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  • #46
    My Attitude of Gratitude

    Thank you for those lovely photos S.J. What a lovely "gratitude" album you could compile with your obvious talent for capturing those special moments.

    I have for many months now tried to implement my "attitude of gratitude" by keeping a gratitude journal. I keep it by my bed & usually before I go to sleep I revisit my day, ponder my experiences & write down my "gratitude thoughts". Some nights, if time is short I'll run through my gratitude list mentally. This has happened a bit lately, but as part of my Reiki assignment I decided to make sure that I resumed writing again in my gratitude journal. So last night I was able to enter a lovely long list of gratitude & appreciation. What a great high it was to be able to leave those thoughts & feelings with my subconscious to play with during the night whilst I slept!

    I find that keeping a written journal rather than a mental journal works best for me as I'm a very visual person. I love having a permanent reminder of so many wonderful experiences to look back on, especially as it now encompasses so many months,it is a great pick me up if I find myself straying from the gratitude path!

    There is nothing like seeing all those thoughts & emotions set in concrete, so to speak, to make me take pause & realise what a wonderful life experience I really am having! It never fails to lift my spirits when I go back & reread some of my earlier entries. It is so easy sometimes to otherwise forget how many little moments in each day build towards the greater whole & just how much gratitude is to be found for each daily experience.

    Whilst I have many things that I can be greatful for during each of my days the most important thing that I have learned is how greatful I am for being!

    I can now look back on the canvas of my life so far & really appreciate all the downs, as well as the ups in my life that have occurred, for together they have provided the contrasts, the light & shade to all my experiences.

    I had wondered a little while ago about starting up a separate "Gratitude" thread here on this forum but thought most people would probably be implementing it already in their own way. But Moxie, I will leave you here with just a few of my thoughts from last night.

    I am so immensely happy and greatful for the wonderful opportunity to learn Reiki from Moxie & benefit from her wisdom & generosity.
    I am truly greatful to be where I am right now & for the huge improvements that I've already made in my life & will continue to make.

    I am sooooo immensely greatful for meeting all the wonderful caring & sharing people on this forum & being able to participate here. The past several weeks here have been the best in my life so far & I know that it will just continue to get better & better with you all in my life.

    Love & Blessings,
    Theta Healing
    Paths 2 Potential

    "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


    • #47
      So Grateful for You!

      Hi Sharyn
      I am so happy and grateful to be a part of your life and to have this wonderful opportunity to hear you share your attitude of gratitude. Reading posts like yours brings joy to my heart and seeing pictures posted by S.J brought tears to my eyes as well. We are truly living wonderful lives and having found one another and been given this time to work together is truly a blessing.
      I love having a gratitude journal, Sharyn - you are so right about the blessing it can be to look back on. It is like your own little boost of encouragement at just the right time always.
      I, too have a gratitude journal and a few years ago I tried something different with it - on one page I wrote gratitude sentences and then on the next in a type of calligraphy printing I wrote WORDS - just words to express my feelings. I have now filled a book and when I sit down and open a page it always blows me away to read those words they are so uplifting and healing. Another wonderful thing is that I have infused the book with Reiki healing energy which makes it very powerful. When I share a page with a friend, it is as if they want to rub the page or hug the book as they feel the healing. So wonderful!
      This is something each of you will be doing as well - really soon when that Reiki energy is flowing through your fingertips.
      Have a wonderfully, grateful, joyfilled day my friend.

      Love and gratitude,
      Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

      My Mystic PATHS Website
      Word Whisperer
      My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


      • #48
        S.J. ... what a lovely soul you have ... and you made me feel a strong urge for liasing with mother nature ... wow ... im so amazed at the lovely pictures.. you are doing great

        and Sharyn ... you inspired me on keeping my own gratitude journal too ... i loved the idea .. you're very right about writing those thoughts down .. and writing them at night sounds perfect too ... gives u a chance to reflect on ur day and to sleep with a smile and gives a chance to the cute subby (subconcious ) to do what it has to do while ur asleep as u described it ..

        so inspiring isnt it ? .. just this morning - and before reading ur post - i was contemplating about my gratitude attitude .. and i was thinking about what is the best time of the day to have my concentrated session of gratitude that would affect my whole day ... now im capturing ur idea and implementing it from tonight onwards thank you .

        ok .. how about ... mentally in the morning ... and written at night ... i think i'll do that ... well ... im sure writing those thoughts down at night will affect the way u wake up in the morning .. u will wake up with a sense of appreciation ...

        keep it up girlies

        Love, Lama


        • #49
          Loved your post Sharyn!

          And thank you so much lama! You are so kind!

          It is my pleasure to spend time in your company!! I feel so blessed.

          What an exciting journey we are on!


          • #50
            Another wonderful thing is that I have infused the book with Reiki healing energy which makes it very powerful. When I share a page with a friend, it is as if they want to rub the page or hug the book as they feel the healing. So wonderful!
            Wow! That sounds amazing! I`d love to do that to get well soon cards


            • #51
              The Possibilities are Unlimited

              Once we get going the possibilities are unlimited!!!! We can infuse Reiki healing energy in our food, water, plants, pets, homes, letters, cards, .... you name it!!!
              What a way to be a silent blessing!
              Love and gratitude,
              Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

              My Mystic PATHS Website
              Word Whisperer
              My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


              • #52
                Originally posted by MoxieMags View Post
                Once we get going the possibilities are unlimited!!!! We can infuse Reiki healing energy in our food, water, plants, pets, homes, letters, cards, .... you name it!!!
                What a way to be a silent blessing!
                Love and gratitude,
                Wow!!! How wonderful. Really looking forward to it.


                • #53
                  Looking forward to learning the next email! Only two days to go!

                  I thought I'd post a few more pics, as requested?
                  These were taken at the same time as the ones above, at the lake.

                  Sleeping beauty


                  • #54
                    kirlian fingerprints

                    Hi S.J.,

                    Interesting about the NASA research" "NASA has a specific machine that when a Reiki practitioner put their hands beneath it, revealed very little. But when the practitioner was requested to “switch on” their Reiki energy, immediately visible via this powerful machine was light streaming brightly from the hands. Surprisingly, the light didn’t just stream solely from the palms but also from the fingers and specifically the finger tips. Simultaneously the light was visibly seen, the machine recorded a whopping 1,000 increase in energy emitting from the hands. When asked to “switch off”, the light vanished and the machine recorded little energy levels again."

                    These were taken of my fingertips on 11/19/1999 in SF at a World Qigong Congress as a demo. I demonstrated this to a group of Qigong masters from China who was there. I was off then I turned on. A medical doctor I was working for had the machine. I blacked out my fingerprints for privacy.

                    Last edited by Aaron; 06-21-2007, 12:45 AM.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • #55
                      Right on Moxie!!

                      Hi Moxie,

                      I was attuned to Reiki back in 1992. I am Reiki 1 and 2. Just as CEM I studied Reiki to improve myself and I am so incredibly happy I did. You are a saint to start this thread. I love you Moxie!!
                      IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                      • #56
                        Incredible Pictures

                        Hi S.J. what incredible pictures!!! I absolutely love them.
                        Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

                        My Mystic PATHS Website
                        Word Whisperer
                        My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


                        • #57
                          Finger Prints

                          Hey Aaron,
                          Thanks for posting your finger prints. You just know the energy is popping when you are turned on but it sure is nice to see some visual representation.
                          Each year I have a Kirilean photograph taken and it is amazing to see the colours and energy swirls, but I have not had the opportunity to have my fingers photographed.
                          Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

                          My Mystic PATHS Website
                          Word Whisperer
                          My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


                          • #58
                            Oh Grace!

                            Grace, my dear, sweet, wonderful friend,
                            So glad to see you back on the forums after your trip. This thread was initiated by S.J. when she asked the question. She gave me the 'nudge' that led to this wonderful opportunity to share Reiki with others.
                            The course has been amazing so far and the connections, as you know, are glorious.
                            I am so looking forward to learning CEM from you and melding both healing modailities. And then there is ME - WOW - I have to get that book!!!
                            So much excitement, my spirit is dancing with anticipation.
                            I am so grateful for having found all of you.
                            Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

                            My Mystic PATHS Website
                            Word Whisperer
                            My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


                            • #59
                              Wow Aaron! that's incredible! Thanks for posting. Great to see you here, Grace!

                              Thanks Moxie you are such an inspiration to me. I am so happy to meet you all - it's a dream come true

                              Warm hugs xxxx
                              Last edited by S.J; 06-21-2007, 02:38 PM.


                              • #60
                                The power of Reiki

                                I just wanted to say a public "Thank You!" to Moxie I woke up this morning really early, so went back to bed for a couple of hrs and in that time I had a funny old dream and I also slept awkward and woke up with a major stiff neck I mentioned it just in passing in an email about something else, but oh boy! it was SO painful I wished i had just stayed UP!. Now, it hardly is sore at all and Moxie mailed me to say she sent me Reiki, I am so relieved, thank you hun it has really helped me. I am so happy you did that for me. I appreciate you took time out of your busy to think of me and send it! Big warm hugs back at you. Every day it seems things keep getting better and better, it really is amazing the kindness that abounds in here.

                                Thanks again hun xxx

