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US Presidential election 2016

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  • @Bromikey
    When I begin to speak, I can feel what I am saying to be true. I knew that
    Trump is the people's choice here in the USA, not according to the
    mainstream lies and this is all you see. Or swallow. Try other sites.
    I hope you are right and I am wrong Bromikey. I hope it all works out in the end.



    • working out in the end

      Sadly, it doesn't look like it is going to work out in the end. "Paul Ryan was unanimously chosen for another term as House speaker by his Republican henchmen" The GOP has served notice that they will close ranks against Trump. All spending bills must originate in the house. Trump has said that he will re-open the 9/11 investigation. You can bet that that investigation would be over pretty fast because all the necessary information is well known.
      Tel Avi on the Potomac will do everything possible to block funding for anything that Trump wants.
      Rat Ryan will probably block any spending bills including Trumps' infrastructure spending programs.


      • @DannyB

        Yes it would seem we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. I still think Iceland had the right the whole damn works and start over.

        In Canada we have similar issues and the lower to middle class simply are not getting ahead. There wages are stagnant and the price of everything is on the rise. Sure were worried but not worried enough to do something crazy.The Canadian way is very different from the U.S., we are mostly unpatriotic, anti-national, anti-government and anti-corporation. Overall were not willing to jump into anything with both feet and both extremes of the far right and left are a losing proposition.

        In any case I don't see government as an issue when corporations are controlling the governments. Mega corporations devour all the smaller corporations and now we see Mega-mergers taking place. Where exactly do you think this is headed?, obviously it will end with a few corporations owning everything and a corporate dictatorship. Only this dictatorship is an entity not a person with no accountability. Nobody should be championing big business in my opinion because in the big picture it's a recipe for disaster.



        • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
          Sadly, it doesn't look like it is going to work out ............................
          Rat Ryan will probably block any spending bills including Trumps' infrastructure spending programs.
          Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post

          Yes it would seem we are damned if we do and damned if we don't.


          You guys are missing a few facts

          1) THE PEOPLE will now expose the swamp overlords

          2) Trump is an SOB and will stop at nothing to bring the payback

          3) Trump always uses every person he can so they hang themselves
          remember Ted Cruise? Remember how Trump came out on to the stage
          in the nick of time to save TED? Does anyone see this guy Trump?
          Does anyone get what the mind of Trump is all about?

          4) Judas was only one figure in a historical writing who hung himself
          so remember that a good leader always gives plenty of rope to those
          who pose themselves as buddies.

          5) This way all the exposure is done against the person who is corrupt
          by their own behavior on display before the masses.

          6) Draining the swamp means that you allow the lizards to entangle
          themselves and like all creeping things not having much foresight
          will fall into THEIR own trap. Then THEIR buddies will come to rescue
          them so more are uncovered then sent out in shame.

          7) The entrenched shiny political power will be forced out into the light
          one by one and will be sent out in public view. This is the worst punishment
          possible to THEM and this THEY will face.

          8) Idols for creature worship is no longer exceptable to the middle class.
          The Hollywood crowd as a for instance is nothing short of gross and the
          people are tired of lying hero's that never deliver.

          9) All nations will now seek to exit the Global Cabal.

          10) And now a few few from my sponsor.

          Take courage, that is not a suggestion.

          The Eagle is Rising

          Isaiah 31:5 As birds flying, so will the LORD of hosts defend
          Jerusalem; defending also he will deliver it; and passing over
          he will preserve it.
          Last edited by BroMikey; 11-17-2016, 03:36 AM.


          • The conversation that was not reported

            Trump to Ryan: Just remember that I was the one elected President. Whether you like it or not, you have to work with me. I do not necessarily have to work with you. (clears throat) I hope you get my drift.

            Ryan to Trump: I like my job even though I said things that might make you think otherwise. It would help my reputation if there were some way I could continue to do what I am doing now. You help me keep my position as majority leader and I'll do what I can to help you get what you want. Deal?

            Trump to Ryan: Just remember this conversation. I'm likely to remind you of it from time to time. This deal is ongoing and is subject to renegotiation at any time if you don't do the right thing.
            There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


            • Rat king

              Bromikey, here is what crawled out of the swamp. :28


              • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                Bromikey, here is what crawled out of the swamp. :28
                I don't even listen to computer generated robot voice video's that
                can be produced in a 2nd grade classroom. I stay with what the common people understand in their gut, not from the middle ages either.

                This is the here and now, either you are living in fear thinking that more
                repeats in history will apply as the same ole same ole nothing going on but the rent, nothing new OR you are looking for the truth about what is next
                for our time.

                The rat nature of men has always been the easy to predict cause and
                effect, action, reaction so once again the common men may see thru
                to the next level.

                The rats always worry about and save their own skins and this is the
                same ole. Where as something other than this type of a leader does
                arise from time to time thru-out the historical record. Cynicism generally
                precludes the next red sea crossing.

                Samson, Jehu, David and many more were examples of the defiant
                furion who went against the rats to take judgement back to the
                people. The dirty rats need a rat king because it takes one to
                know one.

                One voice is being used to sound an alarm that is causing the rats to
                scramble, that was good enough to win the election in a landslide, to
                the average Joe.

                Sampson tied the rats tails together and lit them on fire didn't he?
                I meant foxes tails. It's the same ole dance isn't it?

                How else can Trump get so much draining done in so short of a time?

                Last edited by BroMikey; 11-17-2016, 11:28 AM.


                • USA rising is affecting the world, come on guys shake off the hum drum.

                  Trump Victory Global Impact



                  • Back home in Detroit area a young man is threatened. The public
                    must be re-educated soon as Law and Order is being re=cast all
                    over again. Political correctness has caused tantrum oriented actions
                    with a victim mind set. Some folks are willing to murder ignorantly
                    for no apparent reason

                    Michigan, a Democratic stronghold has flipping over to a red state.
                    This puts Donald Trump at 305 electoral votes making the corporate
                    crony Hillary crowd up tight to say the least.



                    • Bannon and strategy

                      "Hillary Clinton camp's own political myopia. This defines the parallel realities in which liberals, in their view of themselves, represent a morally superior character "
                      "In this, he could not be a less reassuring or more confusing figure for liberals — fiercely intelligent and yet reflexively drawn to the inverse of every liberal assumption and shibboleth. "
                      It is because he IS intelligent that he is repulsed by the liberal agenda.
                      "What he seems to have carried from a boyhood in a blue-collar, union and Democratic family in Norfolk, Va., and through his tour of the American establishment, is an unreconstructed sense of class awareness, or bitterness — or betrayal. The Democratic Party betrayed its working-man roots"

                      "And, likewise, the Republican party would come to betray its working-man constituency forged under Reagan. In sum, the working man was betrayed by the establishment"
                      "The globalists gutted the American working class and created a middle class in Asia. The issue now is about Americans looking to not get f—ed over. If we deliver" — by "we" he means the Trump White House — "we'll get 60 percent of the white vote, and 40 percent of the black and Hispanic vote and we'll govern for 50 years. That's what the Democrats missed. They were talking to these people with companies with a $9 billion market cap employing nine people. It's not reality. "

                      " I'm the guy pushing a trillion-dollar infrastructure plan. With negative interest rates throughout the world, it's the greatest opportunity to rebuild everything. Ship yards, iron works, get them all jacked up. "
                      "Bannon represents, he not unreasonably believes, the fall of the establishment. The self-satisfied, in-bred and homogenous views of the establishment are both what he is against and what has provided the opening for the Trump revolution. "The media bubble is the ultimate symbol of what's wrong with this country," he continues. "It's just a circle of people talking to themselves who have no f—ing idea what's going on"

                      "two political parties that are so owned by the donors that they don't speak to their audience. But he speaks in a non-political vernacular, he communicates with these people in a very visceral way. "
                      " They out-spent us 10 to one, had 10 times more people and had all the media with them, but I kept saying it doesn't matter, they got it all wrong, we've got this locked."
                      Steve Bannon Trump Tower Interview: Trump's Strategist Plots "New Political Movement" | Hollywood Reporter

                      This brings me to the REALLY important parts.
                      Trump called Alex Jones to thank him for all his help winning the election. I'm sure that there will be continuing contact after the election if the PTB can't kill T-R-U-M-P ( effff NSA.)
                      Few people know more about the dirt than Alex Jones. Alex can give Donald a working paper on;
                      And much of the U.N. agenda focused on population reduction.

                      The question of ETs will probably stay pretty much where it is. Too many people would drop what they are doing and beg the ETs to fix everything. The biggest thing that needs fixing is human nature.


                      • Good one
                        Yeah and one more thing for all the grey matter. Ammon Bundy spoke
                        from his maximum security cell in Utah where the Obama fed's will seek
                        to murder him there, should be pardoned along with a million others who
                        were put into jails to keep the money flowing and didn't deserve a life
                        sentence for smoking a little grass. Mean while all these GoB Dan criminals
                        like Hillary go free crime after crime after crime after crime.

                        The Patriotic men and women of this country, tho very few in number
                        are burning up at the lack of justice in this land. When the levy breaks
                        no one will have a space to stay in, free from roaming bands of social

                        The jails are full of innocent people who even from jail would be willing
                        to build sky scrapers or jet airplanes, just wanting a job to stay busy
                        but not this criminal enterprise call the USA justice system.

                        Trump is putting some real zhit kicker in position and the jail cells
                        will soon release the innocent. The CIA and DOJ in a Trump Law know
                        the score. We will see great things.

                        One other thing, Trump said Ivanka his daughter, liked Chelsea, the
                        daughter of Hillary Clinton for years since they were small children. The
                        Clintons would like to use Chelsea to become a further extension of the
                        globalist. On the other hand Chelsea is the one who pointed out that
                        her own Mom (Hillary) and partners were making policies that caused the
                        deaths of entire populations abroad.

                        It may be a wise thing to influence Chelsea to work with Ivanka rather
                        than have her as an enemy, so TRUMP is working to see what may come
                        of the love between these two young ladies.

                        Point in case, TRUMP cares about everyone and is a wise man bringing
                        together many people who were in confusion in time past.

                        Last edited by BroMikey; 11-20-2016, 05:52 AM.


                        • Red State running criminal gangs beat Trump people. Smoke dat bad
                          one and snort the good stuff, yeah yeah man do it. Kick azz


                          Last edited by BroMikey; 11-20-2016, 11:28 AM.


                          • Hillary Rampage


                            Hillary Rampage, DYING Now? Crazed Drunk Assaults Staff On Election Night - Now Looks Dead! - YouTube

                            Hillary rampage.


                            Leaked Video Shows Hillary Celebrating Election Night! - YouTube

                            Back at base camp.



                            • Trump and the deep state

                              This is a cross post. It is absolutely amazing.
                              Fear And Loathing Inside The Deep State | Zero Hedge


                              • Leftist Retards


                                IDIOTS REACT TO DONALD TRUMP VICTORY COMPILATION #2 - YouTube



