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Hsr, Lsr & Os

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  • Hsr, Lsr & Os

    A Deeper Understanding by Blurring the Lines

    The truth is that classifying people into one of 2 groups, HSR’a and LSR’s, is not all encompassing. Our universe is much too complex to carry such a basic explanation.

    The (over-simplified) reason is this:

    When something occurs in a person’s life, there is a distinct result. But… if this event were to occur in the same persons life, at a different point in time, the result would NOT be the same. Ever.

    There are myriad reasons why the event would occur differently… mind state, physical health, physical surroundings, present company, what you had for lunch a week ago, etc. Even the slightest variation can cause different effects (you’ve heard of the butterfly causing the tidal wave, right?).

    Recognizing that such subtle variations can have a large effect on the results one person will experience, imagine the variations that all different people will experience. This is not only true for PATHS, but for everything.

    Here are a few relevant rules of Quantum Physics Complex Fractal Systems.

    1. Things never repeat exactly
    2. Subtle things can have large effects
    3. Healing is nonverbal and nonlinear

    With this in mind it is important to realize that the terms HSR and LSR are not two separate categories, but rather two generalized points on either end of a nearly infinite scale.

    Some people may fall on different parts of the scale with different Modules. Some people may fall on different parts of the scale with the same Module on different days. It is all-dependent on things too innumerable to foresee, too unlimited to comprehend.

    Another important concept to realize is that everything in nature experiences a process of growth followed by plateau, and it is very common to see periods of backtracking during the plateau. This is just the course of nature. Grow and plateau. Grow and plateau.

    Since PATHS works from the inside out, it is only natural to respect that it will follow this same course. Grow and plateau. There is a reason that this is the course of nature, and that reason is because it works. There must be periods of rest. This may seem difficult, but appreciate that the reason there is a rest is so that the next spurt of growth has the energy it needs. Cherish your plateaus as a time to recharge!

    If you do happen to fall on the part of the scale where your Modules seem to be taking longer than others, just realize that you are going at the rate you need to be going. There is nothing “wrong” with you; you are exactly how you are supposed to be!

    Some people, though, do not consciously or recognizably experience results. This does not mean that they are not experiencing results, for they are, but the results end in the trap of a highly effective defense system. And it does not mean that they are experiencing results at a slower pace, it means the instructions are deflected, resulting from an adaptive defense system.

    Operation Success is for these people…the people who are not noticeably experiencing ANY results. There is nothing “wrong” with these people either; their subconscious simply reacts differently.

    But what Operation Success will do is take these defense mechanisms and break them down so that new, productive concepts are able to penetrate. The result of this will be heightened sensitivity to the PATHS instructions.

    But, if you are experiencing, or have experienced, any recognizable results from PATHS, Operation Success is not for you.

    If you are experiencing results, but they are somehow not satisfactory to you, here are some things to keep in mind:

    PATHS is not a magic pill, it is a process. Human beings are much too complex, and carry too much history and prior conditioning to have something change them in an instant.

    Even if PATHS is taking longer for you than it is for others, realize that this is the speed that is good for you. We are all different and amazingly multifaceted.

    People using PATHS can accomplish things that, at this point in time, cannot be accomplished by any other means. If you have Diabetes, and go to your doctor and continue being treated for 5 years, you will still have Diabetes and probably be worse off… Not so with PATHS. Thyroids, depression, wrinkles, heart disease, acne, etc., all addressed without potentially dangerous medications or procedures. To most people, natural and safe results like this are worth waiting for.

    In the Secret DVD, it is mentioned that most people pull away right before the sprout of their workings is about to break the surface. When you change Module too often, this is what can occur. Just because you do not see a vast difference in one month, does not mean that your breakthrough isn’t just around the corner. Give it time and have faith. Changing Modules too quickly will just sabotage your efforts.

    We hope that this clarifies the stigma surrounding the title of “LSR” and who, what and when Operation Success is for.
    Happiness & Health,

    PATHS, S.A. Staff


  • #2
    What does HSR and LSR mean???


    • #3
      Originally posted by tezzaa View Post
      What does HSR and LSR mean???
      I think I have answered my question ! I presume it is High Subconscious Retention and Low Subconscious Retention ?


      • #4
        You got it!
        Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century

