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Tesla Wireless Power Transmission (Longitudinal Transmission)

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  • Tesla Wireless Power Transmission (Longitudinal Transmission)

    I want to show you something:

    I look forward to your opinions. If you like the movie please share because google and youtube are censoring this kind of information.
    Thank you very much - Thinks critically and questions everything
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  • #2
    Its my opinion that the Wardenclyffe tower was the Neutral Center between the Earth waves and the atmosphere waves.

    The tower didnt actually broadcast anything but setup the Radiant energy Point or Zero Point for Energy to manifest throughout the Planet on a wave frequency of Tesla'a choosing.
    One then merely needed receivers with antenna tuned to the frequency of the Neutral Center. Such receivers can light bulbs on 60 hertz frequency, same as the Tower Center.

    He certainly didnt broadcast electrons....

    As Keely said, after learning about the Neutral Center for Unlimited Radiant Energy, the trick is what do you do with it... Tesla wanted to broadcast it, Joe uses it in water and air experiments in his many Cells

    Another way to generate a Neutral Center is to place a mild steel washer between two SAME Poles of magnets.... as explained in Theory only here....


    • #3
      Resonace it the key to over unity !

      In any resonant circuit, is a maximum disturbance of the environment, witch the great Nicolae Teslea (Nikola Tesla) called this environment: ETHER.
      It has properties of a liquid, but it is not liquid. We can only iteract with it but we cannot see it
      This measure was taken by the Creator, so that we people go to work.
      YES, this amplified disturbance of the environment can be extracted witbouth destroying it (just extracted in another form) !
      In my resonat transformer efficiency is between 92% - 99%, if you let it operate freely !
      IF YOU DO NOT HAVE RESISTIVITY (light bulb and led diode), IT EXCEEDS 100% Test and you will see that I am right.

      Thanks. - Thinks critically and questions everything !
      Attached Files
      Last edited by decogsm; 10-07-2019, 02:21 PM.


      • #4
        re - Tesla Wireless Power Transmission

        In the Tesla Wireless Power Transmission you have to consider a few things:

        - you must have high voltage

        - you must have resonance

        - an automatic method of adjusting the resonance

        - and the same frame of reference

        I hope with all my heart that these will help.

 - Thinks critically and questions everything !


        • #5
          completion - Resonace it the key to over unity !

          In a overunity resonant system:
          - most have 2 separate fields (mandatory condition)
          - perfect sin wave
          - high Q coils (isolated wire)
          - in the primary coil you must have voltage and intensity in the phase
          - In the secondary coil the voltage and intensity must be shifted over 90 degrees (condition for overunity) !
          - the resistivity as low as possible
          - resonance should not be forced
          - high quality materials (metglass)
          - a smart brain knows how to properly measure ac power

 - Thinks critically and questions everything !
          Attached Files
          Last edited by decogsm; 11-03-2019, 08:51 AM.


          • #6
            re - In a overunity resonant system:

            Has anyone tested the resonant transformer?
            Can anyone confirm if in the secondary, the voltage and intensity are shifted by over 90 degrease?

   - Thinks critically and questions everything !

