Hi Kim
As you probably know from reading the posts, I lost some precious photos only very recently and then got them back after a week
I don't know if it will help but one of the questions I asked myself was "where was I when I last held these photos?". Of course, consciously I didn't know the answer, but I knew my subconscious must know. I also think I lost them for a reason and had some work to do on myself before I got them back! When they did reappear they were in a place i'd already looked!!! I hope this helps and I really hope your camera turns up soon for you.
Hi Salllyjane
I'm so happy for you for your new job, and your new business and for the abundance that you are manifesting for yourself
It's great to hear about it all. Keep it coming!
And Grace
Just to keep you updated - and ask for continuing corrections please.
Outward circumstances in all areas are just the same - apart from a small move in the right direction with money for which I am extremely grateful.
But I think I am changing how I handle things. I still have bad days but I do feel that I am making progress. Even having a bit of peace and being able to feel love and gratitude and forgiveness when the outer world is continuing to reflect back things that I do not at all want is a big step forward, I think. And I know I'm thinking differently. So please would you continue to make corrections for me in all the areas that you know about. And also
please would you make corrections concerning me moving? I've just seen the view that I am wanting.
I have been looking at houses in the area I want to go to for months and months and know what sort of view I want and what sort of house but logically it's beyond my means. Anyway I decided to just dream anyway because then I'd have a nice dream. And the other day I saw the view on a house website. I've seen other sea views but none were quite as I'd pictured. This is. So now I'm all excited and desperately want to live there!!!! I don't even know what the flat is like or if it's in my budget and so many things would have to happen before I could move. And I know it might not be the right place for me. But I just keep thinking about it. It's an area I really really want to live in. And just seeing it got all these plans into my head about possibilities I hadn't thought of. I was just lying in bed thinking about it all and was soooo excited and then when I got up it was kind of weird to still be where I am.
So, anyway - please would you do corrections to sort of keep me on the right path and to do what I need to? To know what the right thing is for me to do and to have the courage to do it and for the right doors to open? I suppose what I mean is that I don't want any nasty blocks or subconscious programs to get in the way and so would really appreciate your corrections whilst I continue working on myself?
I really appreciate you doing this for me, and for everyone else. Because I know we keep you busy! There have been a lot of posts recently I've identified with.
As you probably know from reading the posts, I lost some precious photos only very recently and then got them back after a week

Hi Salllyjane
I'm so happy for you for your new job, and your new business and for the abundance that you are manifesting for yourself

And Grace
Just to keep you updated - and ask for continuing corrections please.
