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Strage results from Bedini Monopole

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  • Strage results from Bedini Monopole

    Hello all,

    First post, so heres an intro.

    Im glad to have finally made it here, i have been researching free energy for about a 2 years now, it all started with a little book about Nikola Tesla, all the technology i was reading about was a century old and i couldn't believe that we are still without it! So i looked for more on Tesla, and found some other names along the way, Ed Grey, T.h Morey, Stan Meyer. I then found a video by Peter Lindeman. "Electric Motor Secrets" pretty much changed my life. I started looking for more glimpses of current free energy machines, youtube was at times very eye opening but im a healthy skeptic so was always looking for the Genuine people, who want this out rather then want the £££ for it.

    That's when the name Bedini SSG popped up in the similar results in youtube. The series of videos i watched was by a bloke called theDaftman
    (YouTube - theDaftman's Channel) who showed you how to make one.

    SO, i did. Im 23, i have a BTEC in aerospace engineering. Thats as far as my knowledge goes when it comes to electronics, im still learning! I had my motor running a couple of times before Christmas, i will put my hand up and say although it was running, i was still failing to understand what was going on. I let the motor sit in a cupboard for about 6 weeks, and i finally got it out yesterday, if been lurking this forum for a while and it seems you guys are all in it for the same reason, making it work. Plus if you look enough there are answers scattered among the posts

    A friend of mine said i could have 4 "dead" 12v batteries from motorbikes that i can put on my Bedini motor. He said they had no charge.

    I have left my results in my workshop, il get them later and post some more details THIS EVENING but this is essentially what happened.

    My run battery was reading ~11v and my charge battery was reading ~7v, i then span the rotor, this is the freaky thing. My run battery started CHARGING as well as my CHARGE battery!!!

    Now most of you may be thinking well he had it wired backward, i have a video that i will post as soon as i can find the usb cable and i checked SEVERAL times but yes, the run batter was charging. Im using the wiring diagram from thedaftman.

    It ran for about 4 hours before randomly stopping but during the run i put some meters on, the charge battery had fluctuating voltages, started at 7-8v and nearer the end of the run it was between 10.5. and 11.5v. The run battery was charging steadily.

    Again these numbers will be updated when i get my notepad back along with a video

    Please ask for anymore info on it and il try and provide.

    All the best,


  • #2

    Sounds like what you are talking about could be attributed to back pop. But there is probably more to it than that. This sounds like the type of thing being discussed in the SSG Modification Anomoly thread. Will have to look at Daftman the circuit.



    • #3
      My guess is that when you hooked up the batteries the coil was probably oscillating and drawing quite a bit of power. When you checked the voltage it read low due to the draw. Then when you gave the wheel a spin the current drain went down and made it look like the run battery was gaining charge. Either that or the batteries in your meter are going bad.

      Good luck and to the forum.



      • #4
        what if your back spike impulse is so fast that the diode isn't blocking it in time?


        • #5
          Originally posted by ryuke View Post
          My run battery was reading ~11v and my charge battery was reading ~7v, i then span the rotor, this is the freaky thing. My run battery started CHARGING as well as my CHARGE battery!!!
          Interesting. See if you can still see the effect after more charging, for say, 100 hours.

          Some people here experiencing that with previously dead battery. It seems radiant circuit is also desulfating the broken source and thus increasing its capacity and seen like charging. The source charging then stop after the source battery completely desulfated.


          • #6

            Welcome to the land of electronic addicts

            First thing to do when you have that happen is to replace the battery in the meter, verify that your battery has not gone dead. I have thought I had OU at last but a quick swap of the battery brought me to reality

            Next thing to do is learn the difference between these three things.

            1. Charging voltage.
            2. Resting voltage
            3. Load voltage.

            What I have learned over time, ( and I have much more to learn ) is to graph the battery charge / discharge over time. I ended up buying a computer voltage monitor to do this for me as I wanted to get accurate readings.

            What you may be seeing is since you are starting with old Sulphated batteries is what is termed as "surface charge" The battery can hold only a tiny amount of energy because the plates are insulated from charge by the sulfation so you see a dramatic climb in voltage on target, and on the source battery since there is less load on target it also will climb as it does not have to push as hard.

            It is normal to see the battery rise and drop several times when desulfating the batteries. So watching the voltages is not the best means of gauging how much energy is in the batteries.

            How do you determine the real amount of energy? That is best defined by a load test. And a load test done at what is known at the C20 rate of discharge of the battery ( as Bedini recommends ). It has been my experience that I get the most amount of amp hours out of batteries by pulling at this rate. The load test can be a light bulb or a small motor or what you desire, for a set amount of time. Gradually if the batteries are not physically damaged you should see greater and greater discharge times, thus showing the battery can hold greater amounts of energy.

            To get an accurate idea of what the Bedini charge can do it is best to start with brand new batteries. Charge one with the method of standard by the manufacture and load test, and charge the other with the Bedini method and then note for how long they can hold charge.

            The results take time to do, but they do over time show that normal charging creates sulfation.

            There is plenty on this forum to keep you going for about 20 more years, but again welcome aboard :-)
            See my experiments here...

            You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


            • #7
              double post see below
              Last edited by ryuke; 01-19-2011, 01:31 PM.


              • #8
                Thanks for your reply theremart,

                Im going to re-run the test, im going to keep my source battery the same, its holding a voltage of 13.40v still, but im going to charge a drained 'working' battery, then load test both of them.

                Anyone noticed a slight voltage reading increase on source batteries when you put a volt meter on the terminals?

                I do have a video and some pics but... i seem to have misplaced my cable. Got another on order so when it arrives il post them up.


                PS: Circuit diagram im using TheDaftman diagram.

                TheDaftman diagram set out.doc

                1n4002 is used instead of 1n4001 Using a neon bulb, but no idea what voltage it is rated at, any rate it doesn't light up if i disconnect the charge battery, but nothing in the circuit blows up at least!

                Anther thing that il mention, after another look at the circuit, it seems the solder connection from the Base of the transistor had actually failed, but was still making contact, high resistance maybe?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ryuke View Post
                  Anyone noticed a slight voltage reading increase on source batteries when you put a volt meter on the terminals?
                  Not because of the voltmeter, yes. Here is my video, using similar circuit recovery but without the diode or second charge battery:
                  YouTube - Stingo self desulfator

                  Battery is source and destination at once. Voltage raise only a while. It is a broken battery.

