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Your blood

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  • Your blood

    I believe the understanding of how our blood works is one if not the most important thing we should understand about ourselves. O A B A,B
    Nutrientt absorbsion ,personality , immune system affect.
    O= OLD

  • #2
    Originally posted by Chris Sidebotham View Post
    I believe the understanding of how our blood works is one if not the most important thing we should understand about ourselves. O A B A,B
    Nutrientt absorbsion ,personality , immune system affect.
    O= OLD
    Hi Chris
    I agree completely
    I am O neg and my wife is O pos. (We know because we both donate blood togther regularly.) As an O neg I clot more quickly from the various accidents I have in my laboratory.

    Together we also lost 50+ each by following a diet based on blood type. there is a book titled "Eat Right for your blood type" I don't know the author, but i highly recommend it. basically it explained that each blood type reacts differently to differant food types. In our case being both O we cut out sugars, breads, and dairy products. We cut back on red meats and increased our veggies, fish and non red meat protiens. It works we are proof.
    Last edited by Bizzy; 07-20-2012, 06:00 PM.
    Smile it doesn't hurt!

    Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27

