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The meltdown of the snowflakes and social justice warriors

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  • #16
    Patron saint of the lefties

    Kunstler is a jew and was adamantly against Trump. He has shifted his view, and now, is adamantly against those who are pushing to destroy the planet.
    The Curse of the Thinking Class - KUNSTLER
    No thinking person could EVER back killary. She is in bed with the Saudis who are in an oil war with Russia. A person has to be INCREDIBLY stupid to think that the Russians will ever back down. They have cruise missiles that can bypass any ballistic missile defense. They have a new super-speed missile that is too fast to intercept. They were the first to develop energetic weapons based on the work of Tesla.

    As the West builds ever-more expensive BS for kinetic warfare, Russia CUTS their defence budget.
    Russia announces deepest defence budget cuts since 1990s | IHS Jane's 360

    All of our kinetic warfare stuff is just targets for ever-better missiles. Killary was very open about leading us into national suicide. All the blood-sucking lefty lampreys latched on to her to keep the free $hit coming. They cast their vote for quick planetary destruction,,, rather than slow planetary destruction.


    • #17
      there is nothing you can do about global climate change, absolutely nothing. retards seem to think we have such a huge effect on the earth. sory not gonna happen. the sun, vulcanism, deep sea rivers, plate tektonics. the number one predictor of the earth warming or cooling is the sunspot cycle, check out the terms dalton minimum and maunder minimum.

      its good science, not the lefts desire to rape industry thru carbon swaps. our planet is not dying, its a cycle.
      Yea it's just a cycle when stupid people decided to kill 95% of the fish in the ocean for profit then fill it with plastic. Not unlike another cycle where they pump billions of gallons of fresh water and toxic chemicals down hole to fracture formations which ends up polluting the ground water other people depend on. Or the other cycle where most all animal species are at risk of extinction because of loss of habitat and pollution. Or the landfill cycle where stupid people try to bury their problems and pretend they don't exist any more. It's just a cycle that's all, of complete and utter stupidity.

      Magician, honestly, how could anyone debate you on anything if you are really that uneducated. The left are the Hillary supporters, or worse Bernie supporters.They are the kids in university, who are still uneducated and who want free ( taxpayer funded ) post secondary education.
      Oh I didn't know you knew all those kids personally and know what they want. As well I wonder how many republican kids applied for the same grants(free money)?, so your biased and petty argument holds no weight.

      They want the free sh@t. And they are the government workers, and free loaders. You have it a AZZ backwards again.
      The right is all about less goverment, less TAXES ( which means less free **** for the leftards). The right wants their privacy, and property to be respected. And they what to keep their money in their own pockets.
      You are a free loader are you not?. You want jobs and wealth but your not willing to pay for the environmental damage you cause which has a very real tangible dollar value. The right is about gutting environmental protection and making taxpayers clean up the mess at some point in the future as we can see from Trump's policy. So by definition you are the worst kind of free loader, one in denial that you have done anything wrong.

      You don't mind if I take a dump in your back yard then do you?. I mean if it makes me money and creates jobs then it's all good isn't it?. Less government, less taxes for me and you have no right to invade my privacy while I do it. I will just bend over and takes a dump in your back yard whenever I feel the need and everyone should be okay with that?. This is the premise of your ridiculous argument isn't it?.

      Your !@#$ing argument doesn't have a leg to stand.
      Last edited by The Magician; 03-28-2017, 08:06 PM.


      • #18
        You really gotta turn off the CNN tube and erase what your teacher told you.

        Originally posted by The Magician View Post

        Yea it's just a cycle when stupid people decided to kill 95% of the fish in the ocean

        As usual in your loop-sided programming you left out the main killers
        of the Oceans being radioactive waste flowing into it and other waters
        are largely due to fresh water fracking where radon deposited are
        broken down in that process


        Oh I didn't know you knew all those kids personally and know what they want. As well I wonder how many republican kids applied for the same grants(free money)?, so your biased and petty argument holds no weight.

        Very shallow report on the entrenched swamp rhino's who have been
        digging in for 70 years, easy money, lots of free money, beaches all
        around, drink up.

        You are a free loader are you not?. You want jobs and wealth but your not willing to pay for the environmental damage you cause which has a very real tangible dollar value.

        Now the guilt trip is put on the deplorable? Weak.

        You don't mind if I take a dump in your back yard then do you?. I mean if it makes me money and creates jobs then it's all good isn't it?. Less government, less taxes for me and you have no right to invade my privacy while I do it. I will just bend over and takes a dump in your back yard whenever I feel the need and everyone should be okay with that?. This is the premise of your ridiculous argument isn't it?.

        Your !@#$ing argument doesn't have a leg to stand.

        With this type of reasoning I wonder if it is you who has this stuff running
        down his legs.Try again, snowflake?

        Gotta give you credit for trying to spread your bologna. weak.

        Last edited by BroMikey; 03-29-2017, 03:36 AM.


        • #19
          stupid is as stupid does


          the number 1 cause of ocean warming is underwater volcanoes, just look at the data of active underwater volcanoes... 80 percent of all volcanic activity is underwater

          Deep Ocean Volcanoes | Ocean Today

          sorry if the reefs are dying its because the volcanoes are warming the ocean not humans.

          the pacific gyre which has huge concentrations of plastic could have been easily cleaned up, the obama administration, the U.N., no one cares about a floating pile of debris. the EPA could have easily managed a clean up project. your president did nothing to help. I doubt trump will either. the u.n. could handle it easily.....

          Tom C


          • #20
            Now the guilt trip is put on the deplorable? Weak.
            No more like a business trip because tourism, fishing, farming etc are a multi-trillion dollar industry dependent on the environment. So when some azzclown wants to fire up the coal plants producing acid rain or dump coal mining waste in a river to save a million dollars other businesses could lose hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of jobs over time.

            We all have a vested interest in the environment in one way or another so we are like shareholders. So when some azzclown wants to destroy part of the environment and it's productivity then we lose as shareholders just like a corporation would. If I was the CEO of the environment and you affected my productivity and profitability then I would sue you into !@#$ing oblivion and so should we.


            • #21
              We are all probably right in some aspects. I like Tom C. idea
              that liquid rock is warming the oceans at times and that plastic
              could be cleaned up, I have always said that.

              But this notion cars and trucks or burning forests are to blame is very
              fake, very weak news. In terms of looking at power plants
              which do not change the EARTH .0001 percent we must say that nuclear
              radioactivity is the most harmful.

              Coal is just another forest fire in term of emissions.

              In all of the thoughts we must also understand that these NAZI satanists
              have perfected the energy weapons capable of wiping out all life of
              earth. These machines can create earth quakes, storms and just like
              Tesla said can crack this planet in half with the little black box

              It is a standing wave machine and this is where our problems lie as well
              as the confusion understanding which way we are being hit. The
              technology to warm the earth exists, also to ruin everything to the point
              no food will be found.

              THEIR plans are being dismantled now.


              This situation we are witnessing on earth today with all nations wanting
              out of globalism is stopping the slaughter of every living person outside
              of the 500 million figure declared to be the target population in the near

              Oops, all THEIR work is down the toilet and Trump is the operation of
              HIS hand. Little by little each of you will see great things. What we say
              will not change that. This is about the preservation on mankind that will
              not fail.

              PS @ MagicBoy
              Throwing STONES at your own glass works? Watch you don't break
              any of your favorite mirrors
              Last edited by BroMikey; 03-29-2017, 06:24 AM.


              • #22
                Coal is just another forest fire in term of emissions.
                Only in this case there are millions of them all burning at once 24/7.

                This situation we are witnessing on earth today with all nations wanting out of globalism is stopping the slaughter of every living person outside of the 500 million figure declared to be the target population in the near future.
                Or it could be just the opposite which is to divide and conquer.

                Oops, all THEIR work is down the toilet and Trump is the operation of HIS hand. Little by little each of you will see great things. What we say
                will not change that. This is about the preservation on mankind that will
                not fail.
                To date all Trump has done is fail miserably. There is no immigration ban, there is no Trumpcare and there is no wall. They also say his new Energy policy will be stopped dead in it's tracks. If the measure of a man is his hands then Trump is in big trouble in many ways


                • #23
                  Hey magician, can I just call you mr. Smoke and mirrors, is that ok

                  Oh I didn't know you knew all those kids personally and know what they want. As well I wonder how many republican kids applied for the same grants(free money)?, so your biased and petty argument holds no weight
                  My argument? what's the agrument? Your arguing, I'm right. The Bernie and Hillary supports are democrats, they are the left. There's no arguement. Them the facts.
                  The facts are liberals want the socialist sh@t. Them the facts.
                  I'm sure there are republican kids who applied for grants. That means nothing.
                  I never said grants, I said they want free secondary education, not grants. Can't you read and comprehend.
                  And conservatives, whether they're kids or adults, do not want tax payer funded, parties for university kids, taken courses where there will never be jobs.
                  Do you understand... not grants,.. free sh@t. Free university. Of course paid for by hard working people who have their money stolen.
                  If you want to argue with that, go ahead, but how about some facts to back up your bullsh@t, instead of your opinions, which I, and most, think are completely wrong.
                  Try backing up your big mouth with some facts. I haven't seen you post one fact, ever. Lots of hot air and azz backward opinions, but no facts.

                  You are a free loader are you not?. You want jobs and wealth but your not willing to pay for the environmental damage you cause which has a very real tangible dollar value. The right is about gutting environmental protection and making taxpayers clean up the mess at some point in the future as we can see from Trump's policy. So by definition you are the worst kind of free loader, one in denial that you have done anything wrong.
                  Sorry, but your wrong again. I'm no freeloader, I paid more taxes last year then most of my friends even made. I pay way more then I recieve, from social programs.
                  What environmental damage do I cause, that I don't pay for? What are you talking about? I already pay more then my fair share. Maybe if the government and the other socialists, like you, lived within your means, instead of getting free sh@t that I pay for, maybe that would take a big bite out of pollution, waste, and over consumption. Stop supporting consumption for people who can't afford it. Stop socialism.
                  The right isn't about polluting the planet and having tax payers clean it up, are you stupid?
                  The right doesn't believe in taxes, first of all, and second of all, we don't believe in polluting either. I believe in laws to punish polluters, but I'm not paying for your crap.
                  Just beacause someone thinks man made global warming is bullsh@t, which it is, doesn't mean we think polluting is good, big difference, can your mind comprehend that, is it possible?
                  I'm not in denial, I'm in reality, I own and look after 300 acres of forest. It's managed by me, looks like a park. It's beatiful.
                  You assume a lot, but you are wrong.

                  You don't mind if I take a dump in your back yard then do you?. I mean if it makes me money and creates jobs then it's all good isn't it?. Less government, less taxes for me and you have no right to invade my privacy while I do it. I will just bend over and takes a dump in your back yard whenever I feel the need and everyone should be okay with that?. This is the premise of your ridiculous argument isn't it?.

                  Your !@#$ing argument doesn't have a leg to stand.
                  What a ridiculous thing to say. I'd love to catch you taking a dump in my backyard, that I worked and paid for, I'd shoot you a new crap hole in your thick skull. At least beat you silly.
                  Your logic is flawed, you want to trespass on my property, vandalize it, and say your privacy is not invaded. Your invading my private property, and my privacy, by taking a dump on my private land, that I look after.
                  Your argument makes no sense. Remember when I told you conservatives value property rights. By doing what you said, you would not be respecting mine rights. Faulty logic, stupid. Liberal swine.

                  That was the most ridiculous arguement I ever heard. Although you do have some azz backward beliefs, but that was the most stupid, by far. Come on, give us some real facts to support what you say, instead of half baked opinions, Mr. smoke and mirrors. Do you have any?


                  • #24
                    laying global warming to bed

                    Rod Martin Jr. · American InterContinental University
                    Too many are fussing over the CO2 quantities and missing the larger picture. We currently live in an ongoing Ice Age interglacial, commonly called the Holocene. And this won't change so long as those two little white things at the poles persist and we have not yet plunged back into another glacial period. But, oops! We're currently overdue for a return to glacial conditions, based on average interglacial lengths of the current Ice Age.

                    The fact that the UN, NASA, Al Gore and others are shouting "earth's fever" while we're experiencing a minor thaw in an Ice Age, shows just how psychopathic some people have become on this topic. Most of Earth's history has been something like 10C warmer than today and with 1600 ppm CO2 (4x current levels). No runaway greenhouse effect. Why? Because the positive feedbacks are cancelled out by the negative feedbacks of evaporative cooling and cloud cover reflectivity.

                    Time to start preparing for Frozen Climate or to start clearing the stupidity from our minds and working together to end the current Ice Age.


                    Tom C


                    • #25
                      coal fire dplants

                      less that 100,000..... way less. not millions of them, and they do not run 24/7 they only run when they are needed. some plants only run when hydro and natural gas run out of capacity.


                      no exxagerations here

                      Tom C


                      • #26
                        What a ridiculous thing to say. I'd love to catch you taking a dump in my backyard, that I worked and paid for, I'd shoot you a new crap hole in your thick skull. At least beat you silly.
                        Your logic is flawed, you want to trespass on my property, vandalize it, and say your privacy is not invaded. Your invading my private property, and my privacy, by taking a dump on my private land, that I look after.
                        Your argument makes no sense. Remember when I told you conservatives value property rights. By doing what you said, you would not be respecting mine rights. Faulty logic, stupid. Liberal swine.
                        It was an analogy, for instance instead of taking a dump on my property my neighbor sprayed roundup on his field and it drifted onto my property and my whole house wreaked of herbicide. My other neighbors have cattle which **** in the creek which runs through my property near my well. It's all legal and they have the right to make a profit but fundamentally I am paying for their !@#$ing ignorance.

                        In the big picture this is what most corporations do and emissions causing acid raid do damage somewhere, polluting water ways does damage somewhere and air pollution does damage somewhere and someone else pays the price. The corporations don't pay and the little tax they pay does not even begin to cover the damage they do to the environment. We live in the environment so in effect this does damage to us. Pretty !@#$ing simple, cause and effect.

                        There is no free lunch and if you break it then you fix it.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by The Magician View Post

                          ................... my property and my whole house wreaked of herbicide.
                          My other neighbors have cattle which **** in the creek which runs
                          my property near my well.
                          Dude you can't keep drinking that water out of a 20 foot well you are
                          going to end up with cognitive problems. Is that what is happening?

                          Last edited by BroMikey; 03-30-2017, 04:22 AM.


                          • #28
                            Growing polarization

                            The country is definitely tearing itself apart;
                            The Civil War is Here | Frontpage Mag


                            • #29
                              Yeah we are war with a bunch of little boys who can't even grow
                              a pair and who would want to when gender neutral is more politically
                              correct. You can't tell who you should shake hands with or if the weirdo
                              wants you as his boyfriend.

                              After all these emotional males raised by Muma respond exactly like
                              a sow on steroids. Hand on the hip, the whole woman thing manifesting
                              from a so call man. I am not blaming them because they did not have a
                              choice rather am making an observation looking at the current population.

                              Of course they want everything and they want it now handed to them
                              without earning it because most women teach this to their male children
                              without even realizing it. Women have their worth taking care of
                              children and deserve to be given money to buy things. This is normal.

                              But when a man acts like this it is unbecoming because God made man
                              to work by the sweat of his brow to provide for himself and the household
                              he is a leader of as he reproduces little ones after his likeness.

                              Today that is not the way many think, my statements are an offense.

                              Last edited by BroMikey; 03-30-2017, 04:46 AM.


                              • #30
                                Ok Magician, I see your very angry with your neighbors and listening none stop to professors at university, and to MSM, it's hard to see beyond the destruction of the planet. We all live here, nobody wants to see the environment destroyed. I have kids, no body wants that.

                                It was an analogy, for instance instead of taking a dump on my property my neighbor sprayed roundup on his field and it drifted onto my property and my whole house wreaked of herbicide. My other neighbors have cattle which **** in the creek which runs through my property near my well. It's all legal and they have the right to make a profit but fundamentally I am paying for their !@#$ing ignorance.

                                In the big picture this is what most corporations do and emissions causing acid raid do damage somewhere, polluting water ways does damage somewhere and air pollution does damage somewhere and someone else pays the price. The corporations don't pay and the little tax they pay does not even begin to cover the damage they do to the environment. We live in the environment so in effect this does damage to us. Pretty !@#$ing simple, cause and effect.

                                There is no free lunch and if you break it then you fix it.
                                So, I really don't want you to blow a fuse, but maybe you could hear me out, just once. Just once, without going off, just think about this....

                                The roundup the farmer sprays is poison, your right, it should be outlawed.
                                But instead of getting worked up with the farmer, who may not know any better, think about Who stops it from being banned.

                                So you said on a different thread this, speaking of president Trump,

                                Complete BS and as I said he has gutted the EPA and most environmental regulations giving corporations free reign to destroy the planet.
                                Now, again, without going off, think for a moment. It's the EPA who allows roundup, Monsanto, to poison the planet, right, so read this

                                Shocking letter from dead EPA scientist reveals EPA bureacrats being bribed by Monsanto to hide scientific evidence of glyphosate causing cancer –

                                So the EPA works for Monsanto, they work for the corporations. They allow the corporations to pollute, but they destroy the little guy.

                                Also, more of their handiwork..


                                They should have been charged. And the lead in the water, in Flint Michigan. Criminal.

                                So, when Trump wants to end the EPA, why would that be a bad thing?
                                There are still going to be pollution laws, just no taxpayer funded beauocrat crimals. They are the ones who allow corporations to pollute, just not me and you. It's an organization owned by corporations. How can you think ending the EPA is a bad thing?
                                Are you ok? . Did you follow the links?

                                Now, in terms of the cattle, dumping in the creek, well, I feel for you, and if there's e.coli in your water, well, you should be able to get that stopped.
                                But, was the rancher there first, then people moved in and now the rancher has to go, well that's not fair either, they may have been ranching there for generationS.

                                Your also quite able to speak, why not rally the locals and get the laws changed in you area, change the laws.

