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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • Grace
    For Belle!

    Originally posted by belle99 View Post
    Hi Grace!

    Checking in after a long absence from this board.

    I would greatly appreciate some corrections. I have some decisions to make, and some opportunities I need to manifest. Once I am certain of the right direction, I know it will be easier to create my own luck.

    I am concerned about an ongoing pattern in my life whereby I long for stability, but once I'm in a more stable place, I realize I'm in the wrong place, job, or relationship. Then I get itchy feet and try to get where the grass is greener on the other side. Rinse, repeat....

    In 08 or 09 we were talking about "Me, Inc." I'm kind of doing this now, for all practical purposes, but I'm at a bit of a crossroads with it and other arenas of my life.

    I am overall at a greater level of inner peace than I was two years ago. Absolutely! But my indecisiveness about a few key things right now causes uncomfortable fluctuations in my moods, almost hour by hour!

    And I'm regretting that I gave up on a couple of goals two years ago because I ran out of external support to pursue them, or at least I believed I did at the time. I now feel a bit "stuck" where I am, and not sure if I should stick these things out and see if it will grow into something wonderful, or bail on them.

    I'm not doing PATHS anymore. I'm doing more of a nutrition/exercise approach, mindfulness, and heartmath coherence techniques.

    Eagerly awaiting what you intuit here.

    Respect and Appreciation,
    Hi Belle!

    It's good to see you on this thread again! It does muscle test strong for you to "Bail" on all of them. You are not happy with what you are attracting in your outer world, because you still are desiring approval from the outer world. This is a core issue for you, and I am so grateful you posted for the reason that the corrections I will be making for you, many will resonate with who read this, and hence they will pick up on the corrections too, as we are all ONE.

    Spend all your time now thinking and feeling gratitude for the true fact that YOU, right now, wholeheartedly, with complete Faith in yourself, APPROVE of yourself. When you look in the mirror, when you drive your car, when you clean your home, think and feel grateful for how loving you are to yourself because you are always approving of everything you are, and do.

    Forgive the delay in my reply to you Belle. I read your post the day you posted, and have already made the necessary CEM corrections . I have been on a whirlwind of exciting activities including opening my own Karate School! I value you, and this post immensely, since I will be taking my own advice here, and I have already made the same corrections for myself.

    I want to remind everyone reading this thread, that I make Group Chinese Energetic Medicine Corrections every morning and every evening every day since I began this thread back in 2007 for anyone who is reading or who has posted on this CEM thread. I love all of you very much, and the love I feel has expanded more than I can put into words.

    Without all of you, I would have not been the happy woman I am today. You have all been my reflection. I have counseled many Healers who have come to me when they feel unhealthy, and I gently remind them that the only person they need to "work" on is themselves. Dr. Yuen taught me back in 2001 that there is nothing to heal, only to see the truth. "You are perfect and whole. Just make corrections to remove any "weakness" that keeps you from seeing truth."

    Anytime someone came to me for CEM corrections, I took that as a reflection of me. I would immediately begin making CEM corrections for myself FIRST, then I would make CEM corrections for them. I can not give what I don't have. Once I was clear and muscle tested strong for the issues I was resonating with, and why I attracted someone who wanted CEM corrections, only then would I work on that individual. This is how anyone using any kind of Healing modality needs to be.

    I can't tell you how many healers came to me sick, because they were trying to heal something outside of themselves. I have not been ill, sick, or hurt since I began doing CEM corrections. I know that I am only working on myself. The fact that many believe I am performing miracles is because they perceive separation. I understand fully that we are ONE and so my Faith in perfect health is strong.

    I am not here to save the world, I am only here to experience Truth. The truth is simply, We are One with God. With this one simple understanding, one realizes Truth, infinite potential is within you and all around you. YOU are also infinite potential which is the space in-between Energy. Energy is Love. You are experiencing Energy. You are experiencing Love and nothing else.

    When you look out into your outer world, Love it! Love all your creations, and manifestations, and then ask, what is the highest and finest thought and feeling I can create in this moment? The answer will always be the same if you understand Truth, the answer is Love and Gratitude.

    Another gentle reminder - please buy and view often the movie "The Black Whole" by physicist Nassim Haramein.

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  • belle99
    Hi Grace!

    Checking in after a long absence from this board.

    I would greatly appreciate some corrections. I have some decisions to make, and some opportunities I need to manifest. Once I am certain of the right direction, I know it will be easier to create my own luck.

    I am concerned about an ongoing pattern in my life whereby I long for stability, but once I'm in a more stable place, I realize I'm in the wrong place, job, or relationship. Then I get itchy feet and try to get where the grass is greener on the other side. Rinse, repeat....

    In 08 or 09 we were talking about "Me, Inc." I'm kind of doing this now, for all practical purposes, but I'm at a bit of a crossroads with it and other arenas of my life.

    I am overall at a greater level of inner peace than I was two years ago. Absolutely! But my indecisiveness about a few key things right now causes uncomfortable fluctuations in my moods, almost hour by hour!

    And I'm regretting that I gave up on a couple of goals two years ago because I ran out of external support to pursue them, or at least I believed I did at the time. I now feel a bit "stuck" where I am, and not sure if I should stick these things out and see if it will grow into something wonderful, or bail on them.

    I'm not doing PATHS anymore. I'm doing more of a nutrition/exercise approach, mindfulness, and heartmath coherence techniques.

    Eagerly awaiting what you intuit here.

    Respect and Appreciation,

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  • Grace
    For Luna

    Luna, Thank you for bringing up this amazing movie. If only I could spread the work about Nassim Haramein more forcefully, but then, that is not my style, all is perfect and those that choose to see the movie "The Black Whole" by Nassim will do so. I think you're fabulous, and I'm glad we get to connect like we do. All I can think to say right now is that Life is so incredibly fabulous!

    Originally posted by yari
    Dear Grace

    When I read ur post about the movie The Black Whole"
    and how it can cause Drowsiness I had to smile because I fell into a deep deep sleep I been watching Nassim Haramein on youtube and now I know I must own this Movie! Thank you for the recommendation

    Love Luna

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  • Grace
    For Inika!

    Originally posted by Inika View Post
    It's been a while and just reading your posts as always give me a little bit of grace (pun intended). It is a bit hard for me to write this but here it is:
    In Sept 2010 I was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. I wrote you then a personal note about it and you said I didn't test positive for it. I wonder what you get now? A few psychics have said the same thing. Since then I have been to Brazil to see John of God. I had a blood test when I returned and it was worse than before. What I understood from JOG was the knowledge that I have to do it myself, there is no outside help. I need to do the inner work to heal myself.

    I have been in severe pain from a herniated disc for over 4 months and 3 weeks ago I had successful back surgery. I am recovering slowly from that. I have bouts of depression and bouts of gratitude . As a consequence of all of this I haven't worked since last Sept and have been living on my dwindling savings. Thankfully I was able to get Obama insurance for pre-existing conditions.

    This sounds like a woeful story but I have been able to be mostly present with all the emotions and pain that have come up, allowing me to become more equanamous with it all. I am coming to see the leukemia as a gift that is changing my life in ways that I was not able, or unwilling to do before. I have so much gratitude in my life for my friends and community who have really been there for me. I feel that what I have is curable, not a death sentence and a path to deep personal growth.

    Grace can you please make some corrections for me? Whatever you feel I need.

    Thank you!
    Beautiful, Lovely, Light Filled Inika,

    You still do not test strong for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. You must recognize that the "Body Temple" is a hologram of your thoughts and feelings. The Body follows the Mind. The Mind is whole and includes the whole.

    The mind works as a Trinity, Superconscious, Conscious, and Subconscious, but it is ONE mind. Thoughts Create, Feelings Attract, and Breathing Allows. I know that you are true to yourself, and for you to be suffering with these issues seems unfair, but the truth is you have not acknowledged your divinity. SEE the Truth! You are Whole, Perfect, Powerful, Strong, Loving, Harmonious, Happy, and Rich!

    You are such an amazing Human being, and I will never forget the time you gave me and the healing that occured. You are my mirror and you know the infinite potential that is within you. Make it your Mantra to focus on the Truth, YOU are Perfect. All is Perfect. I would like to talk on skype with you when you can. It has been a while since we spent time together, and I want you to hear my voice when I tell you that your body is strong and healthy.
    Last edited by Grace; 08-05-2011, 01:39 PM.

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  • serenac

    Hi Gracie! Hi everyone! Just dropping by this thread see how it’s going on here. I finally finished the course I was doing called Soul Realignment and now I can do sessions and readings professionally.

    Unlike what Gracie does this isn’t really a healing modality that would heal physical problems immediately. (I mean it could, sometimes, I suppose, but that’s not really the aim of this healing technique.) This is a modality that heals problems at their root, so if someone has a physical problem Soul Realignment could heal whatever was causing their physical problem, for example if the physical problem was a result of emotional problems or blocks, or negative thinking, etc., then Soul Realignment can heal these physical problems, even if not necessarily immediately, because it works from the inside out (that is it would heal your emotional problem or negative thinking problem first, not your physical problem).

    Also there are physical problems that just simply have physical causes, for example maybe you got a cold, maybe you got the cold because you had negative thoughts all the time thinking, I’m going to get sick I always get sick. But maybe not. Maybe you just got a cold because you went outside without a jacket and you picked up someone’s germs and you’ve been working late every day for a week so you’re just dead tired and your defenses are down. No emotional dramas or mysteries there, no negative thoughts to cure. It’s just a physical problem. Then you wouldn’t need Soul Realignment for that.

    But let’s say you got a cold cuz you’re obsessed with getting sick all the time, maybe you’re OCD’ed and you think of germs constantly. Then, maybe, Soul Realignment just might help ya!

    Anyways if you’d like to read more about this new healing modality you can check it out right here on this very same forum at this page:

    Or you can also read up on it on my new blog, which isn’t really a blog devoted to Soul Realignment it’s just more of a general sort of blog, but I do talk about Soul Realignment a bit there too, at The Seas of Mintaka.

    Anyways now that I’m on here I’ll take advantage of the fact that I’m already on here (groans from people who think this post is too long) to blog on a bit about something I was thinking about today. I was thinking about gratitude, and talking with someone about abundance. The person I was talking with, in their experience, had noticed that people don’t attract abundance into their lives by going around feeling grateful all the time. They attract abundance by feeling like they DESERVE abundance. Or as they say, you get what…….. not what you deserve, but what you THINK you deserve!

    So if you think you deserve abundance, if you think you’re good enough, worthy enough, to receive it, you will. If you think you’re lousy and worthless you won’t receive abundance, no matter how much you go around chorusing “thank you” to the heavens.

    That doesn’t mean arrogance, or that defensive sort of attitude like, I am so good enough! Usually when we’re defensive we really DON’T believe that we’re worthy or deserving, but we adopt a defensive or arrogant attitude to MASK or hide our feelings of inadequacy and not-deservingness, which is what we REALLY feel deep down inside.

    The other ingredient that that person noticed is really necessary to attracting abundance into your life is…..... action! You have to DO something to attract money into your life. You won’t find a job just by sitting around on the sofa and chanting, a new job’s coming into my life now, a new job’s coming into my life now! Send out some CV’s. Go out and do some networking. A positive and optimistic attitude can help open doors, but you still have to turn the doorknobs yourself haha!

    And as for gratitude, is there a place for gratitude anywhere, around here, in all this? Well, I myself personally found that FALSE gratitude just really won’t do it. What I mean by false gratitude is like when you say to yourself something like, well I’ve got a horrible, old, rundown, damp, mildewy house and I hate my house but I OUGHT to feel grateful for it and think about all those poor people who don’t even have a house and are living out on the street, so I’ll try and feel grateful yes thank you universe for giving me a house, it shelters me so that’s SOMETHING to be grateful for, so yes thank you universe for giving me a house, at least I have a house, but you know what? Deep down inside I still hate my house! But I OUGHT to feel grateful for it so universe, thank you for my house, I’m grateful for my house. But I still hate it!

    On the other hand, when you truly feel gratitude for something, sincere, real gratitude, it does work wonders. But it has to be gratitude for real, not some fake, forced gratitude where you try to convince yourself that you feel something that you don’t REALLY feel deep down inside, or judge your emotions telling yourself, I ought to feel gratitude, gratitude is a correct feeling to have, hate is a bad feeling to have, etc. There aren’t any wrong feelings. And that’s it. There’s nothing bad or wrong about hating your house.

    Trying to deceive ourselves, however, telling ourselves that we don’t really feel something that we really do feel, or to try to force ourselves to feel something that we just can’t really feel at all, does keep goodies out of our lives. Because then we aren’t being honest with ourselves, and what does the universe respond to? It doesn’t respond to the lies we tell ourselves. It responds to what we really feel deep down inside. Because what we really feel deep down inside is what makes up our vibrations. You can lie to yourself but you can’t fake your vibrations.

    True gratitude, on the other hand, is what we feel when we’re really happy about something, something that we did worked out, we tried to manifest something into our lives and we succeeded. Then we don’t need to hold a gun to ourselves at the head and order ourselves, feel gratitude! Feel gratitude! You just DO feel gratitude. It comes naturally.

    And that is what the universe DOES respond to by bringing you more of what you really feel TRUE gratitude for.

    End of spiel. I’ll save the rest for my blog, so if anyone wants to read more of these endless platitudes that I’m always piling on to poor readers here on this forum I’d love it if you’d drop by my blog. And if not, well I’m done now with this post, end of bombardment!

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  • Athena
    Thank you, Grace, for working on my knee. My chiropractor said my infrapatellar bursa was irritated. No arthritis or bone spur present, whew! I let the garden go for a few days to rest my knee, along with ice pack therapy, and your adjustment helped ease that pain. Hugs to you!

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  • Inika
    My dear Grace!

    It's been a while and just reading your posts as always give me a little bit of grace (pun intended). It is a bit hard for me to write this but here it is:
    In Sept 2010 I was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. I wrote you then a personal note about it and you said I didn't test positive for it. I wonder what you get now? A few psychics have said the same thing. Since then I have been to Brazil to see John of God. I had a blood test when I returned and it was worse than before. What I understood from JOG was the knowledge that I have to do it myself, there is no outside help. I need to do the inner work to heal myself.

    I have been in severe pain from a herniated disc for over 4 months and 3 weeks ago I had successful back surgery. I am recovering slowly from that. I have bouts of depression and bouts of gratitude . As a consequence of all of this I haven't worked since last Sept and have been living on my dwindling savings. Thankfully I was able to get Obama insurance for pre-existing conditions.

    This sounds like a woeful story but I have been able to be mostly present with all the emotions and pain that have come up, allowing me to become more equanamous with it all. I am coming to see the leukemia as a gift that is changing my life in ways that I was not able, or unwilling to do before. I have so much gratitude in my life for my friends and community who have really been there for me. I feel that what I have is curable, not a death sentence and a path to deep personal growth.

    Grace can you please make some corrections for me? Whatever you feel I need.

    Thank you!

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  • yari
    Hi Grace

    So Amazing how your corrections has helped me so much. Thank you so much!! For me and and my Kids. So Grateful you helped me thru a horrible breakup and now I can be thankful for the break up. It helped me realized my self worth. Now your corrections are helping me see who I really am. I never gave up and always had faith on your corrections. It takes time and dedication to really want and received healing. Gratitude is the key! Please continue to work on me at night it helps me with my intuition and with some of my prophetic dreams. Hopefully it will lend me to the red headed one you mentioned. I hope this is a huge hope to those who are new in this thread and to those who follow this thread. We are so connected!

    Lots of and and Thanks again!

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  • Grace
    For Athena

    Originally posted by Athena View Post
    Grace, will you do a correction on my right knee? Thank you!

    Hi Athena,

    It's wonderful to hear from you again, and yes it is my honor to make corrections for you, and I have already done so, yet I have been made aware of an experience you will have in the next couple of days that also needs attention energetically. If you want to private message me you can, but just know that it will most definitely all be working to your favor. Your timing is uncanny, and I am gald you posted when you did.

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  • Athena
    Grace, will you do a correction on my right knee? Thank you!

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  • Pamela
    Thanks for the "head's up" about this video, my Graceful One! I'm going to order it right now!


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  • Grace
    Scientific Proof that we are One!

    I have just finished watching the Movie "The Black Whole" with Physicist Nassim Haramein. It is by far THE most important must see movie in this new millenium to date!

    The Resonance Project

    The movie "The Black Whole" is a masterpiece that not only raises consciousness but scientifically proves WE ARE ONE.

    It also muscle tests at an amazing 930 on Dr. David Hawkin's Map of Consciousness, which if you don't already know, 1000 is Calibrated as pure Enlightenment.

    Once you find yourself watching this spectacular movie, should you become drowsy, know that your brain is, as of yet, unable to receive this high vibrational information. Simply watch it over and over again, and I promise you, your brain WILL create the necessary brain cells to receive this highly constructive, high vibrational information. WATCH IT NOW! Watch it often and pass this information along.

    The Resonance Project
    Last edited by Grace; 06-10-2011, 06:52 PM. Reason: Physicist Nassim Haramein

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  • Grace
    Originally posted by elias View Post
    Thanks Grace,

    I am feeling much better, some type of tingling sensation in my throat, my
    breathing has improved. I was having breathing problems, because of this
    restriction problems in my throat. Your words were really the perfect
    reflection of where my problem lies. Yes I feel anger, because of so much
    misunderstanding and corruption there is in this world and especially my
    country (Iran), but I feel that I am not able to do anything about it. Every
    time I tried to explain something, I felt like people don't understand what I
    am saying, and I felt somewhat out of this world, rejected.

    Recently I have decided to write a book, that was the only way I knew that
    will help shed some light on darkness. But I need to resolve my energetic
    personal issues too, I can feel that there is something wrong in my energetic
    body, but I couldn't understand how to make it go away. I had cleared it
    sometimes by letting unconditional love flow into my body, But as I came
    out of that state of love, it returned. I thank you, you really was spot on, I
    need to speak my peace, without requiring that anything change in the outer
    world, in a unconditional type of manner.

    My love to you ...

    You are a miracle, and happy Woman's day as tomorrow is the Mother's day in Iran.

    Hi Elias,

    I'm so happy to hear you are feeling better. I do have to tell you that when you mentioned that you were writing a book, the strength in that was such a pleasure for me to feel (muscle test), and I highly encourage you to do so!

    You say that "I feel there is something wrong in my energetic body" and you were correct. Your Spiritual Body was muscle testing weak, which included issues involving the collective consciousness, and infinite memories of wars, disasters, and violent destructive forces. Now that you have been corrected from resonating with these issues, you should feel much more calm, relaxed, and neutral about the outer world, and motivated about writing your book, which you must do. (make sure I get a copy)

    Thank you for the Mother's Day wishes!

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  • elias
    Thanks Grace,

    I am feeling much better, some type of tingling sensation in my throat, my
    breathing has improved. I was having breathing problems, because of this
    restriction problems in my throat. Your words were really the perfect
    reflection of where my problem lies. Yes I feel anger, because of so much
    misunderstanding and corruption there is in this world and especially my
    country (Iran), but I feel that I am not able to do anything about it. Every
    time I tried to explain something, I felt like people don't understand what I
    am saying, and I felt somewhat out of this world, rejected.

    Recently I have decided to write a book, that was the only way I knew that
    will help shed some light on darkness. But I need to resolve my energetic
    personal issues too, I can feel that there is something wrong in my energetic
    body, but I couldn't understand how to make it go away. I had cleared it
    sometimes by letting unconditional love flow into my body, But as I came
    out of that state of love, it returned. I thank you, you really was spot on, I
    need to speak my peace, without requiring that anything change in the outer
    world, in a unconditional type of manner.

    My love to you ...

    You are a miracle, and happy Woman's day as tomorrow is the Mother's day in Iran.


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  • Grace
    For Elias

    Originally posted by elias View Post
    Hi Grace,

    Wonderful words, Thank you!
    I have some problems with my throat, can you help me clear that? Some kind of tension I feel. I have tried to relieve it by meditation, but it comes back.

    I am always grateful for the fact that there are people like you living on Earth.


    Hi Elias,

    I have made the necessary CEM corrections for you. Your issue was stemming from anger, and fear in expressing your anger. Which brings up a very valuable topic, so thank you so much for posting. As I have said before, I make these energetic corrections at no cost here and on Facebook when you post your questions publicly because I know it takes courage to do so.

    Anger is a valuable feeling. It allows us to feel that Truth is being compromised in some way. Truth always muscle tests strong, and not truth always muscle tests weak. Anyone knows the feeling of being misjudged or mistreated. The energy of Anger is powerful, and so the wise person recognizes that it is time to put things right, and proceeds to do so with the powerful motivational root Chakra energy of anger(passion). This energy can make a person persevere for a very long time until things are put back into balance.

    When Anger is repressed or not allowed to be expressed out of fear of being criticized or punished, then dis-ease will develop, as in your throat pain Elias.

    Here is where Honesty is key. Ask yourself, what am I afraid of if I express my discontent? For most people the answer is, "I don't want to be disapproved of", and this is exactly where problems like your throat issue begins.

    Being aware of your feelings takes practice, but once you become aware of what you are feeling, then you can shift yourself into a higher vibration instantly by simply intending to do so. For example, you notice you are angry about something, you must first realize and acknowledge your anger with no judgement. Then choose to move this energy "up". To take this lower energy and intend to see the opportunity to make something better of it.

    You don't even have to "DO" anything. You have to "see it" in your Minds eye, and imagine the desired outcome, all the while breathing deeply and empowering yourself by enveloping your vision with clear brilliant white light. Energy is Love, and we also know that Energy is light.

    Also, begin to feel energized when you feel anger and know you must speak your peace, and I do mean peace. Go into any situation you know to be incorrect with an intention of peace. Especially when you are feeling angry. This will take some practice, but after a few times you will actually enjoy the process.

    There is no need to fear expressing yourself as long as your heart is intending peace.

    Keep me posted on how you are feeling Elias.

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