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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • Cem

    Thanks Grace!

    Your incredible CEM thread here is amazing and I usually read the posts and am absolutely thrilled to see so many people bonding, healing and sharing from the heart!

    Your contribution to make this thread possible has been an absolutely profound contribution...not just to Energetic Forum but to energetic healing everywhere!

    Have a great holiday everyone!
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • For Christine, Doug, and Nancy!

      Hi Christine, Doug and Nancy!!

      I wanted to send you some more Love and Gratitude for your fabulous posts!!!


      • For Aaron!

        Originally posted by Aaron View Post
        Thanks Grace!

        Your incredible CEM thread here is amazing and I usually read the posts and am absolutely thrilled to see so many people bonding, healing and sharing from the heart!

        Your contribution to make this thread possible has been an absolutely profound contribution...not just to Energetic Forum but to energetic healing everywhere!

        Have a great holiday everyone!



        • Incredibly beautiful song!

          So Many Miracles happen daily!!! I was looking at the statistics and data of the video I made for "Lesson's from a course in Miracles". I noticed that site called had linked to my video. So I went to see this website and was absolutely touched, and amazed!

          The site is now called Truth And Miracles: A Course In Miracles but this one song from the creator of the website Nick Arandes is so very beautiful! So take a deep breath and Enjoy!

          I BELIEVE IN YOU

          [I Believe In You!]
          © 2001 Music/Lyrics by Nick Arandes

          If you think you can't make it.
          cause you're struggling to hard,

          close your eyes and just listen
          to the song in your heart.

          When sometimes you feel
          like you can't make it through,

          just keep moving remembering
          I believe in you!

          When a prayer seems unanswered
          there's a reason behind.

          Although you may not see it,
          with some patience you'll find

          that all of your dreams
          pretty soon will come true.

          Just keep moving remembering
          I believe in you!

          Empty roads may seem scary.
          So then why even try?

          Cause you came here to share those gifts
          that are deep down inside.

          So hold on to your vision
          and don't ever give in.

          When in doubt just remember,
          there's a power within,

          that can move any mountains.
          I know this to be true.

          So keep moving remembering
          I believe in you!

          Don't get discouraged
          if a challenge you must face.

          Always remember
          you can always, you can always, find the way.

          Believe in your greatness
          and you'll see what you can do.

          So keep moving remembering,
          I believe in you!
          Last edited by Grace; 09-02-2008, 04:00 PM. Reason: spelling


          • Fabulous!

            Oh, My Grace...

            I agree that Nick is FABULOUS and after you sent me this link yesterday, I spent the whole morning listening to him while I was painting!

            As you know, I am just beginning my journey with "A Course In Miracles" after being led to it by reading Gary Renard's "The Disappearance of the Universe" and also being inspired by all you have had to say about it! Oh... I am LOVING IT!!! And now, to see this wonderful website on Nick, it all becomes even more intrinsically rewarding!

            Thank you SO much for posting this as I am sure that everyone will throughly resonate to his beautiful music and lyrics!

            You are so Awesome, my Beautiful Friend ...I Love You!

            With Much Love and Gratitude,

            My PATHS Website
            My Art Website
            My Paintings As Prints
            My Facebook


            • "Wow o wow! Sallyjane, I believe you have a new calling! I have never felt that I was the type of person to stand up in front of a congregation and express truth, Yet when I read your posts, YOU ARE IT!! Is there anyway, anyway at all, that you can begin talking live in front of people? Make this an intention, because you have the gift!! "

              Wow oh Wow! You know this is soooo amazing! Lately, I have been seeing visions of myself speaking in front of groups of people... large groups... Talking about the Matrix and who we are and how it all works... Then I come here and I see your confirmation! LOL!

              I do love the truth! Even as a kid I would often get into trouble because I would speak the truth about what I saw! Hmmmm now I get to speak the truth about who people are and how awesomely powerful we are, and how to tap into God / The Universe / The Source whatever you want to call it!

              I have to tell you I am on a high speed learning curve again and it is wonderful! Exciting information is going into my heart and things are changing within me! I just love my life, and where it is taking me!!!

              Thank you for your confirmation of what I thought was just weird little day dreams!

              A thousand Blessings Sallyjane


              • Module challenge

                Hi folks...

                This is kind of related to another thread I posted. I asked a question, under "which Module is Right for me" and I wonder if you kind people could go and look at my question? One person, lovely Genie responded so far.....

                I could repeat it here, but don't know if it applies in this category, but it might in some way, so I call attention to it here. I am sorry, I don't know how to put a link in.

                Thank you so much
                Blessings and Peace to All --Val


                • Val

                  Just wanted to send you a huge HUG! I did go read your other post... I wish I had an answer for you! The begining of the journey you are on is very overwhelming! The one thing I might recommend is talking to Genie via PM... I know I was very overwhelmed when I first got here too! The difference was my pain was in my heart, and yours is manifesting in your intestines! When the pain manifests physically like that it does seem to make it harder to separate from the body mentally.

                  Just hang in there and this too shall pass! Remember you are powerful and awesome!



                  • Hi Grace,

                    Just popping in to say "Hi!".

                    As usual there is sooo much to read...I just do not keep up with it all...but I wanted to let you know that Jill and I are still regularly using the muscle testing that you taught us in Vegas.

                    It's lots of fun and useful also!


                    PATHS For Healing
                    Energetic Science Ministries
                    Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                    ESM Forum Support Link


                    • Chinese Energetic Medicine #1 in Google

                      I just have to brag about this thread for a second

                      If you go to google and type in Chinese Energetic Medicine or click this:
                      chinese energetic medicine - Google Search

                      Grace's thread here comes up #1!!!!!!!!!

                      There are a lot of people that post in this thread but what you don't see is that thousands and thousands of people are reading what you all are posting! They're coming from all over and many are finding it through Google!

                      By the way, Chinese Energetic Medicine in Google brings up over a quarter of a million web pages online that has those 3 words and this one happens to come up #1!
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • This is sooo cool!

                        So I have been having a rough week and last night I figured out that the reason I was struggling at work and getting appt.s was because I was focussing on the numbers too much and not enough on just calling people and having a conversation...

                        Today I woke up not feeling well, and Nat stayed home from school too, because he as not feeling well either! So my phone started ringing, and I have two appt.s and I have not called a single person... I was actually getting frustrated cause the phone kept waking me up and I was up all last night unable to sleep... Today I have been pushing water and trying to get some rest.

                        I also started the self esteem module today, as I believe it will be very helpful to me with my sales of the insurance and then the new job too!

                        Blessings Sallyjane


                        • Inspirational!!!

                          Originally posted by zartgirl View Post
                          I just want to encourage you to stick with the Paths and the CEM! I would also encourage you to go back in time and read all the posts on this thread from begining to end... It will take you some time for sure, but the rewards will be AMAZING!

                          I know how your feeling, I have felt the same, an overwhelming sense of loss cause, and undeserving... Sure this can work for everyone else, but not ME syndrome! I can honestly tell you there were many a day when my kids and I were living in a shelter and it seemed like I could not get a job or housing for anything... I felt the same way! We live in a microwave society where we expect things right now or even better yesterday. The truth is that we spiritual beings and we have a job here to learn who we truly are, and that takes time. Our higher selfs will only give us as much as we can handle and not a drop more, so this learning process takes time as we have to peel the layers (like and onion) slowly off one at a time. If we were to go to fast we would leave ourselves too vulnerable and bleeding... There we would take away what we really needed in life... To know who we are as unlimited, abundant, joy filled beings.

                          Through this journey which in my case involved a divorce ( from a totally evil man {tongue in cheek}) a shelter for a home, and no job, food stamps, and welfare, and the list really could go on and on! My whole story is spelled out throughout this thread... Trust me I was at rock bottom! I was angry, hurt, and defeated when I found this forum and Grace, Stephen, and all of the other wonderful friends I have made. I now not only have a house but a number of opportunities to choose from, and my dream of moving back to California where I came from and my family and friends all reside is coming true. If I had given up... where would I be now? Probably still angry, still hurt, and still defeated, but instead I chose to search for answers, I read every book I could get my hands on about who I AM! I slowly peeled layer after layer off of limitation and took on more and more of the real me! I am still peeling off layers!!!!!! and they can be frustrating as all heck! Then one falls off, and transformation takes place!

                          PATHS, CEM, GRACE, STEPHEN, MATRIX ENERGETICS, BOOKS AND MORE BOOKS AND MORE BOOKS... have transformed me into a gratitude filled, joy filled, AMAZING PERSON! This morning I was doing a faerie reading for myself and I was shown that I need to show my X husband much more gratitude for the help he does give me... even if it is small! So I called him and practically gave him a heart attack, and thanked him for all the help and future help he is giving me, and told him I wanted him to know how much I appreciated him! That was a huge step for me! I decided on the phone that I needed to also send him a card re-iterating the same thoughts! Without the Paths and CEM and Matrix Energetics, and my friends, and all books... I would still be a bitter angry victim!

                          Please know that transformation takes time... It takes a little work... and a lot of petients to reap the rewards.

                          Okay on another note, about Paths... Paths is challenging some of your core beliefs about who you are... limited vs. abundance! This can sometimes cause cognitive disodence... By the way this is a good thing and if you can stand the fire let it burn! Otherwise, Paths can turn down the message for you for a while till you get through it! Although if you can get through it at full power... transformation will take effect a lot faster. This Cog Dis has been messing with me major this week with my newest module Business Productivity... Ohhhh it was major, but I just watched my theatre more times this week and let it play itself out. Well what did that look like? It looked like me mentally breaking down, convinced I was failing... when in reality I was getting a 1000 dollar bonus and was second highest in points this week! HMMM... Yea, I am laughing at myself! Stick with it, communicate with Paths admin. and you too will come through to the other side and see huge steps!

                          MOST IMPORTANT KEEP POSTING AND TALKING TO US, CAUSE WE CAN NOT HELP IF YOU STOP TALKING TO US! Also some of your physical limitations could be caused by all these layers needing to be peeled off, and as you peel them off suddenlly you will feel better. Remember you are spririt!!!!!! YOU ARE AWESOMELY POWERFUL AND TOTALLY UNLIMITED AT WHAT YOU CAN DO! WE ONLY HELP YOU, BUT YOU ARE THE ONE ACTUALLY DOING ALL THE WORK! If I can do it, so can you!

                          Blessings and HUGS Sallyjane


                          • Originally posted by Pamela View Post
                            Oh, My Grace...

                            I agree that Nick is FABULOUS and after you sent me this link yesterday, I spent the whole morning listening to him while I was painting!

                            As you know, I am just beginning my journey with "A Course In Miracles" after being led to it by reading Gary Renard's "The Disappearance of the Universe" and also being inspired by all you have had to say about it! Oh... I am LOVING IT!!! And now, to see this wonderful website on Nick, it all becomes even more intrinsically rewarding!

                            Thank you SO much for posting this as I am sure that everyone will throughly resonate to his beautiful music and lyrics!

                            You are so Awesome, my Beautiful Friend ...I Love You!

                            With Much Love and Gratitude,


                            I too have been drawn lately to read Course in Miracles, because Hawkins makes so many supportive mentions of it......maybe we will chat about it soon!


                            • For Val


                              I just want you to know that I have felt a lot of the frustration you describe and the physical complaints that follow. Remember that the intensity of the symptoms is your body's wisdom telling you how powerful you are, and how much potential you have to grow beyond it. Sometimes I too have trouble thinking big, or having faith for things to improve to be what I REALLY, REALLY want, but when I know how far I've come, I can see in you how far I know you will go, and then I'm reminded how much better things are absolutely certain to be. It is logical! And it is subjectively true. I'm glad you're here and being so frank about your experiences. The worst is over, and everything will get better. Sometimes it will seem slow. Other times it will go so fast it will feel like a dream. But keep your eyes on the prize (joy). You're a gift to remind us of that.


                              • For Val!

                                Originally posted by VJoy View Post
                                Hi folks...

                                This is kind of related to another thread I posted. I asked a question, under "which Module is Right for me" and I wonder if you kind people could go and look at my question? One person, lovely Genie responded so far.....

                                I could repeat it here, but don't know if it applies in this category, but it might in some way, so I call attention to it here. I am sorry, I don't know how to put a link in.

                                Thank you so much

                                Hi Val!

                                It is important to know that you simply can't go wrong with any of the Paths Modules. I enjoy muscle testing for people what Paths modules they need to be on, because I understand the "ego/mind" all to well, and what we think we need is not always the truth. Yet with Paths you can't go wrong. So if you want a certain module, in this case don't worry about if the ego/mind is controlling the situation, for all the paths modules' are of great assistance.

                                If you want to move super fast along the highway of consciousness, (this sometimes causes Cognitive Dissonance, which is simply the Ego's way of resisting your good) then the modules' that muscle test the strongest will do this.

                                I have found that most people I muscle test for are usually right on point with their picks of modules. The most important thing to understand is to not switch modules too soon. More than half the time, when I am muscle testing, the person needs to stay on the chosen module for at least three months. Very few times it is only a month. So pick your modules with Joy, but try not to switch out of them to soon.
                                IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE


