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Another Tsumani and/or Earthquake Dream?

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  • Another Tsumani and/or Earthquake Dream?

    Just out of curiosity, has anyone had a dream about a tsunami
    and/or earthquake, buildings crashing and a mass evacuation effort
    within the last 10 days?
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO

  • #2
    Not yet, Aaron...

    Had that vivid one I told you about 4 days before the Japan one, so I'm being vigilant these days about taking a few minutes remembering mine now before they dissolve. Will let you know immediately if I have another one.

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    • #3
      Originally posted by Pamela View Post
      Will let you know immediately if I have another one.
      Please stop dreaming about tsunamis and earthquakes.
      Japan has had enough already.


      • #4

        I never thought of such a thing either.


        • #5
          Hi all! I also dreamed, a few days before the Japan earthquake/tsunami, about buildings crashing but I didn't know why they were crashing, I assumed maybe it would be a terrorist attack (how we're all so brainwashed into such paranoia!) but I didn't recognize the place, I'd never seen it before. It was so vivid I immediately jumped out of bed and ran to the TV to see if something had happened in the world. But nothing had happened yet.

          Every once in a while I dream of things that later happen. After some time I've come to believe that: a) there's nothing "psychic" about premonitory dreams of world events. I believe that these events are "out there" available for anyone to see if they want to and tune in to the right "station" to see them, especially if they are dreaming or meditating. I think it's like a news channel on TV, some times you are watching other channels and you don't see any world events. And sometimes you are zapping and you come across the world news channel and you watch the news.

          We all wander around in dreams at night. Sometimes we happen to wander into the "world news events" zone. Many people dream of earthquakes before they occur. Many people dreamed about the Titanic.

          b) I believe that there really isn't any reason for dreaming about these events, unless they affect us personally or we can do something about them. What is the point of dreaming about unidentifiable buildings crashing in an unknown part of the world, that supposedly is going to happen one day soon, but we don't know what day or hour exactly? (Well I actually did dream the hour as well, but without knowing the day or the part of the world, what good does that do?) For that matter, even if you were able to identify the exact day, hour and part of the world, what difference does that make, if you don't have the power for example to stop an earthquake, a great fire or a terrorist attack?

          So I think we only dream these things because that night we happened to feel like tuning in to the "coming world events" station in our sleep. Just like some days we feel like watching the news channel and some days we don't.

          c) I think these sorts of "phenomena" only have relevance in our lives if they do affect us personally and there is something we can actually do about what we dream about. For example you dream that someone close to you is sick, or going to have an accident. Then you can advise them to go to the doctor, or not drive for a few days.

          Sorry, don't want to sound cynical. But I really don't see any point in having so-called "premonitory" dreams if they don't help anyone. It's like watching some terrible event unfold live on TV but you can't do anything to influence the course of the events. Did anyone out there watch the drama of the Twin Towers live on TV? Didn't you just wish you could jump into a helicopter and go out there and save all those people? But you couldn't.
          Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
          Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


          • #6
            Yeah i agree with your channel analogy

            But I really don't see any point in having so-called "premonitory" dreams if they don't help anyone. It's like watching some terrible event unfold live on TV but you can't do anything to influence the course of the events.
            I agree, it seems pointless, but if you look at more examples it seems to be just the way life is. For instance, we are all born with love and compassion for animals yet many species were designed to kill and eat each other. Who enjoys watching sharks eat baby seals...yet we have no power to change it. Why are we born with no idea of who we are, what we are, or where we are? So many things are left without a point, just like premonitions.


            • #7
              I have

              Aaron, I had a rather long, vivid and detailed dream a week or so ago, about huge deep flooding washing over and trying to drive on wide highways that were splitting but water (ocean) rose car to next level. I ended up in refuge with lots other people. It did not seem to come from me or any specific or general anxiety. On the am of 911, I dreamt of being in a long falling elevator car...and woke up with popped eardrums.

              What are you thinking Aaron?

              Life in Balance Ayurveda



              • #8
                tsunami or other disasters

                Hi Ayurved,

                I started the thread because two relatives independently of each other
                had dreams on the same night about a tsunami. The younger one said
                she thought the tsunami was going to England. I don't know if she knew
                it was England or just an English speaking place.

                I searched on Google and there sure is a history of Tsunami's in England
                from way back. I'm not giving it that meaning that it is there or one will
                happen but both dreams were about the same thing. There were other
                parts of the dream I won't get in to, but I thought it was very interesting.

                The older one's dream actually included the younger one in her dream and
                it was the younger one that had a dream about it too.

                A few days later, I had a dream of buildings falling - I was running through
                the bottom floor of one trying to get out. Doesn't mean I was there but
                in my feeling, just picking up on the situation. As I ran out, the dream
                changed and there was a mass evacuation attempt that was half way
                organized. It seemed to be a western country by the people's looks.

                I'm not claiming that I'm seeing anything that is definitely going to happen.
                I left out a lot of detail and I know a lot of this is on a lot of people's minds
                but I do hold the flow of the synchronicities in very high regard because
                they're universal road signs pointing the way from my experience.

                Anyway, we are in the midst of some extremely profound changes,
                obviously many of us know that but the frequency that things are
                happening is speeding up. The dark is getting darker and the light is getting
                brighter. Many of us have discussed this for a long time and it is mind
                blowing to see it unfold before our eyes.

                Prepare for the worst and expect the best is what I think is the
                responsible thing to do.
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • #9
                  Wow Aaron, the dream I had was so similar to yours! It was I think the Sunday before the tsunami, I think it was Sunday because it was the weekend and I was checking the news for the next 3 days to see if some disaster had happened in the world. But nothing happened over those 3 days, so I dropped the subject and went on with life.

                  Anyways what I find so whacko isn't dreaming about this cuz like I wrote earlier, I personally don't think there's anything strange about dreaming about world events. Some nights we choose to watch the sports channel or the weird dreams channel lol , and some nights we feel up to watching the coming world news events channel. And that's it. Just like I don't often watch the news, but occasionally I will feel like doing it.

                  But it's so weird to have a dream similar to yours, Aaron! (Oh, or maybe not........) I was also running through the bottom floor of a building trying to get out! I knew the building was going to fall down however, because it was the second time I dreamed it, the first time I was on the street and I watched some buildings crashing down. This second time I was actually in the building I had seen crashing down, I knew it was the morning of the day the building was supposed to crash down and I also knew that no one else around me in the building knew what was going to happen. I was running errands and I was in a big hurry cuz I wanted to get out of the building before it fell down. I knew when it was going to fall down, during lunch hour (lunch hour for me is from 2 to 3 in the afternoon, because that is when we eat lunch here in Spain, I know, weird schedule, 12 o'clock is only time for a morning snack here), but you know how it is in dreams, you feel like you're wading through mire or something, you want to run like h**l but your feet just won't move! It was 2 o'clock already and there were so many people about, I just couldn't move. I tried to reach the door and there were just so many people blocking the way. I did make it out and just in time too, just as I was crossing the street to try and get as far away as possible I heard this gigantic ruckus behind me, where the building had been, and buildings started crashing down around me. I couldn't figure out why, I assumed maybe there had been a terrorist attack or something. I mean, what else could cause such confusion? We're all so brainwashed into terrorism paranoia. I didn't recognize any of those buildings or the city, I'd never seen the place before.

                  Which is why I still think these sorts of dreams just don't serve any purpose. It's much more useful if you could dream about all the illnesses your family members could be suffering, so you could usher them into a doctor's office!
                  Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
                  Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


                  • #10
                    Then again come to think of it, I think probably everyone dreams of "coming world events news" occasionally, but come on, everyone, how many people actually are in the habit of recalling their dreams after all? You won't remember a "premonitory" or coming world events news dream, if you don't remember any of your dreams, right?

                    I only remembered my dream because it was the weekend. If it had been a weekday I would've leaped out of the bed, after wrangling with the alarm clock for half an hour, gotten into a hearty argument with the alarm clock, the kids and the bedsheets and assumed that I'd had no dreams!
                    Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
                    Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


                    • #11
                      5 impossible things befor breakfast


                      I usually don't like to put myself out there in the net, to much hate for my likening, however I felt I really had to say something after I experienced something very odd and scary last night. I dreamed of an earthquake. But what I couldn't understand is that I had never been to such a place where it had hit, I couldn't remember seeing such streets or anything. I knew this wasn't England from the buildings but where ? Also the dream just kept repeating over and over, the same screams of strangers I didn't know, over and over. Till I just I jumped out of bed shaking, I wasn't part of my dream I just witnessed it. After getting my self together I thought maybe the dream was part of something to do with stress of exams, so I took to the net. I typed in earthquake but before I could finish my sentence of maybe this being a meaning in a dream, something caught my eye. An earthquake had hit Italy, this had just been posted atleast for 1 min when I had looked online. I was very freaked out but I couldn't help but read on the earth quake hit they Emilia Roman region, I couldn't help but see the Italian version of my name, I don't really think that has much to do with my dream, but non the less it scared me very much. i am a student so I don't have TV so I couldn't have knew through TV that there was an earthquake, and I haven't read or seen anything about earthquakes, so I don't know why I had dreamed about such things. Any thoughts ? Am I nuts ?

