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Non-Refrigerated Milk

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  • Non-Refrigerated Milk

    I was in a daze for about ten minutes the last time I went to the groecery store and saw liquid milk on the shelf that does not require refridgeration.

    How in the world?

    Even more shocking, it is organic milk.

    I just called the company and they verified it. But they said after you put the product in the fridge, you must keep it there or it will go bad.

    I has something do with the way it is packaged and the lining in the packaging.

    Here is an explaniation from their web site:

    How are your Single Serve Milks packaged?

    Single serve milks are packaged in aseptic tetrapaks and unopened will keep at room temperature up to seven months or until the date code. The milk is pasteurized using UHT or ultra-high temperature process which is similar to UP or ultra-pasteurization, in which the milk is heated to >280° F for 2-3 seconds, but packaged in a sterile environment thus extending its shelf life. The package itself is durable, lightweight, convenient for transport, and uses low energy and few materials. It is recyclable at any local program that accepts aseptic packages.

    How are you Single Serve Milks pasteurized?

    The milk is pasteurized using UHT or ultra-high temperature which is the same as ultra-pasteurization (or UP) in which the milk is heated to >280° F for 2-3 seconds. This pasteurization process coupled with the aseptic packaging extends the shelf life of the milk and allows it to be stored at room temperature. You can find the "UHT" symbol on the back panel in the upper right corner underneath the straw.

    Things that make you go "hmmmmmmm."

    XO Jessica
    Keep your mind on the aether

  • #2

    I'm very suspicious of food that doesn't spoil. Milk heated to the high temperatures of UHT denatures proteins and, IMO, harms the lining of the the gut. Sure, the milk may have come from cows raised according to organic standards, but the treatment renders it an unhealthy product. The best milk is consumed raw, fresh or fermented. Unfortunately, our politicians have made it illegal to sell raw milk in most states.

    Here is a little bit from the book, Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon & Mary G. Enig. On page 252, they quote William Campbell Douglass, MD:

    "There's another phony milk that you should know about. It's called UHT milk. The dairy industry is producing this one in attempt to regain business lost to filled milk and other junk beverages. UHT stands for ultra high temperature. What it means is that milk has been heated to such a high temperature that it is sterilized, just like surgical instruments. It can be shipped in unrefrigerated trucks--a tremendous savings to the dairymen. It will sit on a shelf, unrefrigerated, for months without spoiling. The reason it won't spoil is because no self-respecting bug will eat it. Bugs are smart. They like fresh food with nutrient value, not steam-cleaned pseudofood."

    The best milk is consumed raw, fresh or fermented. Unfortunately, our politicians have made it illegal to sell raw milk in most states. I'm in Tennessee and we had people lobbying about 2 years ago, trying to persuade our politicians to make raw milk legal. It wasn't a success, but I'm not giving up hope. Right now, California needs people to send emails, letters and make calls so that buying/selling raw milk continues to be legal.

    Some good websites:
    Weston A. Price Foundation


    • #3

      Well I'm not rushing to try the non-refridgerated milk, especially with your comments.

      About, "The best milk is consumed raw". . .Doesn't that put you at risk for parasites?

      Keep your mind on the aether


      • #4
        healthy milk comes from healthy cows

        Cows raised on pasture, eating grasses instead of a grain-rich diet are healthier. Of course, this means moving them frequently and having enough land to do so. Taking the time to wash the udder before collecting milk and using clean equipment is important. I'm afraid that most dairies skimp on the cleanliness, expecting pasteurization to take care of the dirty milk.

        Would I worry about parasites from raw milk obtained from a small, grass-based dairy? No. I'd love to have a source of raw milk near me so I can make yogurt or kefir for those breakfast smoothies made with raw eggs (from my own chickens ).


        • #5
          milk ... does it do a body good???

          Pasteurizing any milk at normal temps or uht will not only damage proteins but also kills the good sugars ".....ose's"

          That sounds scary Jessica! lol

          Making food last a long time with packaging, preservatives, etc... were mostly developed for war time necessity I believe and was never intended to be the norm for regular food consumption. So when going through a grocery store organic store or not, going around the perimeter of the store is about the only place where you can find real food that is perishable. Everything in the isles are for long term storage.

          I drink milk once in a blue moon but still have the overall believe that milk is for babies as humans are the only ones who drink milk after infancy and another animal's milk at that!! I know some animals will do it anyway but that is an exception to the rule.

          One thing I can't find is non-homoginized milk...when homoginizing milk, it busts the milk fats to smitherines so small that it makes them LDL fats making them more able to clog arteries, etc... homoginized milk is one of the leading causes of cardio-disease because of this. If the fat is left alone and is left intact in large fat pieces, they won't have the same clogging problems because they will be more HDL size. To my understanding at least.

          As far as bone health...there isn't enough magnesium in typical cow's milk for the calcium to be used correctly in a human and long term large consumption of milk can cause calcium deposits.

          Anyway, my 2 cents on milk.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #6
            Originally posted by Aaron View Post
            One thing I can't find is non-homoginized milk...
            The Weston A. Price Foundation website is one of my favorites. From there you can find sources for real milk in your area. Here is the link for finding real milk in your area -


            There is lots of great information to explore on the WAPF website. VERY different from what the main stream media and big pharma 'teaches'. After clicking "Enter the site", check out all the links in the left column. Under 'Basics' you'll see the link for 'Real Milk'.

            Hope you find a source of good milk, Aaron.

            Paths To Your Success


            • #7
              milk & nutrition

              Thanks Ann,

              I didn't think of contacting my local farmers even though I'm connected to quite a few of them! LOL duh...

              Weston Price info is superb. I used to work with a medical doctor who was associates with Linus Pauling as well as being a pioneer in orthomolecular medicine himself and he told me that Weston Price's book
              Nutrition and Physical Degeneration should be THE primary book that everyone should read who is interested in nutrition.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO

