Heather and Grace,
Hi Heather,
I'm sorry you're feeling this way.
. I certainly know what you mean about feeling like a broken record here though! I don't dare go back and read my old posts....and see the patterns continue and continue...but I just have to keep trudging along and assume that there is growth even if it's only a little bit at a time, way down below the surface...
Anyway, I just had one quick thought from your post - I was wondering if you do any kind of volunteer work, or just anything that kind of gets you out of your own head, if you know what I mean, where you can serve others in some way. I do therapeutic riding volunteering and it's one of my favorite parts of my week because for that 2 hours I'm able to completely forget my own 'story' and just focus on these people that I'm there to help. No other time am I able to just let go like that and forget everything else. And I had a lightening-quick manifestion happen there just yesterday, and I never notice any kind of intentions panning out for me... I was walking along next to the horse, and I'm always the 'quiet one' and not the best at making conversation, so I decided to casually set the intention "people easily talk to me". Within minutes, one of the pony handlers behind me, who isn't particularly friendly anyway, all of a sudden starts asking me all sorts of questions and seriously talked my ear off for the rest of the ride. It was completely surreal. All I could think of was it was related to being of service, I was not focused on anything about me aside from setting that little intention, and I must have just been more 'open' or something. Just a thought anyways... I hope you feel better....
I'm hoping you can muscle test something for me. I'm wondering what you get on whether or not we should attempt sell our store, ASAP. We are fast spiraling down (well not any faster than before but we have no more money to subsidize it), despite are staffing situation now being absolutely perfect. Funnily enough, one of our best staff ever that quit due to wanting to 'move on' just asked for her job back as the grass wasnt' greener after all, plus another great staff member is asking to come back early from maternity leave, so our staffing situation is wonderful right now. It's just unfortunate that the rest isn't in place. The stress the financial situation of the store has caused though, despite so much else that is good about the store, leaves us in a place of some hard decisions, and I'd love it if you could test what the best route is.
Thank you.
Blessings and love.
Hi Heather,
I'm sorry you're feeling this way.

Anyway, I just had one quick thought from your post - I was wondering if you do any kind of volunteer work, or just anything that kind of gets you out of your own head, if you know what I mean, where you can serve others in some way. I do therapeutic riding volunteering and it's one of my favorite parts of my week because for that 2 hours I'm able to completely forget my own 'story' and just focus on these people that I'm there to help. No other time am I able to just let go like that and forget everything else. And I had a lightening-quick manifestion happen there just yesterday, and I never notice any kind of intentions panning out for me... I was walking along next to the horse, and I'm always the 'quiet one' and not the best at making conversation, so I decided to casually set the intention "people easily talk to me". Within minutes, one of the pony handlers behind me, who isn't particularly friendly anyway, all of a sudden starts asking me all sorts of questions and seriously talked my ear off for the rest of the ride. It was completely surreal. All I could think of was it was related to being of service, I was not focused on anything about me aside from setting that little intention, and I must have just been more 'open' or something. Just a thought anyways... I hope you feel better....
I'm hoping you can muscle test something for me. I'm wondering what you get on whether or not we should attempt sell our store, ASAP. We are fast spiraling down (well not any faster than before but we have no more money to subsidize it), despite are staffing situation now being absolutely perfect. Funnily enough, one of our best staff ever that quit due to wanting to 'move on' just asked for her job back as the grass wasnt' greener after all, plus another great staff member is asking to come back early from maternity leave, so our staffing situation is wonderful right now. It's just unfortunate that the rest isn't in place. The stress the financial situation of the store has caused though, despite so much else that is good about the store, leaves us in a place of some hard decisions, and I'd love it if you could test what the best route is.
Thank you.
Blessings and love.