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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • Grace
    Peace Is All There Is!!

    Originally posted by zartgirl View Post
    Well I just got back from mediation appointment for custody of my kids! It was very interesting and WOW! I was at total peace when I got there...

    So what happened? The first thing she wanted to know was what each person thought was optimal. I kept my mouth shut, so unlike me!!!!! Keith spoke up first... So unlike him! He said right off the bat that optimal for him would to be for him to have the kids maybe 2 or 3 times a week! Whooooaaaa! I knew this was going to be peaceful, but it took me by surprise that he had no intention of even pretending he wanted something more! He then went on to say that his schedule was just too much for him to have the kids much more often! Well we will have another meeting towards the end of this month or the begining of December... Mostly, the mediator thought it would be good for me to get my job and then we could set up actual times the kids are here and when the kids are there!

    The point was it was fabulous how it all went as had been predicted way back before I was able to see it as being peaceful and no fight!!!! It went exactly how it was supposed to go!

    Blessings to all of you! And a big too, especially for Grace who has spent so much time working with me to get me to this point of peace with even my X!!!

    Love and Gratitude zartgirl Sallyjane

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  • Grace
    The Beauty of Love and Family!!

    Originally posted by marnyka View Post
    thank you for the insight. I read a thread here about Indigo and Crystal children and thought he might be an Indigo child. We always want our children to be 'special' so I thought it was wishful thinking.

    I have also believed that he takes on his little buddie's problems and sicknesses at school. That is hard to explain to your doctor.

    I have the same problem but I have gotten to the point where I have closed myself off (probably too much) so it doesn't get to me as much.

    Chase and I ALWAYS 'catch' things from each other. My husband doesn't share in this, which is good so he can take care of us.

    Little story:
    I remember one time I got food poisoning or some flu and was vomiting every couple hours all night long. He usually sleeps with us.... So everytime I would throw up in the trash can on the side of the bed, he would wake up, sit up and wait for me to finish and then he would give me a hug. He couldn't have been over 12 months at the time. I thought it was cute.

    Chase is getting better. I noticed his symptoms this morning were alot better. Still has the runny nose, but the chest congestion and coughing wasn't as bad.

    I would like to spend some one on one time with you to help me and my husband understand how to help Chase better as well as ourselves. I attached on of my favorite pictures of Chase along with our x-mas picture

    Hi Marnyka, I would love to talk with you and your husband. Please get on It is free and we can chat and talk as much as we desire!! I have to admit that talking with all of you that post, makes me very HAPPY!!

    I spend so much time each day on "corrections" you would think that this would be a chore but for me it is such an incredible PLEASURE!! I love all of you so very much. Thank you for posting!! LIFE IS ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!

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  • Grace
    The Effortless Life!!

    Originally posted by zartgirl View Post
    I almost forgot.... The other thing we are wanting is for the kids to be able to change schools to Walla Walla where I live vs. staying in school in MF where the X lives. I have been spending a fortune on Gas driving the kids back and forth to school. Not to mention that the kids have to get up at the crack of dawn to be able to make it to school on time! This is a major thing to accomplish today!
    Blessings Sj zartgirl
    Life is so effortless!! BELIEVE IT!!

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  • Grace
    You Are Always On My Mind!!

    Originally posted by zartgirl View Post
    Well today is the day!
    In two hours and 4 minutes, my mediation with my x husband starts! I am feeling at peace and that it is going to go just the way it is supposed to go. The kids have been with me the whole time, and they want to stay with me and just go visit their Dad.

    I have been focussing on the outcome I want! Thanking God for that outcome, and praising God for that outcome! The outcome is peaceful resolution with me having main custody and him visitation. Peaceful is the key word here! I have been visualizing myself as calm and assertive, but nice overflowing with gratitude.

    Please send as much peaceful energy as possible!!!! And as much possitive energy too, so I can do what it is I need to do!

    Blessing all Sallyjane zartgirl

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  • Viviana
    Originally posted by JanKnegt View Post
    I know that many people have their limiting beliefs about abundance and money and I hope to transform these beliefs and may be CEM can thier be of help?
    Hi Jan!

    Yes, CEM can help remove those layers and strengthen what you want in your life. I also encourage you into looking at Theta Healing as that it also works in clearing limiting beliefs.

    Check it out at:

    Theta Healing

    You might have already noticed a thread on Theta Healing on this forum started by our lovely Sonora!

    I hope this contribution to the CEM Thread will be of help for many of the group. I really appreciate all the members of this group who appreciated my contribution!
    Yes, Yes, Yes!! Whatever anyone writes on this thread is something we all attracted and resonate with at some level, so your contributions ARE of help to ALL of us Jan!

    again for posting about your situation and know that it WILL change!


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  • marnyka
    Chase is doing better - Thank you

    Chase is doing better. It has now turned into more of a runny nose. We both have coughing episodes but not like before. Since moving to Nebraska, it seems we have more of the Fall allergies than the summer or spring. So we will be getting some air filtration systems for the house.

    Grace, I wanted to thank you for what you have been doing. I am forever grateful.


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  • JanKnegt
    Fear of lack of money

    Dear Grace,

    I really enjoyed our conversation last Thursday and I am really glad that we met!
    Before I started Medical School I worked full time as a RN at a ward treating children with cancer and serious heart diseases. But when I started with my education/training to become a MD I had to stop with my full time job. Fortunately I was able to work as a RN at our Children's Clinic on a zero-hour basis which means that when there is a shortage of nurses and they needed me and I was able to work I could work (and earned the the so badly needed money). So I worked most during every weekend and holidays. I needed this money to pay for my food, medical books and for different treatments/healings. I have a loan which covers only the money for the mortgage, electricity, heating and the insurences.
    As a kid I learned to work hard to earn some money but also the fear having not enough money to pay the bills or to get what I need or want.
    This weekend there was no work for me and with no work no money. It is nice to have some spare time to get more rest and not being every day in the hospital but it makes me anxious that this will be happen more in the future and I don't earn enough money to have enough money for healthy food and for investing in my health, spiritual growth and future practice as a MD using alternative healing modalities. I use the PATHS module Mindset for money for about two weaks now because I know I have some beliefs about a lack of abundance, need to work hard to get some money, not deserving wealth/abundance, life is a struggle, need to work to survive and so on...
    I know that many people have their limiting beliefs about abundance and money and I hope to transform these beliefs and may be CEM can thier be of help?
    Grace, I was wondering if You could test how I accurate I can use a penudulum or use kinesiology for testing. I use often my pendulum but my testing is probably not 100% accurate. I tried using many ways to ask the questions to get more accuracy. Maybe I am afraid to see or to know the truth?
    I hope this contribution to the CEM Thread will be of help for many of the group. I really appreciate all the members of this group who appreciated my contribution!
    With greetings from Holland to all the members of this Thread, till we meet again,

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  • Adrienne

    i went and seen your new illustration.... is it the blue faery?

    very nice art work though...... it is stuff that stands out, and i like that....

    thank you for sharing with us Sally Jane

    love and gratitude Adrienne

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  • zartgirl
    2 job interviews

    Today I have 2 job interviews! One is for worksource and one is for a company in M-F the town where my x lives! It is a temporary position in a mental health agency I believe... Either one for me would just make it such that I can get into a house or apartment and out of the shelter... I know there is so much out there that is better for me, but I do need to get moved and Iza wants to spend her birthday in our own place. Her 14 th birthday is on the 20th of this month. I just would like to have peace and calm, and what is intended for me to happen.

    Okay on a different note... I had a burst of creative energy yesterday and the day before... I have a new illustration up on my website...

    Sj Illustration Home Page I would love for you all to see it! Blesings Sj zartgirl

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  • Adrienne

    thanks for the love and the ME and everything....

    Muah... ...Adrienne

    focusing on who i really am... and that i am creating this all

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  • Adrienne
    to willow and the other new people on this forum, glad to see ya... cheers Adrienne

    Thanks Zartgirl....
    funnything is i got onto my email for paths today... and got to check one email...
    cheers ..Adrienne

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  • vineyardnancy
    Originally posted by vineyardnancy View Post
    Happy Sunday Grace!

    Just raking leaves outside with my hubby -- and
    .... EUREKA!!!...
    I realized that I'd totally love to have your help in easing his chronic back pain!!

    Thanks a million!!


    FYI!! You are the absolute BEST!! My "main squeeze" is 90% better .... and it is sooo wonderful to see him pain-free!
    A million times over!!

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  • willow

    Thanks guys for the warm welcome. Zartgirl, I will take on board what you said about asking people for help - thank you!


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  • zartgirl
    Your son, Adrienne

    Originally posted by Adrienne View Post
    OK, my son just turned twelve today...

    and he also has been out of school again, cuz of being sick...

    Just needed to share this.... cuz my heart is broken, i feel his pain....
    So some help/corrections/healing enery, LOVE to my son and his worries and belief that it his fault...

    Thanks LOVE Adrienne
    Well Adrienne, I will definitely keep your son in my heart and send him lots of healing thoughts. You know, he is just a year maybe 2 years behind my daughter, and I have started teaching her how to process discomforts through the BL process. They totally get it at this age! I think it is helpful for her to use it... Although at this point I have to lead her through it... she does it and seems to get it better than I did at first! He may not want to at first, but just keep intending that the opportunity come for you to share the gratitude with him!

    Big zartgirl Sj
    PS I will be sending you some healing energy for your computer also!

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  • zartgirl

    I want to welcome you Willow!

    Well I am so glad you decided to come out of the shadows where you were lurking and join us all in an amazing journey to nowhere or better said now here! Oh I totally stole that from tephen here on the board! It is a journey to the Now, and it is awesome!

    You know we have a thread on Memes / Curses and the whole thing about not asking for help from someone before you know them... Well, that is one that needs to be blown out of the stargate!!! I can not tell you how many times I have met the most interesting people by asking for help or having them ask me for help! Especially back in the day when I lived in S.F. California... People would stop me on a regular basis and ask me the best way to get from one place to the next (in S.F. that is always public transportation). Isn't that what we are here for is to help each other get from one place to the next? So never be worried about asking for help from someone when you first meet them or don't even know them! We love to help here, especially!!!

    One of the things I have been learning from my friends here is when I ask them for help, and receive help... I am actually giving back to them somehow at the same time! Isn't that awesome!!!

    Here is a big
    zartgirl Sallyjane
    Last edited by zartgirl; 11-07-2007, 04:40 PM.

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