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  • 12:34

    Every time I look at my watch for the past month or so...
    IT IS ALWAYS consecutive or repeating numbers.
    Or 11:11
    Or 01:23
    or 5:55
    or something like that.

    This has never happened before. It is quite awkward.??? what is going on, is this some doorway opening? I'm confused. Let it come what ever it is...

  • #2
    That's pretty neat. I wouldn't be able to pinpoint what it is exactly for you, cus all situations are unique. I would say stuff like this happens as we become more aligned to the paths we truly wish to follow. We can choose to evolve quicker or we can allow nature to take it's course. At least that's what I've realized in my own experience. I've also heard that it's a natural occurance from the way we travel through space on earth. It's a way to enlighten and create evolution through a cosmic path. It's a process which happens every so many years that has everyone on earth transmutate to a higher realm of experience.

    I can say that for me I experience the same thing a whole lot too. Many numbers which coincide with one another and such. My brother said to me that while visiting universal studios last week that the number 11 kept following me around all day long. I didn't notice it because I don't keep my eyes open for it. I've experienced it so much that it's a regularity now.

    I don't mean to hijack this thread. I have two stories I would like to share. And I would say that it pertains to synchronicity and being more aligned.

    My brother was laying on his bed dwelling about the human body and how it's made up of a certain 20 something amino acids or something. The ones that create the whole human body. He was contemplating on ways that the body could create it's own acids to regenerate the body and allow oneself to have a perfect body all the time. Constantly healing any trauma or damage and renewing the body to be young and alive and living all the time. Well as he was sitting thinking that this "had to be possible" the light switch flipped on and his room light turned on. "That ought to be a huge clue to reality." He asked if his GF turned it on and she was shocked and kinda scared cus she didn't turn it on. They recently watched that movie paranormal activity so she was shocked and scared thinking it was a ghost or something. But to me even if she was playing a trick the synchronicity is still there. From what it sounds like to me though is that it was PK in synchronicity with the thinking.

    Man that turned to a long story. "BTW it's not worth watching that movie, I knew I didn't wanna watch it. But my bro did so we rented it."

    The second story happened about an hour ago.

    As I was sitting here looking at the escapetheillusion website I was reading about nikola tesla using the akashic records to gain information and do experiments to learn about energy. At the same time the speaker phone which is about two feet from me turned on. All I heard was a dial tone. I wish I wouldn't of turned it off within a few seconds cus maybe someone was trying to communicate with me. But I did reach back over and turn it back on just incase someone was trying to communicate. I left it on till the recorded message said "if you'd like to make a call..." But I should also say that there are two phone lines in my house. This one which is only connected to this phone. And then all the rest are on their own seperate line.

    Many other experiences. Although those are the two latest ones that have happened in the past week.
    If you've made it this far then I've finally quit rambling.


    • #3
      Funny, cus I've been going through the posts here and just now I looked at the post called "chinese energetic medicine by grace", and on the now currently last page, heat georgia says she's been experiencing the same thing with the clock and numbers. It's post # 2681 if ya wanna check it out.

      Here's what she says, "almost everytime I look to see what time it is its 11:11 or 1:11, 2:22,3:33 etc"

      Cool stuff.
      If you've made it this far then I've finally quit rambling.


      • #4
        This has always been interesting to me. My take on the subject is that the more often one sees numbers lining up, the more it means one is aligned with their true desires.

        Just as wantfreeenergy expressed, it happens to me so often and for so long, I consider it normal. I still get excited when it happens, but it occurs all day every day. One day about two years ago I tried to count the number of times that numbers like 111, 444, 555 etc appeared. It was over 10 in one day.

        This is a fun little game to play with yourself: in the morning, soon after you get up, talk to the "Universe", your "inner being", "higher self", "God" - whatever you are comfortable with calling it. Ask to see numbers lined up all day and then keep track of when it happens. You will undoubtably find that it happens so much more. It is really cool to experience.
        Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


        • #5
          OMG!! Wantfreeenergy ~ I just noticed that your last post on this topic was post number "111". How freaky is that????
          Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


          • #6
            Yup. Still happening. Important phone calls occuring at 1:11 and 11:11 more often then any other number combo.

            Strange, how I was harping to my wife earlier about "the path", and one's attempt to follow it. how some people can do it, some try, and some dont even know about its presence.
            OMG!! Wantfreeenergy ~ I just noticed that your last post on this topic was post number "111"
            Join Date: Sep 2008
            Posts: 111


            Last edited by CosmicFarmer; 01-12-2010, 06:07 AM. Reason: j


            • #7
              Angel Numbers

              Oh wow, this is interesting! While I can't say this sort of thing is happening for me, I did remember seeing the name of a book that addresses this. It's Angel Numbers 101 by Doreen Virtue.


              • #8
                What has been happening to me is that although I see 11:11 2:22 and etc frequently, I have been seeing cars appearing in front of me with symmetrical endings all the time, e. g. 787, 232, 656, and now as I am writing this 626 has appeared, these numbers are 1 percent of three digit numbers, but I see them always appearing right before my eyes. Sometimes I see that I am practically surrounded by these numbers.

                One time I saw two cars with almost identical numbers, sitting next to each-other right in front of me.

                Maybe God (The higher Self) is giving the message, "Don't worry I am here and all is well, and everything is happening according to my plan".

                I have come to understand that the "being" that sees through us is not "us"(The Ego) it is a divine being, and we only observe what it is doing or seeing.
                Last edited by elias; 01-13-2010, 06:45 AM.
                Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                • #9
                  # facination

                  Tesla had a real obsession with #'s to the point where his life became disrupted. As his brilliant mind drifted from breakthru research to compulsive mental illness and failure.
                  "But ye shall receive power..."
                  Acts 1:8


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Pamela Vicik-Smith View Post
                    OMG!! Wantfreeenergy ~ I just noticed that your last post on this topic was post number "111". How freaky is that????
                    That is really kewl. I also just noticed that the post date was on 1-11.

                    It's neat stuff. I do enjoy it. It's gonna be neat when the whole world is in unision, "so to speak".

                    here's a kewl quote that's been in my head for many many many years. "'till one and one are one, eleven, so glow, child, glow. I'm heading back home."
                    If you've made it this far then I've finally quit rambling.


                    • #11
                      I had this experience start happening many years ago also - especially with 11:11. Some short while after that I found a book titled Doorway of 11:11 by Solara. Many years later I met my partner who worked with Solara. Solara discusses why this phenomenon occurs in her book. All fascinating info...
                      There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                      • #12
                        Its still happening. When I dont care about the time and look, the cohesion is there. I see it in people's step, how they cohere with each other in step marching. Other places too, with a strong occurrence of ones near each other. 777's too, especially in grocery receipts. Maybe I should go to the casino? ;-)


                        • #13
                          its funny i posted about this recently too..

                          i posted on the CEM thread, because i too was wondering why lately i see 11:11, 1:11, 2:22... etc..when i pay for something or give someone back change its 6.66, 21.21, 11.11, 7.77.... its happening so often...
                          it has to be trying to tell me something.




                          • #14
                            Take a look here for info by the person who has probably done more to bring awareness of this phenomenon than anyone else. She wrote a book on it and why it is occurring. web site here
                            There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine

