Hello all! Hi Debbie!
Thank you sooooooooo much for your so beautiful and very uplifting post!
Anyways I did the things you recommended, well the bubble bath no because I don't have a bathtub (maybe one day I'll be lucky enough to move into a place with a bathtub, but right now this little flat is just fine, veeeeery cheap rent
) but my lovely soft comfy queen sized bed with its fluffy eiderdown quilt did just great for me!
Thing is I don't WANT to work at ANY of the jobs I've applied for. But I'm desperate because soon I won't have ANY income at all! When welfare ends. Here in Spain you just can't know all the enormous tons of people who have become homeless because they couldn't pay the rent or mortgage, most people aren't even eligible for welfare at all here! And most people who DO get welfare can only get it for 6 months, when the average jobless person in this country takes more than 2 years to find a job because Spain isn't in crisis, it's in deep depression. Like the one that hit the US in the 30's. Except in those days housing was cheaper, like here the average person with an average job and an average home spends more than 50% of his income only on housing (rent or mortgage), as opposed to 80 years ago here when the average person only spent about 10% of his income on housing. Well and blah blah blah I'm getting off the subject here.
Thing is people who never ever expected to become homeless here have become homeless now, nice young ladies with no parents to take care of them, with an education who used to work as secretaries or even lawyers. People who don't smoke or drink or take drugs. Because they lost their job and couldn't find another one and they couldn't get welfare either. The news is full of reports about these sorts of people nowadays, because the big cities are filled with people in this situation.
But anyways getting back to me (instead of the current situation, the news etc. hehe!
), well I was just saying that I really don't WANT to work at any of the jobs I've applied for! I just apply for them because I'm desperate, I don't want to end up just another statistical homeless casualty of this deep depression that this country is going through. I'm even thinking of going to England because that country is chock full of jobs!
I know they say we create our reality, but I think the events that happen in any given country do affect all the people in that country regardless of their beliefs. For example I think if you live in Haiti it doesn't really matter what you believe, the earthquake there would've affected you some way or another. You could be practicing LOA and meditating and all that but the earthquake there would inevitably have affected you somehow. Even if you yourself didn't lose your home maybe you would've lost loved ones, or have family members who did lose their home and have to move in with you. Surely if you used to have a prosperous business there it would have all gone down the drain because all those earthquake victims would certainly no longer be in any situation to patronise your business now.
So what I am saying is, when I am in bed picturing myself earning money doing what I most LOOOOOOOVE to do it's all very nice and pleasant, I believe in it, I can feel the waves going out searching for those people and that opportunity that would be a perfect match for me, and that their vibrations and mine lock together and we feel mutually attracted towards each other, even if we aren't aware of it, and synchronicity and events bring us together.
But then I come back to the cold hard reality, the reality of a country that, well if not the poorest in the EU (I think maybe Greece is taking that honour lately, I don't know if you've read in the news about how deep in debt they are and can't provide for the needs of their own citizens and need heaps of help from the EU just to survive these days), well the thing is all the south of Europe right now is in the bin, Spain isn't the worst off but it's definitely a shadow of what it used to be. We all hope it recovers soon as countries like England, Germany or the US have already done.
The only hope I do have is I HAVE told the universe I'm willing to move to another country if that is what it takes for me to find success doing what I love to do!
But asides from that, well I really do personally find it very hard to imagine anyone wanting to pay me to do the things I love to do. What I love to do is artistic and we all know the stories about those poor starving artists, writers and poets freezing in garrets so they can write, etc. There's even a saying here which says, doing art means freezing to death (because you can't pay for the heating I presume), that is "el arte = helarte"!
(And no, what I love to do isn't nearly as practical or as in demand as writing is, I mean if you were a writer I imagine you could still work as a journalist or something. But no I don't write.)
I imagine that if I were really really really good, and living in a place where there's still money to pay for artistic activities (when people are starving to death and living in the streets in masses, there DEFINITELY is no money for artistic activities), maybe I'd still have the hope of getting paid for doing what I love to do. But I'm sure that I'm so bad, even if there were money for artistic activities people would always prefer someone else before they would choose me, because if you're gonna pay your hard-earned money for someone to do something and that something isn't related to your basic necessities and primary needs, that someone had better be real good!
Anyways sorry for ranting on so. I just wish I could find a way to be good enough that I could actually believe that people would be willing to pay me to do what I love to do, but I don't find that I can ever get any better no matter how hard I try. Because I'm reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally bad..............

Anyways I did the things you recommended, well the bubble bath no because I don't have a bathtub (maybe one day I'll be lucky enough to move into a place with a bathtub, but right now this little flat is just fine, veeeeery cheap rent

Thing is I don't WANT to work at ANY of the jobs I've applied for. But I'm desperate because soon I won't have ANY income at all! When welfare ends. Here in Spain you just can't know all the enormous tons of people who have become homeless because they couldn't pay the rent or mortgage, most people aren't even eligible for welfare at all here! And most people who DO get welfare can only get it for 6 months, when the average jobless person in this country takes more than 2 years to find a job because Spain isn't in crisis, it's in deep depression. Like the one that hit the US in the 30's. Except in those days housing was cheaper, like here the average person with an average job and an average home spends more than 50% of his income only on housing (rent or mortgage), as opposed to 80 years ago here when the average person only spent about 10% of his income on housing. Well and blah blah blah I'm getting off the subject here.
Thing is people who never ever expected to become homeless here have become homeless now, nice young ladies with no parents to take care of them, with an education who used to work as secretaries or even lawyers. People who don't smoke or drink or take drugs. Because they lost their job and couldn't find another one and they couldn't get welfare either. The news is full of reports about these sorts of people nowadays, because the big cities are filled with people in this situation.
But anyways getting back to me (instead of the current situation, the news etc. hehe!

I know they say we create our reality, but I think the events that happen in any given country do affect all the people in that country regardless of their beliefs. For example I think if you live in Haiti it doesn't really matter what you believe, the earthquake there would've affected you some way or another. You could be practicing LOA and meditating and all that but the earthquake there would inevitably have affected you somehow. Even if you yourself didn't lose your home maybe you would've lost loved ones, or have family members who did lose their home and have to move in with you. Surely if you used to have a prosperous business there it would have all gone down the drain because all those earthquake victims would certainly no longer be in any situation to patronise your business now.
So what I am saying is, when I am in bed picturing myself earning money doing what I most LOOOOOOOVE to do it's all very nice and pleasant, I believe in it, I can feel the waves going out searching for those people and that opportunity that would be a perfect match for me, and that their vibrations and mine lock together and we feel mutually attracted towards each other, even if we aren't aware of it, and synchronicity and events bring us together.
But then I come back to the cold hard reality, the reality of a country that, well if not the poorest in the EU (I think maybe Greece is taking that honour lately, I don't know if you've read in the news about how deep in debt they are and can't provide for the needs of their own citizens and need heaps of help from the EU just to survive these days), well the thing is all the south of Europe right now is in the bin, Spain isn't the worst off but it's definitely a shadow of what it used to be. We all hope it recovers soon as countries like England, Germany or the US have already done.
The only hope I do have is I HAVE told the universe I'm willing to move to another country if that is what it takes for me to find success doing what I love to do!

But asides from that, well I really do personally find it very hard to imagine anyone wanting to pay me to do the things I love to do. What I love to do is artistic and we all know the stories about those poor starving artists, writers and poets freezing in garrets so they can write, etc. There's even a saying here which says, doing art means freezing to death (because you can't pay for the heating I presume), that is "el arte = helarte"!
(And no, what I love to do isn't nearly as practical or as in demand as writing is, I mean if you were a writer I imagine you could still work as a journalist or something. But no I don't write.)
I imagine that if I were really really really good, and living in a place where there's still money to pay for artistic activities (when people are starving to death and living in the streets in masses, there DEFINITELY is no money for artistic activities), maybe I'd still have the hope of getting paid for doing what I love to do. But I'm sure that I'm so bad, even if there were money for artistic activities people would always prefer someone else before they would choose me, because if you're gonna pay your hard-earned money for someone to do something and that something isn't related to your basic necessities and primary needs, that someone had better be real good!

Anyways sorry for ranting on so. I just wish I could find a way to be good enough that I could actually believe that people would be willing to pay me to do what I love to do, but I don't find that I can ever get any better no matter how hard I try. Because I'm reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally bad..............
