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    I hate to make claims without ever producing actual results but I have found quite a good amount of

    researches that indicate such results are possible. I sure haven't finished my research yet but due to

    economical constrains I can only limit myself to theoritical results and different theories.. supposing that

    everything is made of photons.. which by itself is a demanding issue to be handled, since I can't yet really

    solve such complicated mathematics (but others can and have) I can only make weak claims about what

    I've already read (which is quite revealing regarding UFOpolitic's work) , well if you think a freshman's in

    physics opinion matters I'd say that what these devices do is stimulating what the atoms are made of,

    while maintaining similar topology and geodesics with the atoms structure (supposing that electrons are

    tori shaped and everything is made of photons..nobody has made a better explanation so don't start to

    think that I'm a pseudoscientist) , when the induced toroid shaped EM field collapses in the micro

    structure level there are two synapses of the explicit wire's field along with the coil's field as a whole

    (where the coil acts as a unity), fluid dynamics dictates that such ruptures in the atom's binding energy ( if

    you accept the theory) could potentially give magnetic momentum to neutrino flavours and disassociate

    them from the main's atom structure while maintaining them as emmisive photon (neutrino) radiation. (I

    hope what I say is correct but I'm probably wrong in half of it.) I've read such claims before but without

    anyone ever having a solid theory to stand on , while if you start messing with einstein's general relativity

    theory and realize that he based his theory on maxwell's formulas which only work for special types of

    free waves then by having a solution for all the sets of maxwell's equations you can see that einstein's

    work was limited because he set his bases on maxwell's falsely assumed solutions (at least in my

    opinion). So continuing with my rumble assuming that protons are made out of photons that carry all the

    signals , then you can hopefully not assume otherwise than that these atom structures can be altered by

    "stacking" this photon emmisive radiation (of some kind) in short and thus delivering chemical nuclear

    reactions, while I don't still know if these reactions are exothermic or not, supposedly bigger gauge wire

    works better in such devices. Of course I don't suggest that you use the coil as it is inside let's say ultra-

    low density gas or plasma gas that could supposedly alter the reactions that you normally would see ,

    but drive this radiation to other speculative devices that we can throw experiments on, it has been know

    that magnegas is manufactured using plasma arc with hadronic chemistry (still unknown) and produces

    a combustible gas that has commercial overunity assuming public wastes as a fuel, or even H2O.. but I

    still haven't seen anyone trying to use this radiation in oder to produce fuel to combust it others than stan meyers.

    Ofcourse there are similar devices like mooray's and ed gray's tube along with K.shoulders experiments.

    I wonder what would happen if you projected two white laser beams completely parallel to Pokletov's potentionaly

    gravitational beam, would they somehow become adjoint;

    This could be a validation for claims made here that photons carry EM signals in their topology.
    Last edited by noname100; 09-10-2012, 04:16 PM.