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Interesting day...Stem Cell experiement...

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  • Interesting day...Stem Cell experiement...

    I have had a most interesting day! Many interesting and snychronistic events!!!

    Will share more later when not in so much pain.

    Right now, just wanted to share that I had a bit of an accident in the woods today. Twisted my knee very badly.

    I reckon it is the worst pain I ever felt for about 3 minutes as I lay on the ground with my face literally in the dirt. (My daughter says I was yelling pretty loud...I don't remember that.. )

    After about 3 minutes I could feel the bodies natural painkillers kicking in and for about 5 minutes after that, there was NO pain. Then it started coming back, and it is pretty bad now, 2 hours later.

    I immediately emailed PATHS, S.A. and asked them to put me on the strongest possible version of the Stem Cell Module. As soon as they confirmed that they had done that, I watched my Theater.

    I am also running some stuff on the SCIO for it.

    It will be very interesting to see how the Stem Cell fixes the knee.


    PATHS For Healing
    Energetic Science Ministries
    Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

    ESM Forum Support Link

  • #2
    OMG Kevin! Please keep us informed of how you are doing! Were you on your ATV?
    Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


    • #3
      Hey . .

      Make sure to pop some ibuprofin if you haven't already!

      Or are you toughing it out to see what the module does with no swell stunter?
      Keep your mind on the aether


      • #4
        Oh my God .. !! .... really sorry to hear that Kevin sweets ..

        please take good care of yourself .. and keep us informed on how you're feeling and dealing with yourself .. I wouldn't go for brufen myself, im sooo anti-medicines ... but i'm sure you know that the pain has a peak due to the freshness of the incident .. and it should start getting better little by little .. (although might take time i think) ... let's see the effect of the intensified stem cell health module ..

        i was just thinking, wouldn't you benefit from a Reiki session ? .. maybe you should try that ..

        blessings and love



        • #5
          I will be fine

          The pain is bearable, and I don't think it will become unbearable... of course it would have been better to never have happened, but now that it has I am viewing it as a very good test of the stem cell module.

          I have had bad knees for, volleyball and raquetball. This one I hurt today has had othroscopic surgery once already.

          Years ago the doctors said both knees needed surgery AGAIN....I passed on it and just got used to them hurting.

          However, when I got my SCIO I worked on both knees aggresively for about 6 months. Since that time they have been the best they have been in decades. Only experienced pain every now and then. (did not need the surgery after all )

          I heard and felt a LOT OF TEARING today...much worse than anything I have experienced before.

          I am only doing minimal SCIO work...I want to give the Stem Cell Module a chance to see if it will take care of it.

          If, after a week or so it is not showing marked improvement, I will get aggressive with the SCIO. If that does not work, then off to get it scoped.

          It would be really great if the Stem Cell repairs the ligaments....from my understanding, the body does not normally do that would be a pretty good andecdotal sign that the Stem Cell is very effective.

          Time will the meantime I am wearing a brace so I can hobble around.

          Oh, no, I was not on the ATV, I was actually jumping off the back when it was going about 1 mph, and my foot got stuck on the ATV and my lower leg against a tree, and the rest of me on the other side of the tree...

          No ibuprofen...but am on the chronic pain mod also.

          PATHS For Healing
          Energetic Science Ministries
          Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

          ESM Forum Support Link


          • #6
            Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


            • #7
              Originally posted by Kevin View Post
              I was actually jumping off the back when it was going about 1 mph, and my foot got stuck on the ATV and my lower leg against a tree, and the rest of me on the other side of the tree...

              No ibuprofen...but am on the chronic pain mod also.
              I'm sorry to hear about your injury, Kevin, but will look forward to hearing how the Stem Cell Module works for you.

              Please keep us updated and I'll send some healing intentions your direction.

              Paths To Your Success


              • #8


                Just got back from an hour of 4-wheelin!

                Saw a PM from Jessica reminding me that I should give an update on my knee.

                It is not completely better, but I have been walking fine on it for a few days without a brace. Never took even one aspirin or advil!

                It is still a bit tender, and I am limping a bit still....not going to be doing any jogging anytime soon either.

                What is amazing is that I can even walk after what happened. I did not go to the doc and get an MRI, so I only have what I heard, felt and past experience.

                Until it is completely better, I cannot say for sure, but it certainly seems like the stem cell module has done in a little over a week what docs would say could only be done by surgery, and what the SCIO may or may not have been able to fix with hundreds of hours of work.

                (I did use the SCIO for the first day after)

                For right now, I can say from experience, that it has been healing in a way that I have never experienced before!

                This is truely exciting, and I will report again when it is either completely better, or has plateaued and needs some other help.


                PATHS For Healing
                Energetic Science Ministries
                Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                ESM Forum Support Link


                • #9

                  My knee, amazingly, is back to 98%!

                  Every now and then I get a little twinge of pain, but I am using it as if nothing ever happened.

                  When/if it gets to 100% I will report back in.

                  In the meantime, it is really beyond my comprehension how my mind/subconscious was able to fix what I was sure would require surgery. (I understand it in theory, but the reality of it is quite amazing!)


                  PATHS For Healing
                  Energetic Science Ministries
                  Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                  ESM Forum Support Link


                  • #10
                    Hi Kevin,

                    So glad to hear that your knee is so much better. I'm really interested to hear about the stem cell module as I think that it may be of great benefit for a couple of members of my family, so thanks for posting about your experiences. I'd like to introduce them to PATHS when the time is right!

                    I'm eagerly waiting for the next batch of Aaron's book to become available to order. I thought that if I got it & left it lying casually around on the coffee table it might be a good way to introduce certain people to the whole concept of quantum physics, energy, oneness etc. Nothing like having an authority on the subject! Although they're sort of getting used to me prattling about my "out there" experiences.

                    Hope your knee recovers 100%.

                    Love & Blessings
                    Theta Healing
                    Paths 2 Potential

                    "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Kevin View Post
                      My knee, amazingly, is back to 98%!
                      That's great news Kevin

                      Love and Gratitude
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                      • #12

                        I am about a year late in my report.

                        Was going thru some old posts looking for something and saw that I never gave a final report.

                        My knee is 100% and has been for about a year. The stem cell module is amazing!

                        When I first was hurt it was BAD...much worse than any previous injury.

                        Since I subscribe to the following "philosophy"

                        "20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
                        that you didn't do than by the ones you did do."

                        I have not been as nice to this physical body that I reside in as I could have been. This has resulted in more than the normal share of wear and tear.

                        Many of the PATHS Modules have reversed resulting issues.

                        The Stem Cell not only has made BOTH my knees better, even better than they got with hundreds of SCIO hours of work, but several other "irritants" have been resolved...and the only explanation is the Stem Cell Mod.


                        PATHS For Healing
                        Energetic Science Ministries
                        Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                        ESM Forum Support Link


                        • #13
                          LOL on your post Kevin!

                          At least you finally posted and on how your knee has healed!!

                          Now if the stem cell module would work on your memory...

                          ~Viviana -

                          P.S. Yes, I'm joking!!
                          "The divine is not something high above us. It is in heaven, it is in earth, it is inside us..." - Morihei Ueshiba


                          • #14
                            Wow! This is so exciting Kevin!!! I'm happy for you, that you're not having pain and condition has completly cleared!!!

                            How long did you stay on Stem Cell? Is it something you go back to occasionally?

                            Your news makes me excited that I'm on Stem Cell, as rec by administration for my eye! Because, I also have an old foot injury, with loss of cartiladge, that they say you know, won't grow back. I had lots pain, had surgery. Nothing else they can do except more surgury. I've done natural treatments that have reduced the pain significantly, but if I use it too much, get pain.

                            So....I will be really interested in checking out results on my foot with Stem Cell!!! After 3 days on SC, no pain and I'm not using anything else for it. So far, am afraid to test it out with jumping or anything...but will! I would LOVE to go back to podiatrist and show her xrays of grown back cartiladge!!! and see her look on face haha.

                            Also Kevin, I am clueless about many of the neat things mentioned here....what is SCIO?

                            Loving PATHS!

                            In Immense Graditude!
                            Last edited by Ayurved; 07-25-2008, 09:03 PM.
                            Life in Balance Ayurveda



                            • #15

                              Hi Nancy!

                              To answer your question about SCIO, it is a quantum biofeedback machine.

                              There are some threads on this forum that talk about SCIO, here is one of them:


                              Hope that gets you started!

                              ~Viviana -
                              "The divine is not something high above us. It is in heaven, it is in earth, it is inside us..." - Morihei Ueshiba

