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RE Post: Lets change the world

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    Hi Kevin, glad to hear from you as always.

    Is the weather there still conducive to riding your 2-wheeler? Here we are setting new records for low temp's. in October while Biketober Fest is in full swing in Daytona Beach; at least this year it is not raining too. This has happened the last 4 years in a row, no matter what week they schedule it. I'm beginning to think God doesn't like 2-wheelers!(LOL)

    This is a tempting one to get involved in. Nope!
    I wish you would get involved to some degree as I have a lot of respect for your opinions and insight.You certainly don't have to justify anything, but your input would be valuable and instructive.

    I'm glad we agree bible verses don't contradict each other, sometimes for the reason you state, sometimes for other reasons. One good example is the fig tree cursed in Matthew that Jessica and I were discussing. Not many people know how fig trees sprout leaves and bear fruit at the same time, and they are further confused by Mark's statement in his account as to the figs being out of season.

    Another example is "the eye of a needle " Jesus mentioned in relation to the rich getting into Heaven.(Matt.19:23-26) A lot of Westerners thought he was talking about the eye of a sewing needle (an impossibility) when he was really talking about an opening through the wall around Jerusalem where camels were required to kneel so their cargoes could be inspected for taxation purposes. Then they had to crawl on through to get into the city.
    And of course too many other reasons to discuss here.

    I am well aware there can be psychic connections between some people, especially twins. However all twins do not have it and all people don't. I have a brother and sister who are twins and they don't have it. So while scientists may study and report on whatever is going on, and as you say it's obvious something is, I don't believe they will ever understand or prove with experiments or instruments what it is.

    I have had a couple of physic messages in my life which I attribute to The Holy Spirit. One was many years ago. I suddenly knew my wife needed to call her parents in Texas. I heard no voices, I only had an overwhelming feeling it was urgent that she call. When I told her she said WHAT? I told her I could not explain it but I was sure it was urgent she call. When she did she found her father had just died unexpectedly. Why didn't she get the message? Only God knows, I only know it happened.
    I think (as stated) God is the only universal presence. Satan can get around in a hurry, and he has plenty of helpers, but he does not have a "universal" presence. Based on what the bible says he is behind a lot of these experiences in order to confuse and beguile people.

    I am glad PATHS works for you and others who have posted results on the forum. I have also seen postings where it didn't work for some reason. I have refrained from commenting on it as I really don't know much about it. I would appreciate if you would explain how it works with no audio or visual input even if you comment on nothing else. I find that intriguing.

    Also, my oldest daughter is allergic "to just about everything" as she puts it and has been taking the shots mentioned by Serenac in the "Allergy Relief Module" thread. I'd like to show her that report and your explanation as to how it works.

    Yes, Proverbs says a lot about wisdom. I believe the intro. to Proverbs from The Amplified Bible explains it quite well;

    "A stated purpose of this book of Proverbs is to impart skillful and godly Wisdom. Proverbs is a practical book dealing with the art of living, and it bases Wisdom solidly on the fear of the Lord (1:7). This reverence for God is set forth as the path to life and security (3:5, 9:10, 22:4). In chapters 1-9 the writer contrasts the way of Wisdom with the way of folly- the path of violence and immorality. Wisdom in the Proverbs has a broad base of meaning, covering such things as practical knowledge in discerning between good and evil in the ordinary affairs of life; the discernment between truth and error or that which is lasting and makes for success in life;and the insight of man beyond the human to the divine realities discerned and deduced from that which God has revealed. All three of these meanings are involved in the teaching through these pithy sayings."

    Also from The Amplified Bible vs. 1-7;

    Proverbs 1
    1THE PROVERBS (truths obscurely expressed, maxims, and parables) of Solomon son of David, king of Israel:

    2[a]That people may know skillful and godly [b]Wisdom and instruction, discern and comprehend the words of understanding and insight,

    3Receive instruction in wise dealing and the discipline of wise thoughtfulness, righteousness, justice, and integrity,

    4That prudence may be given to the simple, and knowledge, discretion, and discernment to the youth--

    5The wise also will hear and increase in learning, and the person of understanding will acquire skill and attain to sound counsel [so that he may be able to steer his course rightly]--(A)

    6That people may understand a proverb and a figure of speech or an enigma with its interpretation, and the words of the wise and their dark sayings or riddles.

    7The reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is the beginning and the principal and choice part of knowledge [its starting point and its essence]; but fools despise skillful and godly Wisdom, instruction, and discipline.(B)

    The rest of the chapter is really good too, esp.vs. 19-33, in light of the discussion of the greedy elite in "The American Ruling Class" thread. The translators suggest you read "Wisdom" as 'Wisdom of God" in vs. 20 as Wisdom is personified and it shows the wonderful power of this book.

    19So are the ways of everyone who is greedy of gain; such [greed for plunder] takes away the lives of its possessors.(D)

    20[c]Wisdom cries aloud in the street, she raises her voice in the markets;

    21She cries at the head of the noisy intersections [in the chief gathering places]; at the entrance of the city gates she speaks:

    22How long, O simple ones [open to evil], will you love being simple? And the scoffers delight in scoffing and [self-confident] fools hate knowledge?

    23If you will turn (repent) and give heed to my reproof, behold, I [[d]Wisdom] will pour out my spirit upon you, I will make my words known to you.(E)

    24Because I have called and you have refused [to answer], have stretched out my hand and no man has heeded it,(F)

    25And you treated as nothing all my counsel and would accept none of my reproof,

    26I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when the thing comes that shall cause you terror and panic--

    27When your panic comes as a storm and desolation and your calamity comes on as a whirlwind, when distress and anguish come upon you.

    28Then will they call upon me [Wisdom] but I will not answer; they will seek me early and diligently but they will not find me.(G)

    29Because they hated knowledge and did not choose the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord,(H)

    30Would accept none of my counsel, and despised all my reproof,

    31Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way and be satiated with their own devices.

    32For the backsliding of the simple shall slay them, and the careless ease of [self-confident] fools shall destroy them.(I)

    33But whoso hearkens to me [Wisdom] shall dwell securely and in confident trust and shall be quiet, without fear or dread of evil.

    Enough good stuff for tonight, so Adios until next time.


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  • Kevin
    WOW! Discussions about religion, the Bible, etc.

    This is a tempting one to get involved in. Nope!

    I will state a few of my beliefs (not for the purpose of discussion/having to justify them).

    There are hundreds of times in the Bible that verses appear to contradict other verses. I do not believe they do, it is just a matter of widening your perspective and seeing the BIGGER picture where all aspects of the truth can co-exist without contradiction.

    I know for an absolute fact (experientally and from study) that there is a connection between people that cannot be seen with physical eyes. (some call it the Collective Consciousness...others call it other names...who cares what it is called)

    It seems to me that even the slightest bit of common sense has to draw this conclusion when seeing the connection that some twins have. In case what I am referring to is not apparent--- I am talking about the tens of thousands of documented cases (most all of us have known a twin and seen this ourselves) where one person will be in one town and their twin will be in another, and they know what the other is thinking or experiencing.

    There are hundreds of other studies showing this to exist also...see the Princeton studies.

    I know for a fact that PATHS works. And it works without me consciously seeing or hearing any instructions.

    I know that Proverbs (in the Bible) talks a lot about getting wisdom, and not just from asking God for it in prayer.

    I know that God is Love and Light!

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    Collective consciousness, etc.

    This posting is different from the one Tron commented on so let me clarify first that, as Tron said, it sounded like TM re-hashed. You say it is not; good. He then expounded on why TM is wrong, with which I also agree.

    As to the current post not everything you call a fact is. While a positive outlook on life makes for good health is known by all, universal consciousness is a theory that has been debated for centuries and , while I have no time or desire to read a 900 pg. thesis on it , I simply don't believe in any universal presence except God and his holy spirit, and they do not live in rocks or trees.(see Isaiah 45;18)

    The second reason for my dis-belief is it is not mentioned in the bible, only the universal presence of God and it is to him we are to devote all glory, worship and honor.

    Third, there is no mention of Satan, the second biggest impediment to peace.
    The first is the unregenerate natural man who does not understand the things of God and is cut off from him. He is referred to as "the world" and is separate and apart from Christendom and is greatly mis-led, confused and led by Satan.

    As to meditation, Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language defines it as "(with "on" or "upon") to reflect deeply: to spend time in the spiritual exercise of thinking about some religious theme." That is how it is used in the bible in 19 of the 20 times the word meditate or meditation is used; they were meditating about God, his works, his laws, or in the New Testament, how to apply what Paul had taught Timothy in order to be a good minister of the gospel.(I Tim. 2:14) The first use of the word meditate is in Gen.24:63 and we are not told what Isaac went outside to meditate on.

    It is not correct that A and D are taught in the bible as stated, although D is closer than A.
    (A) The bible teaches wisdom comes from God, and if you want it pray and ask for it.(James 1:5) & (I Cor. 3:19)
    (D) you cannot create the future, you can only control your own future to a certain extent. Free will and predestination are both true. You are free to make choices, some of which God helps you with by influencing things to guide you in the direction you should go, but as he knows the future and therefore knows the choice beforehand you are predestined in his view.So you are pretty close on that one.

    Of course no one should disagree the pursuit of peace is a lofty goal and is encouraged in the bible in general and specifically by Jesus. But he also teaches that peace in the heart of men only comes through him and there will be no true and lasting world peace until he returns and finally destroys Satan and his followers.
    I have tried to keep this post as short as possible. I will be glad to reply more in depth on any of this if you wish.

    Sincerely, Al

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  • PATHS, S.A.
    We see no conflict between the beliefs of TRON and the following facts:

    Our beliefs affect our biology

    There is a collective consciousness through which we are all connected on some level.
    (hundreds of studies on Twins "intuition" should be enough to prove this, however, there is a 900 page thesis on the subject here-
    and there is a good google video here on quantum physics Quantum Physics Double Slit Experiment - What The Bleep Movie )

    There are thousands of testimonials of individuals that show RDT is effective at delivering efficacious instructions to the subconscious mind.

    PATHS in general, and specifically Project 1 World and the Quantum Meditation Theater are NOT TM, nor vaguely related.

    RDT Gen. II is a quantum technology with very specific parameters.

    Pure definition of Meditation (which is encouraged in the Bible) is:

    to engage in thought or contemplation; reflect
    to consider as something to be done or effected; intend; purpose

    While this is a large subject, the following which is pasted from the P1W description, is directly taught in the Bible---AND it is TRUE.

    This is how life works-

    A. Look Within ~ Learn Wisdom
    B. Build Trust ~ Lead with Integrity
    C. Serve Others ~ Lead with Love
    D. Create the Future ~ Lead by Example

    Letter "D" above is the only possible point of conflict. We believe that humans have free will/choices in many, if not all areas of life.

    Some Bible believers agree with this...Humans have a free will
    Some Bible believers do not believe in free will, rather that everything is predestined.

    We believe there is a middle ground, humans do have a free will, but certain things are on a fixed trajectory (predestined).

    We also believe it is humans choice and responsibility to seek Peace, and that cannot be in conflict with anything Good and True.

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  • Web000x
    Originally posted by TRON View Post
    this sounds a lot like the old Transcendental Meditation trash just regurgitated

    TM is Demonic, and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was a complete fraud

    It is true that you can affect your outlook on life and not be a contributor to stress in others, but that is nothing like what you are proposing here... do not discount the effects of DEMONIC EVIL, and SATANIC forces from the pit of hell, that are activly influencing others... no amount of self reflection, meditation or fuzzy navel investigations can stop or reduce these predestined events.

    Its like saying people that exercise regularly will live longer.
    There is no way to avoid your appointment with God, it has been appointed once for a man to die
    You may be able to increase the QUALITY of your life as you age but you can not lengthen it. We will all keep our appointed time of death. that also has been predestined, just like the time of our birth... that also was not random.

    There is a creator and HE is in control of ALL things
    God is still sitting on HIS throne, orchestrating all reality.
    He holds the atoms together.
    He see to it that the birds have food to eat, etc. etc.

    Nothing is by chance
    Evolution is a lie!
    Here's a novel idea. What every living being on Earth is of the same conscious mind? That collective conscious is just a small portion of God's infinite consciousness. This physical world is just a test to see if negative or positive forces will prevail in the manifestations from the conscious minds in the end. God vs. Devil. If you don't want to be active in trying to help your fellow man come to his deserved age of enlightenment, go for it. I, however, will voice my opinions about what we can do to live together in a more peaceful world.


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    God is in control

    AMEN, Tron!

    Great posting!


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  • TRON
    Originally posted by PATHS, S.A. View Post

    Project 1 World | The Power of Intention | Projects

    Peace to our Planet. Growing from Individuals, to Families, to Communities, to Cities, to States, Provinces & Regions, to Countries, to Continents, and Spreading Across the Planet and Beyond.

    This is accomplished through an amplification of collective intention sent into the collective consciousness, which will encourage and uphold the idea of Peace and harmony.

    Here are four Simple Reminders on achieving inner Peace that will expand out from You:

    A. Look Within ~ Learn Wisdom
    B. Build Trust ~ Lead with Integrity
    C. Serve Others ~ Lead with Love
    D. Create the Future ~ Lead by Example

    Project 1 World | The Power of Intention | Projects
    this sounds a lot like the old Transcendental Meditation trash just regurgitated

    TM is Demonic, and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was a complete fraud

    It is true that you can affect your outlook on life and not be a contributor to stress in others, but that is nothing like what you are proposing here... do not discount the effects of DEMONIC EVIL, and SATANIC forces from the pit of hell, that are activly influencing others... no amount of self reflection, meditation or fuzzy navel investigations can stop or reduce these predestined events.

    Its like saying people that exercise regularly will live longer.
    There is no way to avoid your appointment with God, it has been appointed once for a man to die
    You may be able to increase the QUALITY of your life as you age but you can not lengthen it. We will all keep our appointed time of death. that also has been predestined, just like the time of our birth... that also was not random.

    There is a creator and HE is in control of ALL things
    God is still sitting on HIS throne, orchestrating all reality.
    He holds the atoms together.
    He see to it that the birds have food to eat, etc. etc.

    Nothing is by chance
    Evolution is a lie!

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  • TRON
    Originally posted by David Barclay View Post
    Deception is the hurdle, which is a hard one to get past.

    You cannot have peace as long as deception rules the political arena.

    An insane group of people are running the world into the ground and its time for sanity to step up to the plate.

    There has to be honesty, sincere honesty seeking peaceful solutions.
    INFO: Global Warming Facts
    the absorption rate of CO2 related to Infrared Heat Absorption is logarithmic

    Example: paint a pc of glass with a coat of white paint. this first coat will eliminate a large amount of light passing that it is dry, put a second coat over the equal amount of light will not be blocked as in the first coat, but some more light WILL be blocked from passing through...on the third coat even less will be some point, maybe the fourth or sixth coat,,, all visible light will be blocked...additional coats of paint will have no effect because there is no more light passing through.
    The representation of this is a logarithmic curve that in the top right quadrant of a graph, will initially rise rapidly as it moves to the right over time, but will slow and eventually flatline...
    this is an analogy to the way CO2 absorbs infrared heat in our environment. It can only absorb an initial amount then tapers off until it can no longer absorb heat.
    We went from 270 Parts per million of CO2 to our current level of 380 Parts Per Million...and we are at the infrared absorption limit already...any more CO2 added to the environment will NOT result in an increase of temperature or heat in our atmosphere.

    The effects of CO2 on cloud cover and water vapor in the air are different. NASA observational data (not faulty computer models) is showing that clouds react to do the opposite of what the global warming people say they do.
    According to the supporters of the theory that we can create conditions that will result in a catastrophic runaway effect the clouds cause more heat during heating conditions and more cooling during cooling conditions... but the actual result is that clouds serve to regulate and oppose the effects of warming conditions, by cooling the area below.

    Observational science is highly favorable over junk science (Computer models) and these models are what the Global Warming panic is based on.
    In addition, there was NEVER a consensus of scientists on this issue and still we see a majority of scientists actually stating that there is no supporting evidence to support previous computer models.

    Also, Global warming proponents assume something called "Global Average Temperature" which is a faulty measurement used to promote the concept that the earth is warming when actually a mathmatical average of the STATE of a surface is not possible. Only the average of a FIXED QUANTITY is possible. The issue of trying to get a global average temperature to define the climate is very problematic because there are other factors such as, humidity, wind, cloud cover, brightness, darkness, ocean currents, evaporation, rainfall... and the list goes on. a simple measurement of temperature can never be used to gauge the condition of the earths climate

    For a more robust understanding of this topic please go to:

    or checkout: Cornwall Alliance :: Articles :: Important Developments on Global Warming in 2006

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  • PATHS, S.A.
    It all starts with each one of us Individually!

    Project 1 World | The Power of Intention | Projects

    Peace to our Planet. Growing from Individuals, to Families, to Communities, to Cities, to States, Provinces & Regions, to Countries, to Continents, and Spreading Across the Planet and Beyond.

    This is accomplished through an amplification of collective intention sent into the collective consciousness, which will encourage and uphold the idea of Peace and harmony.

    Here are four Simple Reminders on achieving inner Peace that will expand out from You:

    A. Look Within ~ Learn Wisdom
    B. Build Trust ~ Lead with Integrity
    C. Serve Others ~ Lead with Love
    D. Create the Future ~ Lead by Example

    Project 1 World | The Power of Intention | Projects

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  • David Barclay
    Deception is the hurdle, which is a hard one to get past.

    You cannot have peace as long as deception rules the political arena.

    An insane group of people are running the world into the ground and its time for sanity to step up to the plate.

    There has to be honesty, sincere honesty seeking peaceful solutions.

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  • Kevin

    I could not agree with you more!

    I have done hundreds of posts in different forums and in different Facebook Groups promoting Project1World/World Peace!

    Here are a couple of good links for more info on World Peace

    Project 1 World | The Power of Intention

    Project 1 World is an internet based Humanitarian project.

    World Peace is Possible.

    YOU can help.

    It is FREE

    It is FUN

    It is EASY

    By Viewing the Project 1 World On-Line Theater, YOU are Adding your Intention into the Collective Consciousness, Promoting World Peace.

    A nice Extra is that You will Experience Additional Peace in Your Life.

    Please take 5 minutes to Help our Planet.

    Project 1 World | The Power of Intention


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  • gtrlvr83
    started a topic RE Post: Lets change the world

    RE Post: Lets change the world

    So i thought it might be a good idea to re post this in the Project 1 World section. Sorry for the repeating post everyone And thank you for bearing with me

    I have been thinking over the past few day about what would be the best way to share paths with people would be. After awhile I feel the best way to do this would be to promote what is already free, something that I feel could help bring a real change to this world. Project 1 World. To me this is one of the best things that I could think of. Working to make changes of peace on the personal level and then branching off into the rest of the world. I can think of nothing that would be better then real peace, no cease fires, not "peace" because of embargoes but real true peace that is not forced but chosen.
    I want to be very clear about this here, yes I am an affiliate, so yes I can make money through this system, but no, I do not care how you get to Project 1 World just please get there.
    There is a link to my site at the bottom of my post, but you do not have to go there. you can go to or there is a link on the right on the main page or
    these are just the ones that come to mind as I am writing this. Or please click on any Project 1 World link at the bottom of any post from ANY affiliate. My point is go through any site you feel is right, I don't care how you hook up with this just please do so!!
    Lets work together and change this world
    PATHS ~ Mind Energetics
    PATHS ~ Mind Energetics