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Avoiding world war three

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  • #46
    In your face,,, the reality of war

    Kunstler, "The current incident appears to be — or was engineered to be — a replay of the August 2013 gas incident that left President Barack Obama looking weak and indecisive for not carrying out retaliation against Assad “crossing a line in the sand” against human decency.
    And so you have Mr. Trump, who may feel now that he cannot afford to appear weak and indecisive — above all other considerations, including the truth about what really happened at Khan Sheikhoun, Idlib province of Syria. So he bombed an airport, after warning the Russians to remove their personnel from the vicinity. In the event that the world ever does learn what actually occurred at Khan Sheikhoun, and the truth turns out differently than the current narrative, Mr. Trump can say, “We only bombed some Syrian air force infrastructure… no biggie"
    Bombs Away! - KUNSTLER

    4/09 Trump just yanked the Russia card right out of Democrats’ hands – CNBC
    4/09 Syria strike brings rare criticism for Trump from France’s Le Pen – MSN
    4/09 Alt-right goes “apoplectic” over Trump’s decision to bomb Syria – Vanity Fair
    4/09 The world at a crossroads in Syria – Spiegel
    4/09 US missile strikes in Syria cross Russian ‘red lines’ – Russia Insider

    Trump is a negotiator. With immigration, he pushed a position that some wanted. That position was shown to be unworkable. The neocons want war with Russia and Iran. There are armored battalions within a few hundred miles of Moscow. He has crossed "red lines" with Russia in Syria.
    The neocons used the "boiling frog" approach to a buildup for war with Russia. Then, they would provide a provocation that would push things over the edge. Trump has marched the world right up to within shouting distance of all out war with Russia. The backlash serves to shine a light on the reality of another world war.
    Even Nigel Farage has attacked Trump,,, along with Le Pen. The "boiling frog" has just been shown a thermometer.
    The Europeans are forced to evaluate the "transgressions" of Russia in an honest light. The (older) Europeans can easily recall the massive horrors of the last 2 world wars. Trump is forcing the world to make a clear evaluation of what the next step would bring.
    He was accused of collaborating with Russia. Now, people are hoping that he starts collaborating with Russia.
    Once the tanks start to roll, it is too late.


    • #47
      Thanks again for the intel Danny B!

      Yes, fortunately Putin knows of the "old dragons/serpents" as he calls them who call the shots and knows this was intentionally not a major move, more of a territorial piss on a fire hydrant to intimidate the other dog.

      Yes, the slow boil for the frog has been getting cranked up exponentially higher and even "unaware" individuals to the world scam are seeing through the BS.

      As long as the stock markets stay solid, we really shouldn't have an all out war... if the markets begin to tank you better bet the neocons have decided to convert from public corporate to an all out effort in military corporate operations and want to profit from arms and nation building (of course after we are the ones destroying that nations infrastructure). [Stock Markets are privately owned TRUSTS and manipulated by the elite, THEY ARE NOT AS THEY CLAIM THEM TO BE AND ARE NOT SAFE INVESTMENTS!!! PONZI SCHEME]

      Things are brighter on the horizon, but we are still in dusk and have some time until the dawn.

      Our internal and collective consciousness is directly mirrored by the actions in the waking/exterior world... Come on humanity, WAKE THE F UP!!!

      Last edited by ET-Power; 04-09-2017, 03:19 PM. Reason: typo
      "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." - Benjamin Franklin + Thomas Jefferson


      • #48
        Kim drinks his own koolaide


        • #49

          LOL!!!! "Ruthlessly Ravage" a.k.a. "RAPE & PILLAGE"

          So f'n delusional, as if it wasn't bad enough to have his own brother killed...

          SICK & DELUSIONAL!

          We could have had him taken out by assassin years ago, we were being polite, now it's going to get a little hairy

          "God Bless & Pray For The Peace"
          "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." - Benjamin Franklin + Thomas Jefferson


          • #50
            The "Cabbage Patch" dictator

            So, Kim has a whole armada coming at him. He tested nukes but, so did everybody else. What is his major sin?


            • #51

              Trump is a businessman. War is bad for business, unless you're an arms dealer. China is riding an inflation tiger that is going to cause huge problems. They don't need the additional problem of war. Russia has clearly shown that they don't want war.
              "‘They’re terrified that peace was going to break out’ – Ron Paul on US Syria strike "
              Tomato Bubble has a very interesting article on the speculation that the top leaders are conspiring to bring peace. It is well worth reading.
              Uhh, ignore the "horseback" pictures.

              The military likes their prestige and big budgets but, they don't really want to have a war, US Military's Worst Nightmare: A War with Russia and China (at the Same Time) | The National Interest
              This development DEFINITELY calls for bigger and better false-flag provocations


              • #52
                @ Danny B

                "This development DEFINITELY calls for bigger and better false-flag provocations "

                Couldn't agree with you more! Sad but disgustingly true. The elite will stop at nothing, human sacrifice is a fun picnic in the park for these demented sickos.

                Sadly, these Elite are arms dealers. Typically we see a war (WWI or WWII) once they've exhausted as much of the financial system and stock markets as possible, then they go into destruction and mayhem (war) while dealing arms to all sides, and then they get the contracts to rebuild all of the infrastructure that they just demolished in that country, region, and/or countries.

                Paranoid Syphilis Infected Sickos!

                Fortunately the planet and God Willing - human consciousness - will not allow this to happen much longer.

                "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." - Benjamin Franklin + Thomas Jefferson


                • #53
                  Look at Korea,,, ignore israel and syria

                  Kim has inadvertently broken into the big leagues. He hasn't got a prayer. One submarine could take out everything in a few minutes.
                  He executes anyone who seems to be wavering. Sooner or later, somebody will slip a shiv into his throat.
                  While everybody is looking at Korea, Israel claims that there is NO government in Syria. This means that there is no problem with them expropriating the Golan and all the gas under it. The same is true for Palestine. There just happens to be a lot of gas off the coast.
                  Israel has signed a big deal to sell the gas in the Golan. The who's-who of the deal is stinky as can be.
                  Genie Oil: The Syria, Goldman Sachs, Israel, ISIS connection


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by ET-Power View Post

                    Paranoid Syphilis Infected Sickos!

                    Fortunately the planet and God Willing - human consciousness - will not allow this to happen much longer.
                    Trump addresses the NRA - wwwDOTyoutubeDOTcom/watch?v=PhtBrTIswEI

                    Last edited by aljhoa; 04-30-2017, 02:06 PM. Reason: 4,584 and web address in plain text


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                      Kim has inadvertently broken into the big leagues. He hasn't got a prayer. One submarine could take out everything in a few minutes.
                      He executes anyone who seems to be wavering. Sooner or later, somebody will slip a shiv into his throat.
                      While everybody is looking at Korea, Israel claims that there is NO government in Syria. This means that there is no problem with them expropriating the Golan and all the gas under it. The same is true for Palestine. There just happens to be a lot of gas off the coast.
                      Israel has signed a big deal to sell the gas in the Golan. The who's-who of the deal is stinky as can be.
                      Genie Oil: The Syria, Goldman Sachs, Israel, ISIS connection

                      That's it man!

                      Kim, Israeli De-Facto Government, and all De-Facto Gov's are in big trouble... God, Karma, and universal energy will ensure those who disadvantage humans and the earth will pay dearly.
                      Last edited by ET-Power; 04-30-2017, 07:17 PM. Reason: typo
                      "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." - Benjamin Franklin + Thomas Jefferson


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                        Trump addresses the NRA - wwwDOTyoutubeDOTcom/watch?v=PhtBrTIswEI

                        Thanks for the info on Trump and NRA!

                        I truly expect and hope him to keep his word. The only concerning thing for me was his statement about how Federal Agents will no longer go after guns for "LAW ABIDING citizens"

                        LAW is very much a topic open for discussion... for example, nowhere in the 2nd amendment does it say register fire arms, nor does it say a limit to the magazine/clip, nor does it say no autos.

                        I don't know you all out there but as far as I'm concerned if the gov has something the People are entitled to it as well, no exceptions.

                        I'm sure that's a little extreme for some of you, but how else are we to protect ourselves as a People if a defacto gov comes in and tries to put us in internment camps, or any other possible situations.

                        If they have em, we should too!
                        "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." - Benjamin Franklin + Thomas Jefferson


                        • #57
                          Wiki,,, guns... stickup by GOV

                          Keep in mind that, just as the State has a monopoly on printing money, the State would very much like to have a monopoly on violence.
                          " It is very difficult for the labouring people, who have been deceived and intimidated by the reactionary ruling classes for thousands of years, to awaken to the importance of having guns in their own hands."
                          "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."
                          "The guns of the Russian Communist Party created socialism. "
                          "Experience in the class struggle in the era of imperialism teaches us that it is only by the power of the gun that the working class and the labouring masses can defeat the armed bourgeoisie and landlords; in this sense we may say that only with guns can the whole world be transformed"
                          Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, Vol. II, pp. 224-225[3]

                          "Weber claims that the state is the "only human Gemeinschaft which lays claim to the monopoly on the legitimated use of physical force. However, this monopoly is limited to a certain geographical area, and in fact this limitation to a particular area is one of the things that defines a state."[2] In other words, Weber describes the state as any organization that succeeds in holding the exclusive right to use, threaten, or authorize physical force against residents of its territory. "
                          "Weber's concept has been formalized to show that the exclusive policing power of the state benefits social welfare, provided the state acts benevolently in the interest of its citizens.[5]"

                          "The Drug Enforcement Administration seized more than $4 billion in cash from people suspected of drug activity over the last decade, but $3.2 billion of those seizures were never connected to any criminal charges."

                          "Law enforcement took more stuff from people than burglars did last year"


                          • #58
                            Setting up the pawns and the missiles

                            Back on topic.
                            "And so, by 1939, the New World Order crime syndicate and the British & French chauvinists had nearly run out of all options and all propaganda pretexts for instigating another war "
                            Neither of these countries had a border with Germany so, they were hard pressed to create a cause celebre for initiating a war with Germany. They found a true nut-case egomaniac in Marshall Smigly. He was running Poland at the time and the West goaded him on to attack Germany. The West led him to believe that they would back him up. He dutifully attacked Germany to get WW II rolling along.

                            The nut-case neocons got Georgia to attack South Ossetia. "Georgia’s defense minister, Davit Kezerashvili, is a former Israeli who is fluent in Hebrew "
                            Georgia immediately got their butt kicked and Russia withdrew. They are NOT interested in expansion.
                            BUT, this Russian protection of South Ossetia was used as an excuse to pander fear to the rest of Europe.

                            Moving back to Poland. After the shoot-up in South Ossetia, the Poles were convinced to accept a "defensive" missile shield. It was ostensibly slated to be used as protection from Missiles from Iran.
                            Moving on, the rabble-rousers created havoc in the Ukraine. The purpose was to deny Russia access to it's only warm-water port, Sevastopol.
                            At the same time, more and more missiles and bases were built at, or close to Russia’s borders.

                            "As I explained previously, the theory behind this insane scheme is that after America’s preemptive strike Russia will be so devastated that Russia would not retaliate with any remaining forces out of fear that Washington would launch a second major strike."
                            "In previous posts in recent years I have pointed out both written documents and changes in US war doctrine that indicate that Washington is preparing a preemptive nuclear attack on Russia and China. More recently, I have shown that Washington’s demonization of Russia and President Putin, the incessant lies about Russian deeds and intentions, and the refusal of Washington to cooperate with Russia on any issue have convinced the Russian government that Washington is preparing the Western populations for an attack on Russia."

                            "Lt. Gen. Viktor Poznikhir, Deputy Head of Operations of the Russian General Staff has concluded that Washington in pursuit of global hegemony is implementing an anti-ballistic missile system that Washington believes can prevent a Russian nuclear response to a US pre-emptive attack. US forces preparing sudden nuclear strike on Russia - Moscow Security Conference - Fort Russ

                            "Careful studies have convinced the Russians that Washington is investing in and arranging components that have no other function than to devastate Russia and cripple the country’s retaliatory capability. In short, Washington is preparing to launch a nuclear war.
                            Washington Plans to Nuke Russia and China -

                            So, Romania and Poland are to be loaded up with short-range missiles. This will knock out much of Russia's defences. America, being farther away will count on it's interceptors.
                            As Paul Craig Roberts states, there is no doubt about the missiles,,, only the intentions. The missiles based close to Russia are of no value as interceptors since Russia has long-range cruise missiles. ABMs don't work for cruise missiles.
                            The neocons are trying to make their intentions CRYSTAL CLEAR. By upsetting North Korea, they can justify filling up South Korea with missiles to attack China.

                            "Washington has quietly upgraded its nuclear weapons arsenal to create, according to three leading American scientists, “exactly what one would expect to see, if a nuclear-armed state were planning to have the capacity to fight and win a nuclear war by disarming enemies with a surprise first strike.”
                            “Under the veil of an otherwise-legitimate warhead life-extension program,” the U.S. military has vastly expanded the “killing power” of its warheads such that it can “now destroy all of Russia’s ICBM silos.”

                            "The upgrade—part of the Obama administration’s $1 trillion modernization of America’s nuclear forces—allows Washington to destroy Russia’s land-based nuclear weapons, while still retaining 80 percent of the U.S.’s warheads in reserve. If Russia chose to retaliate, it would be reduced to ash."
                            "But MAD is not a U.S. military doctrine. A “first strike” attack has always been central to U.S. military planning, until recently, however, there was no guarantee that such an attack would so cripple an opponent that it would be unable—or unwilling, given the consequences of total annihilation— to retaliate."

                            " While the military downplays these events, former Secretary of Defense William Perry argues that it is pure luck that we have avoided a nuclear exchange, and that the possibility of nuclear war is greater today than it was at the height of the Cold War."
                            "What that means is that while the U.S. would have about 30 minutes warning time to investigate whether an attack was really taking place, the Russians would have 15 minutes or less."

                            "A recent study found that a nuclear war between India and Pakistan using Hiroshima-sized weapons would generate a nuclear winter that would make it impossible to grow wheat in Russia and Canada and cut the Asian Monsoon’s rainfall by 10 percent. The result would be up to 100 million deaths by starvation. Imagine what the outcome would be if the weapons were the size used by Russia, China or the U.S."

                            "Russian President Valdimir Putin charged that U.S. anti-missile systems in Poland and Rumania were not aimed at Iran, but Russia and China. “The Iranian threat does not exist, but missile defense systems continue to be positioned"
                            This is why the ongoing demonization of Iran. An excuse to point more missiles at Russia.
                            North Korea, like South Ossetia is just a pawn.
                            McMaster - Be Prepared For War Against North Korea
                            NATO Pushing For New Balkan War - Russia
                            Russia Leads Superweapons Arms Race

                            The politicians seem to believe that nukes are the ultimate weapon.
                            ‘US Strategic Assets’ (Nukes) To Be Deployed In S Korea
                            US Seeks Permanent Deployment Of Strategic
                            Assets (Nukes And THAAD) In South Korea

                            The British war mongers set up to Poland to get WW II started. Who will they use to get WW III started?


                            • #59
                              The reason is much deeper! Russia and China are already ready to switch to mutual settlements in the equivalent of GOLD (they have enough gold reserves). In the network, this operation is called the operation of the Golden Tsar. Also, an independent electronic system of international mutual transactions was created. If this happens, then the entire Western economy will fall into a tailspin of a deep crisis. Who needs paper money. In his time, President Kennedy wanted to exclude the "paper money system" and return to the "golden system", but was demonstratively killed.

                              Therefore, we can only pray about how the rulers will behave. The sea of fire will fall on each other, or they will find a compromise. But I do not believe much that the Russians change anything, and they will leave their course for mutual settlements in a gold equivalent.

                              Fiatleak - watch the world's currencies flow into bitcoin in realtime A year ago 1 Bitcoin cost 600-700 US dollars
                              Namely, 1 bitcoin is attached to GOLD.
                              Last edited by Rakarskiy; 05-03-2017, 01:24 PM.


                              • #60
                                Russia crates "safe zones",, Pentagram says that they will bomb them

                                Russia appears to be QUITE confident in their new weapons and new jamming systems.
                                On very short notice they announced "safe zones" in Syria.
                                Top US Scientists Confirm US Goal Now Is To Conquer Russia
                                Memorandum Creating De-Escalation Zones in Syria
                                US Has All Information On Syria De-Escalation
                                Memorandum - Russian Deputy FM
                                Crazed Pentagon To Continued Airstrikes, Bombing
                                Operations In The New Syria De-Escalation Zones
                                Russia Accuses US Of 'Declaration Of War'
                                Russia Warns Violators Of De-Escalation Memo In Syria
                                Syria Safe Zone Deal To Begin May 5 – Russia

                                OK, so, Tel Aviv created the gas attack to whip up international sentiment against Assad.
                                Russia Has Irrefutable Proof Syria's Chemical
                                Weapons Disaster Was A False Flag

                                The Pentagram plans to continue airstrikes but, there is a problem;
                                5/06 Russia set to police Syria safe zones backed by Iran, Turkey – Bloomberg
                                That crazy clown , netanyahooo bombed some sort of depot near Damascus. He also claims that Syria still has many tons of poison gas. Turkey is a member of NATO. Will Pox Americana shoot down NATO planes? Pox Americana can't very well afford to shoot down, Russian, Iranian and Turkish planes. Putin can't very well allow Tel Aviv to bomb whatever they feel like. Tel Aviv has signed a contract to sell the oil in the Golan Heights of Syria.

                                The Russian jamming system must be pretty good. American pilots were making very few trips into Syria. The neocons may be trying to create a flashpoint but, the jamming system is not the same as an attack. Israel has the new f-35 but, I'm not impressed by them.
                                This is all part of the pipeline wars. Russia is going ahead with the Turkstream pipeline, The Syrian Pipeline War: How Russia Trumped USA Energy War in the Mideast

                                So, israel is determined to steal Syrian gas and send it to Europe. Syria is determined to sell Syrian and Russian gas to Europe. These "safe zones" will be a test of armaments and defences.

