec 94 something happened to me that lead to all of this.

    Anyway, I wrote the letter and put her name, the road and city,st, zip.

    I talked to Chris and he said he saw Melody and she would call. She didn't call.

    Few days went by and I thought "Forget it! I'm just going to mail this letter and if it gets to her it does and if not then we're not meant to connect." I put the same 4 digits as her house address that came to me and were the same 4 digits that were the last 4 of the other Melody.

    Couple days passed, I was at my store, got a phone call that Sunday... Is this Aaron? Yes. It's Melody and I just got your letter. It was her address!! I was even more cranked out of my mind. The night before she called, I had a dream about her...surprisingly the only dream I ever had about her since I hung out with her and her husband. I had a dream that she had slits on her nose and it was almost alien looking like the Gray pics everyone draws.

    She told me on the phone she had to take her son to the hospital because he had all these slits or incisions on the inside of his nose and they kept bleeding and she didn't know where they came from. I thought that was an interesting connection.

    Anyway, she filled me in on a bunch of stuff that happened during that twilight zone time in my life at the end of 94 and beginning of 95.

    That is my trv connection story with Kevin, the energy stuff and some friends I was looking for I thought I would find with TRV.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #32
      Wow Aaron, what an amazing series of synchronicities you & Kevin have both had.

      I had one that left me dumbfounded a couple of months ago also regarding a friend. We had a friend, Mark, who shared accomodation with myself & my husband in the early years of our marriage. Eventually he married & we moved into our own house. We kept in close contact for many many years but somehow about seven years ago we lost contact with him & hadn't heard from him since.

      My sister also knew Mark & she mentioned him to me a couple of months ago & asked if I'd heard from him. I explained that I hadn't heard from him for several years. A little while later I began reminiscing (to myself) about some of the good times we'd all enjoyed together & that it was a pity that we'd lost contact.

      Two weeks later at work I received a phone call by a strange man asking for me by my single name before I was married. I was a bit suspicious thinking who on earth could be asking for me by that name after that many years so I corrected him & said I was my married name. It turned out that it was Mark phoning me after 7 years & that he'd just done a Google search for me & found me listed under a committee that I'm secretary for!

      I was absolutely dumbfounded & in fact if it wasn't for the fact that I now have his address & telephone number written down in my address book I think I would be inclined to think that I had dreamt it.

      Love & Blesings,

      Theta Healing
      Paths 2 Potential

      "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


      • #33
        How Spirulina got Synchronistically delivered to me

        Well I just thought I'd share one synchronistic event that happened recently that concerns PATHS.

        It had been decided that I would get PATHS, and even a day had been set for the online registration process and all, but one seeming problem was how I was to lay my hands on Spirulina. The problem is that I seriously doubted that I would be able to find Spirulina locally and would most likely have to opt to buying from UK/US and having it shipped to me in Nigeria. Now the problem with that is that it would have delayed my getting on paths as shipping would take at least a week or more considering that my postal system can be somewhat inefficient, unless of course I shipped express, which would mean paying more and this mighta been difficult as I wasn't sure if the funds to do that was available.

        Just a few days before I was scheduled to register for PATHS, my ex-girlfriend calls me on the phone and asks me if there's anything she can get for me from the US as she was visiting there and was coming back home the very next day. Of course there was no thinking 2ce about it... Spirulina!!!

        Now the funny thing about that is that all the times she had traveled out of the country in the past 5 yrs, never had she once called to ask me if I needed anything. And there were times she would call while abroad to say hello but never ask if I needed anything.

        Also was the fact that we were not particularly on speaking terms. She had said something nasty to me the last time we spoke and I still harbored some grudge and resentment, and she knew I was mad at her. Even though I have a hunch as to why she called to ask me that question, I believe that is irrelevant.

        So that is how I was able to get on PATHS when I did, instead of having to wait an extra 1 or 2 weeks for the spirulina to arrive.



        • #34
          Synchronicity PDF

          Get the Synchronicity PDF download here:
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #35
            Cool synchronicity!

            I'm not on the synchronicity module at the moment but I had a really cool synchronicity last week.

            For the first time in about 12 months I did two things that were different to my normal pattern. The first was that I decided to read a novel & give my brain a rest instead of reading the usual books & material that I normally do & the second was that I ended up watching a program on tv that I also don't normally watch.

            So last Thursday I just happened to find myself watching an episode of "GhostWhisperer" for some unapparent reason. In the show there was a journalist who wrote his own blog entitled "Shame the Devil" which was part of a quote from Henry IV. The quote was mentioned in its entirety during the episode. When that episode finished I decided to go to bed & read before I went to sleep. I only had a couple of chapters left to read in the book which was one that I already had from a few years back. Lo & behold I read a few pages & there is the EXACT same quote from Henry IV that was on the tv program & I wasn't reading the book Henry IV! I knew this had to be some sort of message for me & a couple of days later I heard what the message was & got direct confirmation in a couple of other ways also during the next few days, so it was really cool.

            Love, Light & Blessings
            Theta Healing
            Paths 2 Potential

            "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


            • #36
              That was really neat Sharyn! I love when stuff like that happens!!

              And there was another synchronicity for you that you may not have noticed. That was post number 555 for you
              Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


              • #37

                Hi, my name is Pam and I'm new to PATHS. I've had several synchronicities that I have posted on other threads, so I decided to copy and paste some of them here. Enjoy!

                Hi Pamela,

                Wow! What are the chances that two women named Pamela were raised JWs, left as adults (I was 39), and ended up here at PATHS? Synchronicity! Do you know that I have only know 1 other person named Pamela in my whole life? I've met 1 other person in the checkout stand with our name, but for there to be 3 Pamela's here... incredible!

                The PATHS modules I am using are: Break Through to Enlightenment, Increased Synchronicity, Successful Living Phase 2, Ho’oponopono Healing, and Project1World Team. It's been less than 3 weeks, but I can see some results already. The synchronicities the past couple of days have been amazing.

                Wow! I can't believe you mentioned making up positive memories! I just started doing that last night!!! I was writing in my Gratitude Journal, and I suddenly had an idea to create a What if...? Journal. (I am a big fan of journaling, and I've got about 7 or 8 "subject" journals) I got a pad of paper and started writing: What if I had a magic book and everything I wrote happened? What if I could write a new story about my childhood? What if I had loving, affectionate parents? What if each of them told me they loved me every morning, and every night when they tucked me into bed? What if my parents told me "God loves you Pammy, and so do I" every day? What if my Mom was always on my side? What would that feel like?... I meditated on each statement and visualized and got into the feelings. I wrote 3 pages! Maybe you wrote this to me and I sent it to myself last night...? Another synchronicity.

                2 years ago, I had strabismus surgery on my right eye to correct double vision. When I came out of surgery, I was startled and confused. For the first time in my life, I could see depth! I could see that the table was closer than the doctor, and the doctor was closer than the back wall. It was so foreign to me, it was difficult to comprehend. The doctor said it would take some time for my brain to adjust. I felt like a baby who is fascinated with their fingers! I looked at everything with child-like wonder. Putting on mascara scared me! I just did it by touch before, now I could see how close it was to my eye. I couldn't drive for 2 months: OH MY GOD, THAT CAR IS SO CLOSE! Suddenly, everything seemed "real". Now I understand why some people are afraid of heights!

                When I went back to the doctor for my check up I asked him about getting lasix next. Wouldn't it be great if I didn't need glasses? He said he'd like to wait a few more months and let me adjust some more to seeing in 3-D, but he'd set up the tests to see if I was a good candidate. I got tested on Friday, he said I was a good candidate, and we scheduled lasix surgery the following Monday. I went home and read the literature and I got scared. All of the warnings about what could go wrong. My eyes weren't that bad, but I wanted them to be perfect. I dismissed the worry I felt about possibly making my vision worse and told myself I was just being negative and I needed to focus on the positive. But my gut told me all weekend to cancel the surgery and get a second opinion. I didn't listen to my gut. When I came out of surgery, I could see a bird in a tree 2 blocks away, but everything within 6 feet from me was blurry and flat. I lost that sharp 3-D vision. I couldn't see myself clearly in the mirror. I had to go back to putting on mascara by touch. I was banging into things again. My world no longer felt safe. I hoped it was temporary, but it was not.

                The doctor said it couldn't be undone. We talked about options, none of which are satisfactory. I need to wear corrective lenses if I want to see clearly. So I've been trying different contact lenses and glasses. I decided to give tri-focals a try. I don't want to wear glasses all day, but it seems easier than the other options.

                A couple of months ago I noticed my double vision is returning when I am tired. It is worse this month, my right eye is dropping again, and I am losing my precious 3-D vision. I'd been thinking a lot about scheduling another surgery, but since finding PATHS, I wondered if the Lean Muscle module would strengthen my eye muscles? Another sychronicity? Something to check into. Now, if only they had a module to correct vision problems so I wouldn't need glasses.

                The reason I am relating this story is because this was not on my list when I asked Grace for corrections. 2 days after my original post, I started noticing subtle changes in my mood. I was less anxious, less fearful. I wasn't obsessing about money. I felt calm and almost confident about the future. I logged on here to post a quick thank you to Grace, and guess which module was just released? VISION! Another synchronicity!

                I thought about my son Chris, and I thought about asking Grace if she would give him some corrections too. I decided not to ask yet... maybe later. I did more Ho'oponopono with my son and also some ZPoint. He called me late that afternoon with some wonderful news. He and his wife were out celebrating. He got a letter from the VA and his disability status was approved at 60%. He will be getting a substantial check (retro active) within 15 days, and a sizable monthly payment which is tax exempt. They had not included his wife in these calculations, so they will be receiving more money! I guess just thinking about asking Grace for something makes it so! Another synchronicity!

                I've got more, but it's bed time.

                With Love and Gratitude,



                • #38
                  awesome experience!

                  Hi Pam,

                  I LOVE what you're sharing! It must be incredible to have experienced such a profound thing...non 3D vision to 3D vision. I probably have taken for granted that I have seen in 3D my entire life. I think these things are the universe prodding us to look deeper. It is a perfect analogy of how sometimes we perceive existence itself in less dimensions than we are capable of. As above so below.

                  I'm grateful for the inspiration that your story brings!
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • #39
                    Hi Aaron!

                    It's been 2 years since my surgery, and I still feel excitement, joy and gratitude when I look at everyday things, like trees and ceiling fans. Depth perception is so AWESOME!!!

                    Lately I've been having flashes of knowing that we are One and I am creating my "reality" which isn't really real. It's hard for me to put it into words, kinda like when I first experienced 3-D vision. It doesn't last more than an hour, but during that time I feel so peaceful and happy and I laugh at the thought of thinking I have anything to worry about. I hope that made sense.

                    The past couple of days have been strange. I think I'm having cognitive dissonance. I'm experiencing negative thoughts and some of my worry has come back. Then again, it could be that I haven't slept well for the past 2 nights.

                    Anyway, I know what you mean about the universe prodding us to look deeper. My experience has showed me that you don't know what you don't know... and there are wondrous things just waiting to be discovered, and once you discover them your life changes. By the way, I ordered your book and I can't wait to read it! And thank you for the synchronicity download.

                    With love and gratitude,



                    • #40
                      I SEE what you are saying!

                      Welcome and a warm hello to you!

                      I hear you on depth perception. With a diabetes related vision confundrum, I had to have vitrectomies on both eyes removing the clear vitrious gel in the center to do lazer surgery on the retina and to remove blood that leaked, etc., etc. (you know, the usual stuff for eye surgery)

                      My right eye is 20/20 after the work. My left eye had the surgery a few years later which made it better, but images weren't as big for some reason as the other eye and not as clear.
                      Once I was using a magnifying glass to clean a cd player, I jokingly used it on the "bad" eye.... All of a sudden, it made the image seem as large as my good eye would see! l was then, walking around the room looking at things as if they were jumping out at me!!! <= that's what my eyes were doing! It was exciting (not quite x-ray vision exciting, but pretty close) Seeing in 3D is the real deal.
                      I ended up getting a pair of reading glasses and popping out the one lens for my good eye and wha-la, I could see almost perfectly My current glasses have a plano for my right eye and a 3x magnification for the other.
                      This definitely helps for driving, bike riding and Frisbee or "discgolf"!!! Ha, it's easier judging the distance throwing the disc at the basket. At times being tired, I get the double vision, that's a pain - concentration corrects it.

                      Have you seen the new vision program that's available from Paths now???? I'm going to check that out soon. I'm looking forward to my eyes being even better and tossing the glasses. he he.

                      I wish you the best.


                      Upon further review, I realized this is the Synchronicity thread... Geepers! I saw Pam's post a few days back and didn't get a chance respond and that was on another thread -- oh well ...
                      Last edited by Doug; 05-12-2008, 12:01 AM.
                      With AMEGA You can change your life in minutes...

                      Hear how here: Live the Energized Life


                      • #41
                        I have been on the synchronicity module for a few months now - and did notice an immediate shift in my daily existence.

                        Small things - when cleaning I would pick up an old business card - get ready to toss, but not do so and for a moment have an odd moment of focus.
                        One day later (or so) my husband would ask about this business contact and I would immediately know where I put the card.
                        Varying versions of this story keep happening.
                        This is magic!
                        I went for my bi yearly lab work at my naturopath. One week after my test I read a really great article about spirulina and chlorella and "knew" I needed to take in the larger quantities suggested. By the time the labs came back - yesterday - that was the exact product I was supposed to take - I had already been doing so for three weeks!!

                        I have been on Paths for 14 months and I feel so lucky to have stumbled onto this site. I love all of my modules and feel I have hit the jackpot of life lately (might be the luck and good fortune module speaking)!


                        • #42

                          This is awesome to hear MaggieB! These synchronicities do really spice life up with some magic
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • #43
                            My husband

                            When I first moved to California,
                            I didn't know anyone. My boss had a halloween party for his department. His wife and one of her sisters were there. I liked them alot and made a comment to myself that I wanted to have more of a connection with this family. I think I actually said I wanted to be in their family. 6 months later my boss is resigning from the company and I wasn't thrilled. I was talking to a co-worker about it and he mentioned that 'BEN' is most definitely upset that his dad is leaving.......BEN? The BEN I work with everyday? That I think has an attitude problem???? Yes, that is his step-dad that is leaving.

                            Long story short, BEN is now my husband and I am in that family.
                            Marnyka Z. Buttry
                            Divine Openings Giver & Healer


                            • #44
                              I'm glad you guys only asked for my favorite one, there's been so many lately.

                              But hands down, my favorite bit of sychronistic magic lately has been this, the last four times someone has said the words "out of the blue" to me in conversation, one of these guys has shown up.

                              I think the universe is just showing off sometimes.
                              “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


                              • #45
                                Charles F. Haanel

                                Charles F. Haanel is one of the Granddaddies of Manifestation - even
                                before Napoleon Hill wrote Think & Grow Rich. Hill even gives Haanel credit
                                for inspiring him!

                                A few weeks ago, I found a handwritten letter from Charles F. Haanel to
                                one of my great grandfathers - about 10 minutes after discussing law of
                                attraction and manifestation with my mother. I was compelled to pull out
                                some of her old papers from her family and help her organize them. Little
                                did I know I'd run across that after discussing the topic he is most known

                                I'll share that story in my new book.

                                If you want to know more about Haanel - there is no better way than
                                getting a free copy of his Master Key System here: Master Key System
                                Aaron Murakami

                                Books & Videos
                                RPX & MWO

