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Cleaning Module!!

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  • Cleaning Module!!

    Hi! Ok so who added a cleaning module?! I have to report that I've only watched my modules 3 times but ever since I'd had a strong desire to..CLEAN HOUSE!! Now my home is "quite" clean but I'm not house proud, I don't mind if people make a little bit of a mess and I do clean it up but hmm..the last two days I've been vacuuming, dusting, washing curtains The place is like a show home. Everyone is commenting Now, which module is this?! Young Again, Deserving, Synchronicity or Wealth?!! Deserving maybe.

    How funny is that?!

    (I'm not complaining btw, the extra energy is fantastic! )

  • #2
    As soon as you figure out which module is responsible, let me know

    One time my husband Raymond said that if he ever wanted to hide something from me, he would place it with the cleaning supplies because he knew I would never find it there.
    Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


    • #3
      Weird huh?

      SJ - I've never been a house fanatic either. But since starting Paths, I've found myself becoming more and more and more and more and more...well you get the picture....ORGANIZED!!! My house is now tidy, clean, and kept up. My bills are paid on time or early, even my home office is clear of clutter and this weekend, I found myself sorting through old files that are in a drawer I never open. I just thought "oh, I don't need some of this. I guess I should sort through it and get rid of what I don't need." WHO SPENDS THEIR SUNDAY DOING THIS DRUDGE WORK???? Apparently, lol. My roommate looked in to my home office a couple of weeks ago and remarked "wow. I can't even recognize it. It feels weird to see it so clean." At work, my co-workers commented that my tidy, clean office "inspired" them to get organized. Gosh! And that anal-ness used to be summed up in my little pinky toe's toenail! But it's not really anal-ness, just an immense desire to be calm, peaceful, collected, and in control of my life, rather than letting life control me. It leaves me time to focus on myself and work on me, rather than worrying about the mundane little things I used to procrastinate on. I am loving it!

      PS - I think it might be the deserving module. YOU deserve to live in a home you are proud of. YOU deserve to live in a way that is peaceful and relaxing. YOU deserve to not let putting things off by procrastinating make you anxious. YOU deserve the absolute BEST!!!! OH and I'm speaking to myself here, even more than to anyone else! lol.

      Oh, and I think this is just the outer-world reflection of what is going on inside each of us. We are all doing internal house-cleaning with Paths and this outer world display of cleanliness is just a reflection of the cleaning process we're doing inside ourselves. Isn't it absolutely fabulous???!!!!!!!!


      • #4

        What you said!

        Actually I went to reply to S.J earlier and had a lot of what you said in my mind, but could not reduce it to words nearly as well as you I just scrapped the post.


        PATHS For Healing
        Energetic Science Ministries
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        • #5
          Wow Jamie!

          I agree with Kevin, very well said!!!

          Blessings with Aloha Keoi

          <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
          Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


          • #6
            Spic and Span!

            OK Jamie, S.J. and Kevin- I'm totally in awe ....and psyched !
            I've only just started my PATHS, and "Deserving" isn't one of the ones that I'm watching. But it certainly will be next if I can get anywhere near the results that you have just described soooo enticingly!!

            Vineyard Nancy
            Pura Vida! Vineyard Nancy


            • #7
              Me too

              Actually since starting on Paths I have done the same thing! I clean up as I go! I do dishes and clothes in small batches! I often will wash a half load of dishes so they are clean and ready to go! Everyone comments on how I am always cleaning up. My room-mate commented on the fact that I usually beat her to the clean up and dishes and she has to work to get there before me! I am definitely a clean freak now! BIG TIME!!!

              My daughter likes to tell her Dad how clean Mommies house is and all the comments I get from the people who run the shelter and come through the shelter. Yesterday I was mopping at 6am in the morning ... I was up at 6am in the morning ... Hehehee

              Well I am on SLP2, Just Relax, Confidence, and deserving... But I have to tell you I just started the deserving and I turned into a clean freak way before that... Soooo I think it is the modules in general!

              They are Awesome!!!!
              Sj zartgirl... The other Sj two Sj's and were both clean freaks now!!!!


              • #8
                go team!

                Thank all of you for posting your similar results! It is so wonderful to read that others are having the same effects as me and just further verifying and confirming what I know to be true for me!


                • #9
                  Hi, Yes I came to the conclusion that it was the Deserving Module. As I've been on others for months now and nothing had changed in that respect.

                  I felt different, joyfully cleaning, instead of thinking "this must be done" I also got it done very fast. As quickly as I cleaned operation tables between op's as a vet nurse. I always felt it was far too rushed a procedure, but this is exactly how I was able to clean the house and didn't feel "rushed" as I would've done.

                  Very effective I do need to add that only lasted one day though. And I shouldn't have been doing so much, as the day before I had my body re-aligned and was told strictly two days off anything strenuous. I just could NOT stop myself! It was ingrained to clean, clean, clean. And after I wrote this post, I swept up all the fallen apples and leaves outside on the patio and managed to hurt my wrist doing too much! It's still not right now, and looks a funny shape. I've been doing Reiki and CEM. That's a good point I'd better go to the CEM thread next see if I can get stronger help. It's a nuisance not being able to even hold a carton of milk with it!

                  Apart from that, I am enjoying the Deserving module as I'm noticing I'm taking more time to decide what I want. Rather than go with the flow of others.


                  (Zartgirl, I wanted to remain anonomous on these boards so I could be more open -> thus the SJ. Nobody else calls me that, and in time everyone has just called me by my real name on here so I guess it's defunct now!)


                  • #10
                    I'm curious...I have always used my realname and now wonder if thathas been a mistake? Any thoughts?

                    lots of love,
                    With love and gratitude,



                    • #11
                      Allen, I think you should do what feels good for you. At first it felt better for me to go by my initials rather than a nickname, but now I don't mind.


                      • #12

                        I don't think there is any problem with it, but I'm sure it's a personal choice thing.

                        The only reason I didn't have my real name as my forum name here is because I like 'Future Pather' and it sounds like my PATHS site.

                        But I think I always sign my posts with my real name now.

                        XO Jessica
                        Keep your mind on the aether


                        • #13
                          Real Name or not?

                          Well Sj for me stands for Sallyjane... It started in College a few years back when I decided to finish my Bachelors degree and people did not like to write out Sallyjane . I use zartgirl here, because obviously there is another SJ and I think it would get confusing with me as Sj. I go by Sallyjane not just Sally... But most people just called me Sally, and I did not correct them. Then when I was managing an Art gallery here in town my assistants name was Sally, so I had to enforce the Sallyjane. Now when people call me Sally I correct them to Sallyjane! I think it is a matter of respecting myself now! (Oh zartgirl is z art girl, because I am an artist... Just saying that because my daughter asked what it stood for, so I thought I should let people know... ) I don't mind being zartgirl here... I use it as my username in other places on the web too... I thought it was kind of cool that there was two of us!

                          I don't think it is bad to use your first name as your user name... I am not sure I would use my full name...

                          Blessings Sj zartgirl


                          • #14
                            To add my 2 cents, I love using my real name!! I really like my name, it suits me quite well and 99% of the time I'm the only Viviana people will meet in their lifetime, which makes it all the more special....

                            ~Viviana -

                            P.S. Now, don't be calling me Vivian 'cos that is another name altogether and well it can easily turn me from to

                            "The divine is not something high above us. It is in heaven, it is in earth, it is inside us..." - Morihei Ueshiba

