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Economic pressures

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  • Ugly in Europe

    "German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble explained on Tuesday that Greece will remain in the euro, no matter how the referendum ends on Sunday."
    "The USA position is of course that they want Greece to remain in the euro solely based upon NATO. Then there is the issue of throwing out Greece’s Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis from any meeting. Why expel a finance minister?"
    ",,,,,the Council shall, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after assent of the European Parliament take the appropriate measures."
    With Yanis gone, they are unanimous.
    "This Article 352 allows the EU to wage economic war on any member state to force its will upon the people, regardless of what they vote. This is an amazing authoritarian view for this is not just about maintaining a single currency; it is now all about centralized power. The EU is now in a position to carry out coercive measures against Greece that are completely outside any legal framework."

    "To invoke such federalized power requires a unanimous vote, which explains why they would expel Yanis Varoufakis. It appears that the EU Commission is not about to accept an exit vote by the Greek people. They have eliminated any democratic means to exit the euro. This could lead to major civil unrest throughout Europe for playing hardball with Greece will expose the federalization of Europe. It also explains why they now want to create a European Army at the direction of the EU Commission and Troika."
    You Can Check-In for the Euro but You Can Never Leave | Armstrong Economics
    Hopefully, the collapse of the bond market will forestall any formation of a European army.

    " the EU is an organization led by people with, let’s define this subtly and carefully, sociopathic traits (Antisocial Personality Disorder), simply because the EU structure self-selects for such people. As do all other supra-national organizations,"
    Yep, power corrupts.
    " We are being governed by sociopaths, and that’s by no means just a European thing."
    In that light, it can only be a fitting irony that it was Juncker in his speech yesterday who said:

    “Playing off one democracy against 18 others is not an attitude which is fitting for the great Greek nation.”.
    He could have easily followed up with:
    Because that’s what we in Brussels have a monopoly on.”
    The EU is a club led by people with mental disorders, that panders to special interests. "
    Europe's Controlled Demolition - The Automatic Earth
    Edit, the "anti-Europe" SPIEGEL Commentary on the Greek Crisis - SPIEGEL ONLINE
    Last edited by Danny B; 07-02-2015, 04:00 AM. Reason: Another link


    • Financial wars.

      The world is at war trying to attract capital and investment to home shores.
      "Conclusion: Most Bets Are on the US

      Europe isn’t looking good. Japan isn’t looking good. The UK is holding, but as mentioned above, its numbers are horrible. Switzerland seems to be in-between strategies. China has problems. Russia has problems. The BRICS have never been stable.

      That leaves the US. My impression is that most serious investors would rather hold dollars than yen or euros; most big businesses too. Their bets are on that the US will crash last."

      "To further distance themselves from the US dollar, China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has been met with overwhelming global enthusiasm as 57 nations have signed on to become founding members. This initiative will do trade in currencies other than the dollar or euro, with much of it in China’s renminbi. Not coincidentally, the US warned all of its trade partners not to join the AIIB as it would clearly erode US dominance and give China too much power. Not a single nation listened, but all joined anyway. "
      US Distracted by Rainbows & Flags as Global Banking Meltdown Begins - Waking Times : Waking Times

      This is a big confidence game. It looks like China will reprice gold to gain confidence and attract investment. Saudi is moving towards Russia. They can produce oil at $4 a Bbl. Russia and Iran can produce it cheaply also.

      Kunstler; " The cause is simple: the end of cheap energy, oil in particular. At over $70-a-barrel the price kills economies; under $70-a-barrel the price kills oil production."
      Systemic Turmoil, Structural Reform | KUNSTLER
      If the price of the master resource goes too high, the economy suffers. If it goes too low, production stops. The U.S. fights the financial war by destabilizing other States,,, other currencies. China hopes to stabilize their currency with gold. Europe is going to be sucking rocks.
      Eventually, everybody is going to run to tangibles. J.P. Morgan is already doing this.
      "in Q1, JPM cornered the commodity derivative market, with a total derivative exposure of just over of $4 trillion, an increase ot 1,691% from just $226 billion in one quarter!"


      • Regarding JPMorgan

        I think it was JPMorgan that years ago was manipulating the silver market when the Hunt brothers cornered the silver market. The end of that was that that the Hunts were dragged into court and convicted of manipulating the silver market when it should have been the bankers. Isn't that typical?

        My question is this: On which side of the market is JPMorgan betting? By market I mean the various commodities, of course, but primarily the USD. The question behind the question is this: Do they think we are in for a bout of inflation or are they betting on a short term deflation before the eventual inflation? I don't suppose it really matters but I am curious. It is always a good time to think what may be going on behind the scenes.
        There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


        • Hunt bros

          Wayne.ct, here is a story to entertain you. It is about the Hunt Bros. and the Circle K cowboys.
          Money - Then and Now | Gold Eagle


          • Greece and the world

            Japan has a shrinking economy but, a growing debt load. What is the prognosis?
            Record 62% of households in Japan face financial hardship | The Japan Times
            The economy of Greece has shrunk 25%. Youth unemployment is 50%. Their bond load is growing. Who is going to pay off the bonds? Interest bearing GOV bonds require a growing economy. The minute that low-wage competitors showed up, this started the eventual default of GOV bonds in high-wage States. Bond investors should have packed up and left the markets.

            Bloomberg is crowing that Merkel is showing Greece who is in charge. Why do we have so many IDIOTS in GOV and media? Math and human nature are in charge. The IMF specializes in raping various States. Just the same, the IMF and BIS have some intelligent people working for them. The BIS has repeatedly issued warnings that bankers had gone wild. The IMF just weighed in on the problems. 5 years ago, Greece had an initial default.
            " it took Europe some 5 years to transfer a little over €200 billion in Greek private debt exposure to the public balance sheet"
            "nobody in Europe harbors any doubt that the same exercise can be repeated with Italy, or Spain, or even Portugal."
            " it was the IMF itself which explicitly stated that Greece is no longer viable unless there is both additional funding provided to the country, which can only happen if there is another massive debt haircut. "
            the mantra of the bankers is; NO bank investor will ever lose any money
            "As expected, a Greek government spokesman promptly said that the IMF report is in line with the Greek government's view on debt.

            What makes the IMF report even more odd, is not so much its content and position which have been largely known for quite some time now, but its timing: just three days before the Sunday referendum, Tsipras now has prima facie evidence to wave in front of the Greek people and say "see, we were right all along."

            Paul Craig Roberts; Few people understand that the fate of Western liberty, what remains of it, is at stake in the conflict, and, indeed, the fate of life on earth. The position of the Empire is that the Greek people are responsible for the mistakes of their foreign creditors, and the Greek people must pay for their creditors’ mistakes, especially those mistakes enabled by Goldman Sachs. The Greek people not only hold in their hands the fate of democracy in the West, but also the fate of life on earth.
            Washington is brewing armageddon. But Greece can save us. All the Greek people need to do is to support their government and insist that their government, the first in awhile to represent the interests of the Greek people, give the finger to the corrupt EU, default on the debt, and turn to Russia.

            This would begin the unravelling of the EU and NATO and save the world from armageddon.
            Greece Again Can Save The West -- Paul Craig Roberts -


            • The future of bonds in a shrinking economy

              A shrinking population in developed States coupled with a shrinking economy means that there is a shrinkage number of companies and persons who are producing a surplus. 1.4 million companies have left America since 2007. GOV prints ever-more to support the growing parasite load. Many of these people are willing and able to work but, the industrial economy has no need for them. Various GOVs have inflated the public debt load by $ 200 trillion to maintain the standard of living for companies and persons who have no niche.

              ALL credit bubbles pop eventually and this one has very little time left. GOV squeezes out ever more tax to support non-producers. Every 1 dollar of additional tax reduces the producing economy by about $3. Bonds are a means of spending tomorrow's productivity,,, today. Tomorrow's productivity is drastically reduced. Taxing has reduced it even farther. Bond buyers must have confidence in future wealth production to rationally buy bonds. Rationality is in short supply and confidence will soon join it.

              Most of the developed states are in a demographic crash. Many of the non-producers are the elderly. The bond market will crash because it is mathematically unsupportable. Bonds are in a bubble because wealth has run down. After the reset, there won't be any logical reason for a bond market. Wealth will be whatever we have on hand. This will leave the seniors with nothing. GOV will try to tax-and-print but, there will be little actual wealth. The pension plans will be bankrupt. When public debt blows to smithereens, you will have whatever tangibles are at hand.

              Man's history is a history of increasing productivity and price DEFLATION It used to take 2 weeks of common labor to pay the cost of a pair of shoes. Man escaped the hunter-gatherer society as his productivity increased. When he developed agriculture and animal labor, he produced enough surplus that some people could become artisans and form towns that didn't have to do subsistence agriculture. As it required ever-less people and work to produce man's daily bread, he was able to form cities.

              This was all tied to productivity and price deflation. As more and more people are displaced from the productive economy, they must return to the agricultural or hunter-gatherer lifestyle. This drastically reduces his purchasing power. As the producing economy withers away from lack of consumers, more and more people are displaced. More and more people are driven to undertake the change to agriculture for survival.

              Cities are an artefact resulting from industrialization and price deflation. The bankers have blocked price deflation for the last few decades. Industrialization is crashing because parasitic interest and debt have reduced purchasing power.
              Just as Greece is declared "non-viable" by the iMF, our cities will become non-viable. One of the Roman emperors forbade Romans from going to the countryside to do subsistence farming.

              John Tainter, "The Collapse of Complex Societies" ,,, "As a society collapses, it peels away layers of complexity like peeling and onion."
              Roberto Vaca, "The Coming Dark Ages" ,,, he writes about the breakdown of super-systems like communication and transportation.
              Ayn Rand, "Atlas Shrugged" ,,, she writes about a scenario where the small number of people who actually hold things together decide to pack up and leave.

              Energy is the master resource. Free energy could bring the price deflation that would be necessary to make the cities and agriculture viable once again. A debt jubilee would bring a temporary halt to much of the destruction but, nothing permanent.
              A bond collapse will affect the non-producers and the cities first


              • Jim Willie and the current mess

                Jim Willie; "The safe haven is Gold & Silver, in the form of bars & coins, kept secure outside all nations that speak English, and outside nations that are closely allied with the USFed and USDept Treasury which operate like a vast crime syndicate."
                " But the death warrant factors have grown, while the dynamics of the pathogenesis have amplified. A grand isolation will result, like a quarantine, followed by liquidation, identification of the grand rogue nations, clarification of the terrorism source, finally marked by removal of the USDollar as global reserve. In its place will come the Chinese RMB currency as caretaker reserve currency, followed in time by the return to the Gold Standard. Several nations will issue sovereign debt in RMB terms, much like the many Western corporations."
                The IMF says that we will get a new reserve currency October 20.
                First Look: U.S. Dollar Substitute to Go Public on Oct 20th?

                Gold is waiting in the wings; A Simply Outrageous Call On Gold - SPDR Gold Trust ETF (NYSEARCA:GLD) | Seeking Alpha

                " The USEconomy and US financial system would never recover from the bank heist at the World Trade Center. Most Americans were not even aware that WTCenter housed the largest private bank in the world. The USDollar was given a delayed death sentence."
                "The events of 2014 with the Ukraine War was the most starkly ugly demonstration of war to defend the USDollar. Not one in ten Americans regards the war as a defensive desperate defensive measure to defend an increasingly rejected USDollar on a global scale. Russia no longer wishes to use the USDollar, just like Iran. The Kremlin booted out the Rothschild bankers two years ago. "
                That is a sure way to create problems for yourself.

                "Langley has long used a strategy to disrupt nations, to destabilize enemy nations
                In the last decade, disruption, destabilization, and ruin has extended to allied nations
                Numerous terror events have a Langley MO and signature, usually tied to motive
                See Oslo bombing, Madrid train bombing, Fukushima earthquake, Bremen fire
                Texas should beware of refinery explosions, after New York Fed gold request"
                John Nash and Yanis Varoufakis talk about "ideal money". In conversation with John Nash Jnr on Ideal Money | Yanis Varoufakis
                "Yanis Varoufakis: Regarding your specific proposal (that is, a new Gold Standard based not on Gold but on a basket of suitably weighted material commodities), is your ‘ideal money’ meant as a proxy for transferable utility (such that the outcome of exchanges can become genuinely independent of the way payoffs are calibrated)?"

                Discretionary spending is a thing of the past because the good jobs are gone. Goldman Sachs killed off Lehman Bros to save itself. But, with the economy dying, GS will die with it.
                Economic Stagnation And The Global Bubble | David Stockman's Contra Corner


                • The Pope, Ron Paul, and Ellen Brown

                  Ron Paul; "Former Texas Rep. Ron Paul called for "a revolutionary change in our economic thinking" "I don't think anybody should be running the economy and that's the whole fallacy of our last hundred years," Paul said.
                  "We do not have a free market. Every day the market gets less free, individual liberty gets further eroded, and we expand ourselves further around the world and the only reason this exists is that we have been endowed with the ability to print the reserve currency of the world," he said.
                  Sure, until October 20th.
                  Read Latest Breaking News from Ron Paul: Trump Isn't the Solution for the Economy

                  Ellen Brown; "What private banks do in Western countries, publicly-owned and -controlled banks do in many Asian countries. Their governments have taken control of the engines of credit – the banks – and operated them for the benefit of the public and their own economies."
                  "What blocks Western economies from pursuing that course is a dubious economic theory called “monetarism.” It is based on the premise that “inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon,” and that the chief cause of inflation is money “created out of thin air” BY GOVERNMENTS
                  Martin Armstrong is adamant that hyper-inflation is caused by a loss of confidence, not overprinting.
                  "In the 1970s, the Basel Committee discouraged governments from issuing money themselves or borrowing from their own central banks which issued it. Instead they were to borrow from “the market,” which generally meant borrowing from private banks. Overlooked was the fact, recently acknowledged by the Bank of England, that the money borrowed from banks is also created out of thin air. The difference is that bank-created money originates as a debt and comes with a hefty private interest charge attached."
                  Given enough time, and the miracle of compounded interest, borrowing debt money from banks will raise the debt burden to where it is unpayable.

                  Pope Francis; "Among other sweeping reforms, it calls for a radical overhaul of the banking system. It states in Section IV:

                  Today, in view of the common good, there is urgent need for politics and economics to enter into a frank dialogue in the service of life, especially human life. Saving banks at any cost, making the public pay the price, forgoing a firm commitment to reviewing and reforming the entire system, only reaffirms the absolute power of a financial system, a power which has no future and will only give rise to new crises after a slow, costly and only apparent recovery. The financial crisis of 2007-08 provided an opportunity to develop a new economy, more attentive to ethical principles, and new ways of regulating speculative financial practices and virtual wealth. But the response to the crisis did not include rethinking the outdated criteria which continue to rule the world."

                  "In the Middle Ages, the financial parasite draining the people of their assets and livelihoods was understood to be “usury” – charging rent for the use of money. Lending money at interest was forbidden to Christians, as a breach of the prohibition on usury proclaimed by Jesus in Luke 6:33. But there was a serious shortage of the precious metal coins that were the official medium of exchange, creating a need to expand the money supply with loans on credit.

                  An exception was therefore made to the proscription against usury for the Jews, whose Scriptures forbade usury only to “brothers” (meaning other Jews). This gave them a virtual monopoly on lending"
                  The use of gold and silver as the only "money" created an inelastic money supply. Trade couldn't expand as fast as population and productivity expanded. Credit was used to expand the money supply by creating fractional-reserve banking backed by gold. Gold served as a proxy for the general economy. It limited the credit supply so that it was somewhat commensurate to the overall economy.

                  "Land and natural resources, once considered part of the commons, have long been privatized and financialized. More recently, this trend has been extended to pensions, health, education and housing. Today financialization has entered a third stage, in which it is invading infrastructure, water, and nature herself. Capital is no longer content merely to own. The goal today is to extract private profit at every stage of production and from every necessity of life.

                  The dire effects can be seen particularly in the financialization of food. The international food regime has developed over the centuries from colonial trading systems to state-directed development to transnational corporate control."
                  ah yes,,, the commons. All that land just going to waste.
                  Koch-Backed Group Calls For No More National Parks
                  "Inventions are waiting in the wings that could clean up our toxic environment, save the oceans, recycle waste, and convert sun, wind and perhaps even zero-point energy into usable energy sources.

                  The holdup is in finding the funding for these inventions. Our politicians tell us “we don’t have the money.” Yet China and some other Asian countries are powering ahead with this sort of sustainable development. Where have they found the money?

                  The answer is that they simply issue it. What private banks do in Western countries, publicly-owned and -controlled banks do in many Asian countries. Their governments have taken control of the engines of credit – the banks – and operated them for the benefit of the public and their own economies."

                  China is seriously poisoning their land with hundreds of tons of mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, etc from burning coal. They plan to build nukes but, with all the leaky reactors, they must have second thoughts. They need ZPE.
                  A Revolutionary Pope Calls for Rethinking the Outdated Criteria That Rule the World | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community


                  • no future for the Eurozone

                    The Eurocrats fashioned the European Monetary Union without a common treasury and common debt. The productivity advantage of the Germans amounted to about 20%. It was reckoned that, after the collapse, a common treasury and debt would be established. Angela Merkel is too stooopid to realize that Germany would be roped into paying this debt. Germany is already on the hook for trillions of debt guarantees. After WW II, Germany was to be de-industrialized and forced to be a pastoral State. After a period of a couple of years, it was decided by the allies to rebuild Germany and heavily garrison it. German productivity could be hitched up to fatten Europe and israel. Just as Japan is garrisoned and forced to buy U.S. treasury bonds.

                    The Eurocrats had it all planned out how the Eurozone would be a COMMUNITY of happy, prosperous nations. Margaret Thatcher knew better and kept Britain OUT of the quagmire.
                    "I was in England during the 1990s when those people were warning that if the Brits didn’t give up the pound sterling and join the euro, they were doomed as well. For a laugh, I just went through news archives on Factiva and refreshed my memory.

                    Britain without the euro would be an “orphan country,” petted, humored but ignored, warned one leading figure. Britain would lose all influence and status. It would become a marginal country outside the mainstream of Europe. It would lose “a million jobs.” Factories would close. The car industry would collapse. Foreign investors would walk away because of Britain’s isolation.

                    Exports would plummet because of exchange-rate fluctuations. The City of London, Britain’s financial district, would lose out to Frankfurt. The London Stock Exchange would be reduced to a local backwater. Tumbleweeds would blow in the streets. (OK, I made that one up.)

                    And here we are today. Since 1992, when the single currency project began taxiing for takeoff, the countries on board have seen total economic growth of 40%, says the IMF. Poor old Great Britain, stuck back at the departure lounge with its miserable pound sterling? Just 67%. Bah."

                    Here is a graph of growth in non-eurozone European States vs Greece;

                    Today, the Greeks vote and they have heard all the lies about how bad it would be to leave;
                    "Brett Arends at MarketWatch wrote a great analysis of his own, and get this, also based on IMF numbers. Turns out, the biggest mistake for Greece and Syriza is to want to stay inside the eurozone. The euro has been such a financial and economic disaster, it’s hard to fathom that nobody has pointed this out before. Stay inside, and there’s no way you can win."
                    This Is Why The Euro Is Finished - The Automatic Earth
                    There is NO saving the project because the debt load wipes out all productivity. The troika has to resort to outright theft;
                    Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: 30% Bail-In Haircuts on Greek Deposits Over €8,000 Coming Up; Banks to Raid Deposits to Avert Collapse
                    Greece has no money so, whether they vote yes or no, the long-term result will be much the same. This site has a flow chart and a lot of lies.
                    Grexit: Why even ?yes? could see Greece leave

                    The troika has had to resort to outright theft and brutality. They have shown their ugly, dangerous side to all of Europe. They want to raise a European army to enforce their mandates. This is bound to make all Europeans quite nervous.
                    Edit; This has to be the biggest load of BS in the Mediterranean.

                    Polling stations will be open from 7am to 7pm local time and the result may be known before midnight
                    Pollsters haven’t confirmed if there will be exit polls; if there are any, they will come immediately after the polls close
                    Software distributor SinglularLogic, which has been hired to run the vote counting and data processing, should be able to provide an estimation of the winner a few hours after polls close
                    JPMorgan expects ~90% of votes will have been counted by midnight, based on past general elections in Greece; vote counting could be even faster this time as it’s a yes or no question

                    Why the Effff is J.P. Morgan involved in any way?
                    Last edited by Danny B; 07-04-2015, 10:57 PM. Reason: more info


                    • Greek military expenditures

                      Greece owes a LOT of money to Germany and France;
                      In the deluge of Western media reportage on the Greek debt crisis, one key aspect remains strangely hidden. That is, the fact that Greece’s debt burden of $320 billion has largely been incurred from decades of exorbitant militarism. Some estimates put at least half of the total Greek debt pile – more than $150 billion – down to military spending......Greece’s military extravagance over many years has been an absolute goldmine for German, French and American weapons industries. Out of the $150 billion in military spending by Greece during the years up to 2010, 25 per cent of the purchases were from Germany, 13 per cent from France and 42 per cent from the US, according to figures from SIPRI...

                      It is no coincidence that Greece’s biggest institutional creditors are the German and French governments – standing at a combined $100 billion. Much of the capital lent to Greece was then spent on German and French weapons systems, such as Leopard tanks and Mirage fighter jets, as well as on American F-16s...Thus Berlin and Paris were knowingly inflating Greece’s debt, which was being used to provide a major market for their defence industries. That revolving door of finance was also spinning with corruption...The convenient bogeyman in the Greek scenario was Turkey, which invaded Cyprus in 1975, and was portrayed as a perennial security threat to Greece. Washington, Berlin and Paris, along with corrupt politicians in Athens, played up the Turk threat in order to spin the revolving door of loans and military purchases. The sorry end to that scenario is now a Greek debt crisis which is rebounding with economic rape of the country led by the IMF and the EU powers, primarily Berlin and Paris.

                      One further irony in this modern Greek tragedy is that the alleged Turk threat accentuated by Washington and its European allies, eliciting massive militarisation by Greece, was supposedly attributed to a fellow NATO member – Turkey. Whatever happened to NATO’s Article 5 of collective security during all those years of insecurity?
                      Marketing the 'Russian Threat' -
                      The troika refuses to allow Greece to reduce military expenditures.


                      • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                        Wayne.ct, here is a story to entertain you. It is about the Hunt Bros. and the Circle K cowboys.
                        Money - Then and Now | Gold Eagle
                        The story does not mention JPMorgan but it does implicate the eastern money establishment. Are they the same? The advice was pertinent and/but the date line of January, 2004 is almost 11 1/2 years ago. I am going now to check the chart of the price of silver over the last 11 years.
                        There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                        • Silver in January, 2004

                          Approx. 6.50 USD/oz. Rule of 72: 12 years, 6 %pa.
                          There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                          • Hunt silver,,, JFK silver

                            Wayne.ct, I posted the story about the Circle K cowboys because it is funny and interesting. Don't take it as instructive.
                            On June 4, 1963, JFK authorized the printing of silver-backed U.S. dollars.
                            President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963.
                            LBJ halted the printing of Kennedy dollars 11 days later.
                            America had about 4 billion ounces of silver at the time. The banking powers wanted to prevent anyone else from getting the bright idea of backing a U.S. dollar with silver as JFK had done. The silver was dumped on the market through the Silver Users Association. It was pushed out the door as fast as could be done. The Hunts were trying to corner the silver market while FED GOV was trying to flood the market.
                            " Perhaps the assassination of JFK was a warning to all future presidents not to interfere with the private Rothschild Federal Reserve’s control over the creation of money."
                            JFK Killed After Shutting Down Rothschild’s Federal Reserve; List of US Presidents Murdered by the Rothschild Banking Cartel | Humans Are Free

                            The Hunts couldn't very well corner the market for silver when GOV was trying to flood it. The silver finally ran out in October of 2005. From then on, the price climbed.


                            • Hunt's Cowboys

                              Interesting? Yes. Funny? Not sure. Instructive? I wonder about that. There was a lot of detail that was new to me and that makes me hesitant. I do have a bit of the gambler in me and most people (I think) are more risk averse than I am. Either way, the Hunts found they got the short end of the stick. The house, in this case, was The Fed and the "eastern establishment." Now I am wondering. What happens next? We seem to be in a period of stagflation while at the same time the media and the masses are largely in denial. Will the US move toward recovery or more decline?
                              There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                              • What's next?

                                TOTAL COLLAPSE

